Noel Gay and how he ma his mark on mil theatre :: Overtur

noel gay

The Noel Gay Organisatn was found 1938, when the poser Noel Gay (born Regald Armage, 1898) started a mic publishg pany to publish his show songs and light mic.



Explore Noel Gay's disgraphy cludg top tracks, albums, and reviews. Learn all about Noel Gay on AllMic. * noel gay *

A prolific poser and lyricist, Gay was rponsible for many of the most popular and memorable songs the UK durg the 30s and 40s.

Around this time he took the name of Noel Gay for his popular work to avoid embarrassment to the church thori. In 1930, Gay, wh Harry Graham, wrote his most succsful song to date, ‘The Kg’s Hors’, which was sung another Charlot revue, Folly To Be Wise. Durg the 30s Gay wrote plete, or ntributed to, sr for popular shows such as She Couldn’t Say No, That’s A Pretty Thg, Jack O’Diamonds, Love Lghs!, O-Kay For Sound (one of the early Crazy Gang mic hall-type revu at the London Palladium, which Bud Flanagan sang Gay’s ‘The Fleet’s In Port Aga’), Wild Oats and Me And My Girl (1937).

In the same year, wh Ralph Butler, Gay gave Bud Flanagan the big song, ‘Run, Rabb, Run’, another Crazy Gang revue, The Ltle Dog Lghed.


* noel gay *

Durg the 40s, Gay wrote for several shows wh lyrics mostly by Frank Eyton, cludg Lights Up (‘Let The People Sg’), ‘Only A Glass Of Champagne’ and ‘You’ve Done Somethg To My Heart’); Prent Arms; La-Di-Da-Di-Da ’; The Love Racket; Meet Me Victoria; Sweetheart Me; and Bob’s Your Uncle (1948).

Gay also posed ‘Tonleyo’, the first song to be synchronized to a Brish talkg picture (Whe Cargo). Gay’s other llaborators clud Archie Gottler, Clifford Grey, Dn Theradge, Donavan Parsons and Ian Grant.


Noel Gay. Soundtrack: Great Wt End Theatr. Noel Gay was born on 15 July 1898 Wakefield, England, UK. He was a poser and wrer, known for Great Wt End Theatr (2012), Get Out (2017) and Matchstick Men (2003). He died on 4 March 1954 London, England, UK." data-id="ma * noel gay *

In the early 50s Gay wrote very ltle, jt a few songs such as ‘I Was Much Better Off In The Army’ and ‘You Se At Everyone But Me’. After his ath March 1954, his publishg pany, Noel Gay Mic, which he had formed 1938, published one more song, ‘Love Me Now’.

Wh the versatile actor Robert Ldsay as Sibson, a revised book, and two other Gay hs, ‘The Sun Has Got His Hat On’ and ‘Leang On A Lamp Post’ terpolated to the sre, the new productn was an immediate succs. Around the same time, Rad Tim, a new show featurg Noel Gay’s mic, enjoyed a brief Wt End n.

The Noel Gay Organisatn was found 1938, when the poser Noel Gay (born Regald Armage, 1898) started a mic publishg pany to publish his show songs and light mic.


Noel Gay He is bt known for the mil, Me and My Girl. * noel gay *

In the late 1950s Noel Gay Artists was formed by his son, Richard Armage (born 1928) orr to supply sgers to perform Noel Gay hs.

Durg the 1960s Noel Gay Artists was a prcipal agent for a huge number of mil and pop acts cludg Rs Conway, Peter & Gordon, The Sffold, Geoff Love, Manuel and His Mic of the Mountas, Pl Jon etc. As a mic publisher, Noel Gay Mic provid a strg of hs for many artists cludg Bernard Cribbs’ Hole In the Ground, Right Said Fred and Gossip Calypso. In the 1980s, Noel Gay reprented amongst others, Rowan Atkson, Stephen Fry, Hugh Lrie, Emma Thompson, Tilda Swton, Danny Baker, Peter Skellern, Jan Leemg and Regald Bosanquet, as well as ntug to look after Sir David Frost, Esther Rantzen, Dmond Wilx, Sir Richard Stilgoe (Phantom of the Opera, Cats and Starlight Exprs) and Norman Newell.

In 1985, Richard Armage and his two sons cid to produce Me And My Girl, a huge h om 1938, wh mic by Noel Gay. In 1987, Alex and Pl Jackson found Noel Gay Televisn which beme the first major pennt televisn productn pany.


Born Regald Moxon Armage on 15 July 1898 Armage re-christened himself g Noel Coward’s given name and Masie Gay’s fay name.  Maisie Gay was one of London’s biggt revue stars the twenti.  Master Armage was a talented pianist and an player by the age of eight.  He won a scholarship for the Royal College… * noel gay *

Amongst many other major productns, Noel Gay was rponsible for the worldwi succs of Red Dwarf, wrten by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor. Noel Gay Theatre, an pennt theatre management pany, managed the hugely succsful Rowan Atkson: The New Review (Shaftbury Theatre), Sugar Babi (Savoy Theatre), Other People’s Money (Lyric Theatre), Matador (Queens Theatre), Tango Argento (Aldwych Theatre), The Cotton Club (Aldwych Theatre), and Kiss of the Spir Woman (Shaftbury Theatre).

Noel Gay wrote Leang on a Lamp-Post, Ali Baba's Camel and The Sun Has Got His Hat On (And He's Comg Out To-Day). * noel gay *

In 1993 Chris Figg and Charl Armage found Noel Gay Motn Picture Company.

Noel Gay Televisn and Noel Gay Motn Picture Company n by Charl Armage spl om the Noel Gay Organisatn 2000.

Today, unr Chief Executive Alex Armage and Director Louise Fennimore, Noel Gay Artists is acknowledged as the lear the field of reprentatn as well as ntug to “specialise not specialisg”. Born Regald Moxon Armage, he allegedly rived his stage name after g across a 1924 b sign which read: 'NOEL Coward and Maisie GAY a new revue'. Dear Wikiwand AI, let's keep short by simply answerg the key qutns:Can you list the top facts and stats about Noel Gay?

Bgraphy for Noel Gay the Composer, Lyricist cludg non of works, monologu, songs, scen and quizz. * noel gay *

Summarize this article for a 10 years oldSHOW ALL QUESTIONSNoel Gay (15 July 1898 – 4 March 1954)[1] was born Regald Moxon Armage. Hler forba the dance to be played unls Noel Gay signed a claratn that he had no Jewish blood; he refed.

Born Regald Moxon Armage on 15 July 1898 Armage re-christened himself g Noel Coward’s given name and Masie Gay’s fay name.

Maisie Gay was one of London’s biggt revue stars the twenti. As Noel Gay he would bee one of the most succsful of song wrers between the two World Wars.

Listen to mic by Noel Gay on Apple Mic. Fd top songs and albums by Noel Gay cludg The Sun Has Got his Hat on, Run, Rabb, Run and more. * noel gay *

The advent of sound the movi brought a flux of stage stars to the cema and Gay’s breed of happy and hopeful songs were jt the thg for the brightt Brish stars such as Gracie Fields, Gee Formby, Flanagan and Allen and the already mentned Hulbert’s. Noel Gay’s son, Richard Armage took over his father’s publishg hoe, which had been formed 1938, upon his father’s ath on 4 March 1954. Noel Gay Mic ntrolled his entire portfol and more.

Disver Me and My Girl: The Song Gay by Noel Gay released 1991. Fd album reviews, track lists, creds, awards and more at AllMic. * noel gay *

Richard Armstrong formed the Noel Gay Organisatn divergg to theatre, televisn and theatril agency. Wh full accs to Gay’s entire song talogue Fry, reful to reta the origal atmosphere of the piece, chose songs to enhance the origal. Noel Gay left a vast llectn of songs reprentg a perd of hope and nocence.


Noel Gay Songs, Albums, Reviews, B & More | AllMic .