Thoands march Gay Pri Para Jesalem – Sun Sentel

jerusalem gay parade 2018

More than 15,000 people marched the Gay Pri Para through Jesalem on Thursday, partyg the shadow of a recently passed surrogacy law that exclus homosexual fathers and angered the gay muny.



Amid anger over gay parental surrogacy rights, natn-state law, large crowds gather the pal, wh many sayg they are marchg 'for those who still n't' * jerusalem gay parade 2018 *

The march a week after more than 60, 000 monstrators Tel Aviv protted the Knset’s passage of a new surrogacy law that exclus gay upl as well as sgle men.

That monstratn pped off a day of strik and protts support of gay surrogacy and the LGBTQ muny. Jesalem’s gay pri para kicked off Thursday afternoon wh some 20, 000 Israelis floodg the streets of the pal, unr heavy police protectn.


JERUSALEM (AP) — Over 15,000 people marched the Gay Pri Para through Jesalem on Thursday, partyg the shadow of a recently passed surrogacy law that exclus homosexual fathers and outraged the gay muny. Wavg rabow flags emblazed wh the Star of David and blastg mic, throngs of people marched through the streets of central Jesalem amid tight police secury. Same-sex upl held hands, others held signs readg "proud to be equal" and "I want to be a father." A few dozen people monstrated agast the para. Some held signs readg "Israel is the holy land not the homo land." Several protters scuffled wh police and officers ma four arrts, police said. Ftivi mixed wh anger this year after Prime Mister Benjam Netanyahu last month pledged to pass legislatn supportg surrogacy for gay fathers, but then voted agast , apparently unr prsure om ultra-Orthodox Jewish aln partners. Some marchers at the para Thursday chanted slogans llg Netanyahu a "homophobe." Israeli LGBT advot and their supporters went on strike across the untry about two weeks ago prott of the legislatn. The prott generated wispread support and hundreds of employers said they allowed employe to observe the strike whout penalty. It also grew to a general ll for equaly, followg other recent ntroversial legislatn that appeared to target Israeli liberalism. "I'm here bee I'm an LGBT that liv the state of Israel," Omer Yehoshua, wearg red lipstick and rryg a rabow flag, said. "I want my rights to be equal to those of a straight person who liv this untry, so that the future I n, if I'm wh a partner, get married and register as parents, to brg children to the world, that our rights be equal." Chanoch Obel was among the protters monstratg agast the para. "They want to stroy our culture, they want to stroy our society, they want to stroy the nature of fay. In Jesalem, of all plac the world. ... Tel Aviv we unrstand, Jesalem ... horrible," he said. Jesalem holds a most para annually ntrast to ftivi nearby liberal Tel Aviv, which drew over 250,000 people to s para this year. Many of Jesalem's rints are observant Jews, Mlims or Christians, muni that often own on homosexualy. But vlent attacks on gay people are rare. A radil ultra-Orthodox Jew stabbed a 16-year-old girl, Shira Banki, to ath at Jesalem's para 2015. The attack was wily nmned across Israel's polil spectm and the killer was nvicted of murr. A giant plard wh a picture of the murred girl was posned on the para route. Marchers placed flowers at the foot of the picture. Some said prayers and others stood silence. Police closed off roads central Jesalem and thoands of officers secured Thursday's march. Ofer Erez, who heads a center for gays Jesalem, told Channel 2 TV the big police prence was reassurg but add: "I fear for tomorrow." He said that on Wednday two young members of the LGBT muny "were attacked a Jesalem neighborhood jt bee they are LGBT." Israel has emerged as one of the world's most gay-iendly travel statns recent years, sharp ntrast to the rt of the Middle East where gays are persecuted and even killed. In Israel, homosexuals serve openly Israel's ary and parliament, and many popular artists and entertaers are homosexual. However, lears of the gay muny say Israel still has far to go promotg equaly. * jerusalem gay parade 2018 *

2 e) march through the cy center me after a month of LGBT muny protts agast a surrogacy law passed last month that exclud gay men — and three years after a adly knife attack at the Jesalem march by an ultra-Orthodox zealot that killed 16-year-old marcher Shira Banki. Participants Jesalem’s Gay Pri Para, Augt 2, 2018.

Lehava activists claimed police officers “disguised themselv as gays” orr to filtrate their prott and ta one of their members.

The event was held the shadow of wispread tratn over a recent law that bars gay men om surrogacy parenthood rights.


Some 20,000 people turned out for Jesalem's annual Gay Pri para, flanked by police officers after threats by some Jewish activists to dispt the celebratn. * jerusalem gay parade 2018 *

Participants attend the annual Jesalem Gay Pri Para on Augt 2, 2018.


Participants hold banners as they take part Jesalem's 17th annual Gay Pri Para Augt 2, 2018. The banner on the right reads Hebrew, " I don't have another untry". REUTERS/Ammar Awad * jerusalem gay parade 2018 *

Participants gather ahead of the annual Jesalem Gay Pri Para on Augt 2, 2018. The monstratn was highly polil, wh many atten prottg a recent law nyg gay upl the right to surrogacy. A participant attends the annual Jesalem Gay Pri Para on Augt 2, 2018.

JERUSALEM -- Thoands of people on Thursday marched Jesalem's Pri para — an annual event that took place for the first time unr Israel’s new far-right ernment, which is stacked wh openly homophobic march the nservative cy is always tense and tightly secured by police, and has been wracked by vlence the past.


Jesalem's march is typilly more subdued than the one gay-iendly Tel Aviv, where tens of thoands of revelers pour to the streets for a massive, multilored party. ”Prime Mister Benjam Netanyahu's ernment is ma up of ultranatnalist and ultra-relig parti who openly oppose homosexualy, although the Israeli lear has promised to protect LGBTQ+ rights and a member of his party who is gay is the Knset speaker. The untry's Fance Mister Bezalel Smotrich has the past clared he was a “proud homophobe.

"There are people who are very much homophobic and very much transphobic who are the ernment today and hold posns of power and budget and are workg agast actually right now, ” she rried a flag that read: “There is no pri whout mocracy.


At the para 2015, an ultra-Orthodox Israeli man stabbed 16-year-old Shira Banki to ath and wound several is generally tolerant toward the LGBTQ+ muny, a rary the nservative Middle East, where homosexualy is wily nsired taboo and is outlawed some plac. Members of the LGBTQ+ muny serve openly Israel’s ary and parliament, and many popular artists and entertaers are openly gay. Jewish ultra-Orthodox parti, which wield signifint fluence over matters of relign and state, oppose homosexualy as a vlatn of relig law, as do other relig groups nservative make-up of Netanyahu's ernment sparked new fears the LGBTQ+ muny, which had seen gas unr the prev, short-lived admistratn led by Netanyahu's rivals.

Its Gay Pri para is the biggt, most lorful celebratn of diversy, clivy and eedom, rivalg San Francis s own way. In a prelu the Jesalem Pri Para, enzied ath threats have been ma public, and aln members, even wh the Likud, have been quoted as sayg the Pri Para is an abomatn, or claimg that parents make their sons gay by givg them dolls to play wh.


In the meantime, far-right MK Avi Maoz will have the thory to ensure LGBTQ young people, or straight on for that matter, never learn the facts (cludg the one that playg wh dolls do not make one gay) about sexual and genr inty. Now the flamboyant, proud gays and their supporters will show the cy’s habants there is still a chance for to be a bean of human rights and equaly, rather than a bastn of homophobia, hatred and fear.

The Pri Para is not about turng your sons and dghters gay.


And if there is vlence, the blame will lie squarely wh this ernment and those who have been fanng anti-gay, homophobic sentiments. So let all pray for a peaceful Jesalem Gay Pri Para. JERUSALEM (AP) — Over 15, 000 people marched the Gay Pri Para through Jesalem on Thursday, partyg the shadow of a recently passed surrogacy law that exclus homosexual fathers and outraged the gay rabow flags emblazed wh the Star of David and blastg mic, throngs of people marched through the streets of central Jesalem amid tight police secury.


Jesalem's gay pri para kicks off wh many participants - Xhua |.