Geneva Gay | UW College of Edutn

geneva gay 2010

GENEVA GAY, Teachg To and Through Cultural Diversy, Curriculum Inquiry, Vol. 43, No. 1 (JANUARY 2013), pp. 48-70



* geneva gay 2010 *

Geneva Gay (2010) fed "culturally rponsive teachg" as "g the cultural knowledge, prr experienc, am of reference and performance styl of ethnilly diverse stunts to make learng enunters more relevant to and effective for them" (31). In her work, Gay intified six key practic of culturally rponsive teachg:. Engagg the practic requir a shift mdset: terptg and disptg fic perspectiv and subtractive nceptns om morized backgrounds, their fai, and their muni (Gay 2013).

Fally, Gay ma clear that teachg that is culturally rponsive mt be suated wh a particular ntext, meangful to the members of the learng muny. In this wonrful volume, Geneva Gay mak a nvcg se for g culturally rponsive teachg to improve the school performance of unrachievg stunts of lor. Geneva Gay is Profsor of Edutn and Associate of the Center for Multicultural Edutn, Universy of Washgton-Seattle.

"From her reful analysis of the tnal rearch and bt practic lerature, and her wealth of experienc om workg wh P/K-18 stunts and teachers, Gay clearly explas how culturally rponsive teachg n be ed to dramatilly fluence the amic achievement of stunts of lor and other margalized stunts.


"Geneva Gay has wrten a passnate and spirg book that provis a prehensive explanatn of culturally rponsive teachg and how n make a difference the liv of stunts of lor. Geneva Gay is renowned for her ntributns to multicultural tn, particularly as relat to curriculum sign, profsnal learng, and classroom stctn.


Gay has ma many important revisns to keep her foundatnal, award-wng text relevant for today’s diverse stunt populatn, cludg: new rearch on culturally rponsive teachg, a foc on a broar range of racial and ethnic groups, and nsiratn of addnal issu related to early childhood tn.

Geneva Gay is profsor of tn at the Universy of Washgton–Seattle.

Gay ntu to challenge the rear to be proactive and stay the urse. ”—Teachers College Rerd“Begng wh the assertn that the PreK–12 tnal system as exists now is equable, particularly for children of lor, Gay molish the fic-based mols of achievement remediatn, stead argug for a more holistic appreciatn for the gifts and strengths children om diverse cultural backgrounds brg to the classroom environment and how teachers n better prepare to act culturally-rponsive ways. As one of the founrs of the field of multicultural tn, Gay has updated her exceptnal rource for teachers.


"— Valerie Ooka Pang, San Diego State Universy"Gay clearly explas how culturally rponsive teachg n be ed to dramatilly fluence the amic achievement of stunts of lor and other margalized stunts.

2023 AERA Divisn B (Curriculum Studi) Lifetime Achievement Award, to Geneva Gay. Culturally rponsive teachg means g stunts’ ctoms, characteristics, experience, and perspectiv as tools for better classroom term was ed by rearcher Geneva Gay 2000, who wrote that “when amic knowledge and skills are suated wh the lived experienc and am of reference for stunts, they are more personally meangful, have higher tert appeal, and are learned more easily and thoroughly.


Gay’s rearch shows five sential ponents of culturally rponsive teachg: A strong knowledge base about cultural diversy.

(2016)Gay, Geneva.

Emer ProfsorGeneva Gay is Profsor of Edutn at the Universy of Washgton-Seattle where she teach multicultural tn and general curriculum theory.


Gay's wrgs clu numero articl and book chapters, cludg A Synthis of Scholarship Multicultural Edutn; the -edorship of Exprsively Black: The Cultural Basis of Ethnic Inty (Praeger, 1987); thor of At the Essence of Learng: Multicultural Edutn (Kappa Delta Pi, 1994), and Culturally Rponsive Teachg: Theory, Practice, & Rearch (Teachers College Prs, 2000); and edor of Beg Multicultural Edutors: Personal Journey Toward Profsnal Agency (Jossey-Bass, 2003). When Profsor Geneva Gay began her reer as a high school social studi teacher more than four s ago, the ncept of multicultural tn was still s fancy. This July, Gay will retire followg a 29-year reer at the Universy of Washgton College of Edutn which her ternatnally-regnized scholarship has advanced the field profound ways — while makg clear the sential role of multicultural tn an creasgly diverse and ternnected world.

Growg up ral Geia, Gay experienced what was like to grow up wh ltle the way of tnal opportuny.

“It was hard work and as a kid I thought there mt be a better way to live, ” Gay said.


Geneva Gay | UW College of Edutn .