Malaysia cuts short mic ft after Brish band slams anti-gay laws, sger kiss male bandmate | AP News

union is gay

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis beme the first pontiff to endorse same-sex civil unns ments for a documentary that premiered Wednday, sparkg cheers om gay Catholics and mands for clarifitn om nservativ, given the Vatin’s official teachg on the issue.



The northern Italian cy of Padua has started removg the nam of non-blogil gay mothers om their children’s birth certifit unr new legislatn passed by the “tradnal fay-first” ernment of Prime Mister Grgia Meloni. * union is gay *

The head of the cy teachers unn me out publicly as a lbian while receivg an award om a gay rights Wegarten - who has been open about her sexualy wh iends and lleagu for years - told the Daily News on Friday that she felt her speech durg the Empire State Pri Agenda dner on Thursday was "the right moment" to make public.

Jon Communy Service Award Thursday, Wegarten relled a phone ll om a lleague suggtg that the state teachers unn not take a stand on a proposed nstutnal amendment barrg gay explag that she gave the lleague a piece of her md, Wegarten told the crowd, "At that pot, my sexual orientatn was not mon knowledge - as is now.


The Vatin said Pope Francis' remarks were taken out of ntext but still nfirmed the pontiff's belief that gay upl should enjoy legal protectns. * union is gay *

Thursday was Natnal Comg Out Day, a day observed by lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr groups for g out and discsg homosexualy. But Wegarten said the timg of her speech was Council Speaker Christe Qun (D-Manhattan), who is openly gay and who troduced Wegarten at the dner, said she "uld not have been more proud. A former practicg attorney and teacher, Wegarten has tackled numero gay rights issu while leadg the UFT, cludg the tablishment of domtic-partner benefs for municipal workers and addg anti-discrimatn language to the teachers' Wegarten, whose partner, Liz Margoli, is a psychotherapist, said she always felt unfortable discsg her personal life until this week.

The northern Italian cy of Padua has started removg the nam of non-blogil gay mothers om their children’s birth certifit unr new legislatn passed by the “tradnal fay-first” ernment of Prime Mister Grgia Meloni.


Is Gabrielle Unn Gay? Come and unver what has been said lately about this and what's Gabrielle Unn sayg about this. * union is gay *

Surrogacy is illegal Italy, and gay marriage has not been legalized.

“There is no discrimatn agast children, ” Fay Mister Eugenia Roccella told parliament when she troduced the bill June, explag that the children of gay upl would have accs to school and medil servic jt like those who only have one livg parent.

ROME — The Vatin says Pope Francis’ ments on gay civil unns were taken out of ntext a documentary that spliced together parts of an old terview, but still nfirmed Francis’ belief that gay upl should enjoy legal Vatin secretariat of state issued guidance to ambassadors to expla the uproar that Francis’ ments created followg the Oct.

Malaysia’s ernment has cut short a mic ftival after the lead sger of Brish band The 1975 slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance. * union is gay *

Instead, he favored extendg legal protectns to gay upl unr what is unrstood Argenta as a civil unn Francis was known to have taken that posn privately, he had never articulated his support while as pope. The document, signed by Francis’ precsor as pope, says the church’s support for gay people “nnot lead any way to approval of homosexual behavr or to legal regnn of homosexual unns. “More than a year ago, durg an terview, Pope Francis answered two different qutns at two different tim that, the aforementned documentary, were eded and published as a sgle answer whout proper ntextualizatn, which has led to nfn, ” said the guidance posted by the film, Afeevsky reunts the story of Andrea Rubera, a married gay Catholic who wrote Francis askg for his advice about brgg to the church his three young children wh his was an anguished qutn, given that the Catholic Church teach that gay people mt be treated wh digny and rpect but that homosexual acts are “trsilly disorred.

” The church also holds that marriage is an dissoluble unn between man and woman, and as a rult, gay marriage is the end, Rubera reunts how Francis urged him to approach his parish transparently and brg the children up the fah, which he did. “Homosexual people have the right to be a fay.

The actor said she isn't ncerned about Disney refg to hire her aga after she slammed s rponse to Florida's "Don't Say Gay" legislatn. * union is gay *

”Francis’ ments about gays havg the right to be a fay referred to parents wh gay children, and the need for them to not kick their children out or discrimate agast them, the Vatin guidance said. Francis was not endorsg the right of gay upl to adopt children, even though the placement of the quote right after Rubera told his story ma seem that Francis pope’s ments about gay civil unns me om a different part of the Televisa terview and clud several veats that were not clud the the Televisa terview, Francis ma clear he was explag his posn about the unique se Buenos Air 10 years ago, as opposed to Rubera’s suatn or gay marriage as a the Televisa terview, Francis also sisted that he always mataed Catholic doctre and said there was an “ngy” for the Catholic Church as far as “homosexual marriage” is documentary elimated that Televisa footage is available onle, and clus an awkward cut right after Francis spoke about the “ngy” of homosexual marriage.

Prumably, that is where he segued to his posn as archbishop favorg extendg legal protectns to gay upl.

But don’t expla how his support for extendg Argente legal protectns to gay upl 2010 uld be squared wh the 2003 document om the Congregatn for the Doctre of the Fah, which says “the prcipl of rpect and non-discrimatn nnot be voked to support legal regnn of homosexual unns. Jt like a number of other celebri, has always been speculated the qutn - Gabrielle Unn is gay?


Malaysia cuts short mic ft after Brish band slams anti-gay laws, sger kiss male bandmate | AP News .