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data-ttid="ContentHearHed" class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ ContentHearHed-NCyCC iUEiRd lnnhgD gydgrM">An LGBT-Friendly Gui to Beijg</h1></div><div class="ContentHearAccredatn-lfctVB etVsnJ ntent-hear__accredatn" data-ttid="ContentHearAccredatn"><div class="ContentHearDek-bIqFFZ eA-dOpL">Dpe a reputatn for nservative social polici, Cha’s pal cy packs an electric gay scene pl excellent LGBT-iendly rtrants, microbreweri, f, galleri, and more. In-the-know lols Popo Fan and Henry Y offer up their favor.</div><div class="ContentHearByle-kmPyCa emiglw"><div class="ContentHearByleContent-dpPmNn DRFq"><div data-ttid="BylWrapper" class="BylWrapper-KIudk irTIfE byl ContentHearByl-cZqgyJ bHLeKI"><p class="ByleWrapper-jWHrLH cleXoH byle byl__byle" data-ttid="ByleWrapper" emProp="thor" emType="><span emProp="name" class="ByleNamWrapper-jbHncj fuDQVo"><span data-ttid="ByleName" class="ByleName-kwmrLn gsLuGA byle__name"><span class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BylePreamble-iJolpQ iUEiRd jyeccG dttFsx byle__preamble">By </span><a class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ BaseLk-eNWuiM ByleLk-gEnFiw iUEiRd dSSAlR dKMOIT bOwDHT byle__name-lk button" href="/ntributors/lawrence-ferber">Lawrence Ferber</a></span></span></p></div><time data-ttid="ContentHearPublishDate" dateTime="2015-07-10T12:15:09-04:00" class="BaseWrap-sc-gjQpdd BaseText-ewhhUZ ContentHearPublishDate-eIBicG iUEiRd keFnUt PVAIn">July 10, 2015</time></div></div><div class="SocialInsWrapper-hKMEXV ffgPVr social-ins social-ins--standard ContentHearAccredatnSocialIns-jorO fPzfaa ntent-hear__social-share"><ul data-ttid="socialInslist" class="SocialInsList-cHVTIA ivmblD social-ins__list"><li class="SocialInsListItem-mbhR fxaFQj social-ins__list-em social-ins__list-em--facebook social-ins__list-em--standard"><a aria-label="Share on Facebook" class="external-lk SocialInExternalLk-huuzOU cLGRzS social-ins__lk social-ins__lk--facebook" data-event-click="{"element":"ExternalLk","outgogURL":"" href=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"><div class="SocialInContaer-huXzUC pMzVC social-ins__in-ntaer"><svg class="SocialInNetworkInComponent-cZaKGz dlOAhZ in in-facebook" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="32" height="32" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>Facebook

gay beijing utopia

Disver the vibrant LGBTQ+ scene Beijg wh our prehensive gui. Explore gay-iendly tablishments, thrillg nightlife, cultural experienc, and supportive anizatns. Embark on an unfettable journey of acceptance and celebratn gay Beijg.



Beijg, Cha tongzhi gay bars, baret, clubs, diss, drag shows, karaoke, queer nightlife and homosexual entertament by Utopia Asia. * gay beijing utopia *

Gay & Lbian Communy!


Beijg, Cha gay and lbian tongzhi travel rourc by Utopia Asia. Comprehensive liftyle rmatn and gui to hotels, acmodatn, gutho, bars, diss, karaoke clubs, snas, spas, massage, rtrants, art galleri, shops, bs, books, homosexual news, msage personals, queer and HIV AIDS anizatns. * gay beijing utopia *

Special thanks to Jonathan, bebek, leeliboi, TSCDlover, traveligh, Viet, davidhunghk, wally4, samandjet, thierrym, garybucks, labello27, ecyc02, marcelprot, airb777, Demand, stepup16, dutchy, Loneranger, InDeeper, TAO, beijgguy, songtangay, sgslave, h2008bj, wiyhut, zense, HappyFella, Coolmeiguore, Conrad, Lyndon L., Ntor, Darren, Christoph, David, geek_boy75, Ntor, Maquis, Steven and John!

GLIFAA (Gays and Lbians Foreign Affairs Agenci) UTOPIA VERIFIED JUN 2019Jo their WeChat group by emailg. Upsle, morn tea room and bar that hosts Glam (Good-lookg Asian Male) gay party on Thu nights om 9pm-2am. Gay bar near the Interntental Hotel.

Gay-managed, LGBT-iendly bar and fe a mornized hutong urtyard settg. Manager, Henry, is plugged to the lol gay scene and is happy to offer the latt news.


Jan, Cha gay and lbian tongzhi travel rourc by Utopia Asia. Comprehensive liftyle rmatn and gui to hotels, acmodatn, gutho, bars, diss, karaoke clubs, snas, spas, massage, rtrants, art galleri, shops, bs, books, homosexual news, msage personals, queer and HIV AIDS anizatns. * gay beijing utopia *

Run by two gay iends om Taiwan. Gay and lbian-iendly club bit on weekends after midnight.


Guangzhou, Guangdong, Cha gay and lbian tongzhi travel rourc by Utopia Asia. Comprehensive liftyle rmatn and gui to hotels, acmodatn, gutho, bars, diss, karaoke clubs, snas, spas, massage, rtrants, art galleri, shops, bs, books, homosexual news, msage personals, queer and HIV AIDS anizatns. * gay beijing utopia *

Popular gay sgg club wh many handsome waers. The first gay KTV wt Beijg.

More Beijg Listgs: General Informatn | Hotels and AcmodatnMassage and Spas | SnasCha Gay & Lbian Rource Listgs by Cy:. Phnom Pehn's gay men-only boutique hotel, spa, pool and rtrant...


Shanghai, Cha gay bars, baret, clubs, diss, drag shows, karaoke, queer nightlife and homosexual entertament by Utopia Asia. * gay beijing utopia *

QUNCI VILLAS, a gay-iendly, gay-managed tropil rort on the heavenly island of Lombak, jt next to Bali... While a lot of fun n be had flirtg wh iendly lols, Beijg is not a place for abundant nightlife or a quickie holiday romance - "419" ntemporary lol gay slang (as "for one night").

Eduted gays tend to socialize small circl of iends, visg bars and snas only ocsnally and ually groups. People here the pal work hard and so clubs that wele gays are bit on Fri and Sat nights, and quiet on weeknights. Mid-week gay Happy Hour venu are listed our Bars and Clubs sectn and the lotns change equently.

* gay beijing utopia *

The fast airport tra go directly to Dongzhimen Subway Statn wh hotels wh walkg distance, lots of good rtrants, and the nearby Sanlun shoppg and nightlife area (and gay venu) jt a 20-mute walk southeast.

Navigatg the lol gay scene is easy wh our teractive Utopia Map of Gay & Lbian Beijg:. A man workg for the Beijg Admistrative Commtee charge of the art zone lied, sayg that "wearg rabow badg is illegal, " and blamed "horrifyg" gays for "distortg sexual orientatn.

Utopia Guibooks to Asia, Gay and Lbian Cha, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam Bangkok Beijg Shanghai Hong Kong Vientiane Phnom Penh Angkor Siem Reap Chiang Mai Phet Samui Pattaya Hanoi Saigon Ho Chi Mh Cy HCMC Yangon Rangoon Mau Guangzhou hotels acmodatns bars clubs diss snas * gay beijing utopia *

This ntemporary fe art gallery specializ Che gay artists and the Che male nu subject, as well as a variety of high qualy fe and rative arts. Gay-owned. Jt e your gaydar to spot them.

This large and morn rtrant attracts trendy gays and lbians as li directly across om Dtatn dis. Cha Gay & Lbian Rource Listgs by Cy:.

Beijg Gay Sna Gui. Fd the bt gay snas for men Beijg, Cha. Exclive reviews, maps, addrs, rmatn. Updated for 2023. 同性恋桑拿在北京 * gay beijing utopia *

Some gays. Che gays hang out lookg for ntacts.

A good place to meet middle class, ted gays. By wh gay men durg the weekend when 's very sunny and pecially on Sun om 2-4pm. The current shortage of snas and alternative venu Guangzhou has ma public facili the available choice for many gays seekg sual ntact.

The facily there has gays poppg and out. Gay-owned f� and bar featurg award wng bartenr and chef. Popular wh gays, cludg gay universy stunts and gay Arab bsmen.

The updated and expand 2nd Edn of the Utopia Gui to Cha, the first prted guibook to the gay and lbian scene 50 Che ci cludg Beijg, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Hong Kong, Kunmg, Nanjg, Mau, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiamen, and Xian. Listgs clu anizatns, bars, diss, bookshops, spas, rtrants, and much more. A special sectn of the book highlights Che groups, clubs and spac that are pecially welg for women. Enjoy savvy ments and remendatns om hundreds of lol Utopians pl gay and lbian travelers who share their experienc and disveri rabow Cha. * gay beijing utopia *

A statn for gays and their iends.


For a nservative cy, Beijg has a remarkable gay nightlife .