Gay Capta Ameri Is Returng for This New Marvel Storyle

is the new captain america gay

“The Faln and the Wter Soldier” isn’t the only seri troducg a new Capta Ameri this year. Fans will also meet the first LGBTQ+ Capta Ameri a new seri om Marvel Comics. Droppg on June 2 to kick off Pri Month, “The Uned Stat of Capta Ameri,” wrten by Christopher Cantwell and illtrated by Dale Eaglha, is set to “celebrate the character’s credible legacy by brgg together var Captas Ameri om throughout the years for a grand adventure to fd Capta Ameri’s missg shield.” The seri will see the OG Cap, Steve Rogers, team up wh Sam Wilson and Bucky Barn on a road trip adventure to solve the mystery behd this new villa who not only stole the shield, but wants all the Captas ad. Among those var Captas is a man named Aaron Fischer, an openly gay man who is known as Capta Ameri of the Railways who protects naways and the unhoed. Wrer Joshua Tjillo and artist Jan Bazaldua — who is a trans — will troduce Fischer the first issue of the seri. (Each issue will troduce another Capta and there will be five issu total). “Aaron is spired by hero of the queer muny: activists, lears, and everyday folks phg for a better life,” Tjillo said a prs release. “He stands for the opprsed, and the fotten. I hope his but story ronat wh rears, and helps spire the next generatn of hero.” “I want to thank Edor Alanna Smh and Joshua Tjillo very much for askg me to create Aaron,” Bazaldua add. “I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society. While I was drawg him, I thought, well, Cap fights agast super-powerful begs and sav the world almost always, but Aaron helps those who walk alone the street wh problems that they face every day. I hope people like the end rult!” “This story is ultimately stctured like a “road movie,” harkeng back ways to old Bob Rafelson and Hal Ashby films, wh Steve Rogers (and soon Sam Wilson, and later… other key members Steve’s life) gettg to directly teract wh those he reprents as a symbol and has sworn to protect, but an up close and personal way he hasn’t experienced a while,” Cantwell told Marvel. Check out renrgs of Capta Ameri of the Railways below, cludg a variant ver by Nick Robl. So excg to see my pal @losthiskeysman create a new queer Capta Ameri wh @obazaldua. P-up by @ArtofNickRobl! — Oliver Sava (@OliverSava) March 15, 2021 Read origal story Gay Capta Ameri to Debut Upg Marvel Comics Seri At TheWrap



* is the new captain america gay *

Among those var Captas is a man named Aaron Fischer, an openly gay man who is known as Capta Ameri of the Railways who protects naways and the Joshua Tjillo and artist Jan Bazaldua — who is a trans — will troduce Fischer the first issue of the seri.

“I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society.


— Oliver Sava (@OliverSava) March 15, 2021Read origal story Gay Capta Ameri to Debut Upg Marvel Comics Seri At TheWrap.

Marvel Comics unveiled s first gay Capta Ameri character this week — and is set to but the role June durg Pri Month, a report said. “As a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society, ” Bazaldua said. Aaron Fischer, a gay teenager, will be the first, the new limed seri, released scribed Fischer, who will be the “Capta Ameri of the Railways”, as “a fearls teen who stepped up to protect fellow naways and the unhoed”, wh his but timed to ci wh Pri Month the US.

“As a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society, ” said Bazaldua.


”Marvel reportedly had a “No Gays the Marvel Universe” policy the 1980s and, the 1990s, placed an “Adults Only” label on any ics featurg proment LGBTQ+ characters rponse to nservative protts. The publisher’s first gay character, Northstar of the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight, was planned as such by creator John Byrne 1979, but his sexualy was not revealed on the page until recent years, Marvel has moved to diversify s st of superhero. And 2015, Iceman, one of the origal X-Men created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby back 1963, me out as gay.


One Capta Ameri is a homels gay teen named Aaron Fischer; another is a Filipo Amerin llege stunt named Ari Agbayani; another is a Black woman named Nichelle Wright.


The first issue of the five-part seri will nta a back-up story troducg Aaron Fischer, created by wrer Joshua Tjillo and artist Jan Uned Stat of Capta Ameri #1 Aaron Fischer character sign by Jan Bazaldua (Image cred: Marvel Comics)Fischer, an openly gay hero, is scribed as "the Capta Ameri of the Railways, " protectg some of the most margalized people society. I really enjoyed signg him, and as a transgenr person, I am happy to be able to prent an openly gay person who admir Capta Ameri and fights agast evil to help those who are almost visible to society, " Bazaldua says.

The first gay Capta Ameri is makg a triumphant return to Marvel ic books! Fischer ma his missn to help naways after his own g out went wrong and he was forced out of his homophobic father's home. Capta Ameri is gay aga!

Aaron Fischer, known as the Capta Ameri of the Railways, is makg his return to the ics Capta Ameri: Sentel of openly gay take on Cap was troduced the first issue of Uned Stat of Capta Ameri, a short seri that premiered 2021 and foced on everyday people who took up the mantle of Capta Ameri to fend their muni. In this article, we will look to if Capta Ameri is gay, bisexual or straight, and what is Marvel non.


Gay Capta Ameri Is Returng for This New Marvel Storyle .