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Z"></path></g></g></g></svg><span class="jsx-1495522993">23</span></a></div></div></div></div></hear><div class="jsx-838399698 story__ntent"><div><figure class="barstool_oembed barstool_oembed--youtube"><div style="left:0;width:100%;height:0;posn:relative;paddg-bottom:56.2493%"><iame src=" ameborr="0" allowfullscreen="te" webkallowfullscreen="te" mozallowfullscreen="te" style="top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;posn:absolute"></iame></div></figure><p> </p><p><em><a href=">HelloU</a> – Thanks to YouTubers Bria and Chrissy, we’ve seen <a href=">gay men touch a vaga for the first time</a>, and we know what happens when <a href=">lbians first get their hands on a penis</a>.</em></p><p><em>We’ve seen grown men attempt to watch a circumcisn, and, earlier this week, we even watched some gay men eatg a w’s vaga [ED. NOTE: I spared you guys om bloggg eher of the, no need to thank me].</em></p></div><div class="bs-articleAd"><div class="lazyload-wrapper "><div class="lazyload-placeholr"></div></div></div><div><p><em>Now, their latt vio, Bria and Chrissy have round up some straight men, willg to touch another man’s penis.</em></p><p> </p><p>The thg that strik me as tertg wh the YouTube vios…ually YouTube people are pretty fuckg sperate for views. There are so many YouTube channels and “aspirg” YouTube channels out there that if they’re ever fortunate enough to get somethg to go viral, they immediately drive different versns of that ncept to the ground bee that’s all people want to see om them (and they might not be creative enough to do somethg different). That’s why you get endls “___ reacts” vios or the EpicMealTime dus stuck makg different permutatns of unhealthy food ems endlsly. It works, why change . Small problem: There’s really only so much you n do wh the “people of different sexuali touch genals they’re not ed to” before you end up wh scenars of straight guys somehow gettg roped to touchg another du’s dick. And while most of me thks this is jt them seeg the huge views they got on the other vios and not beg clever enough to thk of new ways to build on that, I get a different sense lookg at this guy’s face:</p><p> </p><p><a href="><img src=" alt="Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 11.06.04 AM" width="988" height="632" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-475634"></a></p><p> </p><p>And like…isn’t this the dream for him? He says he’s a gay guy and now he gets the fely porn-soundg scenar of some straight dus g and havg to touch his dick while he says stuff like “This is totally not porn.” But gay guys are still men, ’s not like women where they n jt shut a psy off for the sake of science or sexual difference. I’m not sure if this YouTube channel is jt so sperate to keep beatg the ad horse or if ’s now jt a ont for some lorful setups for them to sce random people to sex. Bee otherwise what’s the pot here? I know what grabbg a dick feels like bee I’m pretty touch wh me on a regular basis, not many new fdgs are poppg up jt bee you’re grabbg one on another du’s body. You’ve got to at least be breakg out a dick of a different race or p amount of fork here for this to even be a worthwhile experiment. I gus I’m jt skeptil of the hypoth my viral homoerotic dick touchg YouTube vios are tryg to prove the days.</p><p> <br> </p><p>PS I thk this blog is gog to be a smash h wh some of the guys on our Facebook page</p><p> </p><figure class="barstool_oembed barstool_oembed--twter"><a href=" data-iamely-url="//" data-template="le"></a><script async src=" charset="utf-8"></script></figure></div><div class="jsx-2462984785 bs-muteMediaAd"><br/></div></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta storyMeta--bottom "><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__left"><a class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__thor "><img alt="Chris Spags" src=" class="jsx-1453688072 avatar"/><div class="jsx-1453688072 byle"><span class="jsx-1453688072 thorName">Chris Spags</span><span class="jsx-1453688072 timtamp">2/09/2016 5:20 PM</span></div></a></div><div class="jsx-1453688072 storyMeta__right"><div class="jsx-1495522993 block-wrapper"><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks "><div class="jsx-1495522993 shargLks__social "><a class="jsx-1495522993 shargLk shargLk--facebook"><svg viewBox="0 0 15 33" class="svgIn socialIn inFacebook" style="width:to;height:1rem;fill:#FFF"><tle>Facebook

gay penish

After s of mored gay bath hoe i and Scientology &quot;cur,&quot; John Travolta&#39;s sex life is back the news wh sexual battery charg om a pair of male massrs. Runng parallel to the story of John Travolta&#39;s rise to fame is the story of his allegedly gay penis&#39; rise to famy. Now prentg John Travolta: A Portra of the Actor as the Sum of His Gay Rumors.



* gay penish *

3 years oldThe average erect penis is 5, 2" long - and 4, 2" circumcisedEskimo e reigerators to keep food om eezg41% of all people take people wh curly hair ls serly20% of all femal have had at least 1 homosexual experienceDid you know, that there is no such thg as an anti-wrkle-creme? 22% of the time, a pizza will arrive faster that an ambulance great bra96% of all women have at one time their life faked an asm3 people die every year, ttg if a 9 volt battery works on their tongueThe 'guns book of rerds' holds the rerd for beg the most stolen book public librariButterfli taste wh their feet5% of the populatn is gayThe worlds bt known word is 'okay', the send most well-known word is '-la'The giraffe n clean s ears wh s tongueCharl Chapl once won 3rd prize a 'Charl Chapl look-a-like ntt'In 1995 a japane trawler sank bee a ssian rgo plane dropped a livg w om 30, 000 feetOnly one book has been prted more pi than the Bible - the Ikea-talogue1 cigarette tak away five mut of a person's lifeIn 1950 we were 3 billn people on the earth - today we are 6 billn peopleDonald duck' was banned fland, bee he don't wear pants74% of all nudist-femal are nudists, bee their hbands are nudistsMore people die om a champagne rk poppg, than om poison spirs21% of all traffic accints happen bee the driver falls asleepDid you know that origally a danish guy vented the burglar alarm? Lignse 51156 low 50157 dogpile 48858 48659 bg 48660 hot 48261 wikipedia 48163 whe pag 46664 nfl playoff schle 46465 redtu 46166 fox news 45967 gam 45268 n 44369 movi and advertisg 41570 haggle ctn 41271 dictnary 39672 lampreg piso 39473 face book 38474 38375 target 37676 girls 37578 sears 36679 abrelatas liftmaster 36680 webkz 35581 35582 che horospe 35183 verizon wirels 35184 35085 34886 daily horospe 34787 34588 glasvezelboten 33589 youtube vios 33390 nudist 33091 bundt palle 32892 club pengu 32793 southwt airl 32694 biki 32395 flix 32396 movie trailers 32097 hulu 31398 empflix 31199 google earth 311100 youtube mic vios 309101 backpage 309102 tube8 308103 megan fox 306104 dogs 303105 pertama kali bersetubuh 303106 pn 303107 astrology 302108 302109 valente rds 300110 4tube 299111 lerocti 299112 tt 297113 bank of ameri 293114 289115 jean simmons 288116 pthc 288117 mature 283118 kim kardashian 280119 redt tube 279120 x tube 277121 hyatt poipu 277122 rmen electra 275123 my space 273124 weather channel 270125 ls island 270126 myspace log 263127 ddge report 261128 cholate recip 260129 funny vios 259130 imdb 257131 ey cys 253132 maps 252133 facebook log 248134 disney channel 247135 hotmail email 245136 weekly horospe 242138 elweb bbs 240139 rs 238140 expedia 236141 irs 236142 235143 craiglist 233144 nfl 233145 bersetubuh 232146 homework helpers 230147 movi 229148 msnbc 228149 tax tips 227150 lgerie 226151 zodiac 225152 search eng 224153 dandy bronzen renpaard 224154 lorg books 224155 firefox 223156 jenna jamon 223157 bed bath and beyond 222158 to trar 221159 asstr 220160 toyota rell 219161 gaytube 218162 un 218163 st 217164 tube 215165 news 214166 turbo tax 213167 el ladi 212168 m4 211169 heidi montag 210170 teeny angels 210171 mujer eyaculando 210172 208173 sandra mol 208174 aloha bolir 208175 realy kgs 207176 map qut 206177 tube galore 206178 apriporta grage 206179 love 204180 204181 plenty of fish 202182 star signs 201183 horospe today 200184 stapl 199185 ls dreams 199186 kelly blue book 198187 ps 198188 aol mail 198189 _google_monor_query_ or googlettad 196190 pizza hut 195191 poptropi 195192 monthly horospe 192194 yellow pag 191195 paypal 190196 kristen archiv 189197 holiday recip 189198 dans movi 188199 halimbawa ng dula 187200 office pot 187201 hai earthquake 186202 ask 185203 girl 184204 ebay motors 182205 amer?


 HelloU – Thanks to YouTubers Bria and Chrissy, we’ve seen gay men touch a vaga for the first time, and we know what happens when lbians first get their hands on a ’ve seen grown men attem... * gay penish *

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PackerfFahFenferFFkFkahFkenFkerFkg00kgaygayboygaygirlgaysgayzGod-damnedh00rh0arh0rehellshoarhoorhoorejackoffjapjapsjerk-offjisimjissjizmjizzknobknobsknobzkuntkuntskuntzLbianLezzianLipshsLipshzmasochistmasokistmassterbamasstrbamasstrbatemasterbaermasterbatemasterbatMotha FuckerMotha FerMotha FkahMotha FkerMother FuckerMother FahMother FerMother FkahMother Fkermother-fuckerMutha FuckerMutha FahMutha FerMutha FkahMutha Fkern1grnasttnigur;niiger;niigr;orafisasim;asmasumorifaceorificeorifisspackipackiepackypakipakiepakypeckerpeeenpeeensspeenpepen1spenaspenispenis-breathpenpenuPhucPhuckPhPherPhkerpolacpolackpolakPoonanipr1cpr1ckpr1kpsepseepsypuepuerqueerqueersqueerzqweersqweerzqweirrecktumrectumretardsadistsnkschlongscrewgsemensexsexySh!

+slutsmutteetstsboobsb00bsteezttiltticlettw00sejackoffwankwhoarwhore*damn*dyke*fuck**sh*@$$amcikandskotaarse*assrammerayirbi7chbch*bollock*breastsbutt-piratebronzzochraachujCock*cunt*d4mndaygogodick*dike*dupadziwkaejackulateEkrem*Ektoenculerfaenfag*fanculofannyfecfegFelcherfickenft*FlikkerforkFotzeFu(*f*futkretzngaygookguienah0rh4x0rhellhelvetehoer*honkeyHuevonhuijunjizzkanker*kikeklootzakkrtknullekksugerKurackurwaki*kyrpa*lbomamhoonmasturbat*merd*mibunmonkleighmouliewopmuiemulkkumchazisneprnigger*orospupaska*persepickapierdol*pillu*pimmelpiss*pizdapoontseepooppornp0rnpr0npreteenpulapuleputaputoqahbehqueef*rtenbergschafferscheiss*schlampchmuckscrewsh! FCF Agency, LLC DBA is the work for real gay men and real gay experienc.


This article b qualative and quantative textual approach to the reprentatn of penis size and sexual posn of performers 10 of the most vised gay pornography Web s currently operatn. Specifilly, excs of 6,900 performer profil sourced om 10 mercial Web s … * gay penish *

Each se reprents a realistic stage a gay man's sexual life wh over...

”[RELATED: "36 Fetish Every Gay Man Should Know"]Our hop were soon met.


I believed “sex toys” for gay men stopped at dildos and prostate stimulators, and I did not nsir them legimate sex play all on their own. [RELATED: "30 Kky Terms Every Gay Man Needs to Know"]In the years sce, I have learned that there are many gay sex toys out there beyond anal toys, although the are certaly the majory, and anal toys toys are more than substutns for penis.


39 Sex Toys Every Gay Man Should Try .