Spa is one of the bt statns for gay travellers: disver Barcelona, Sg, Madrid, Ibiza, Valencia and Benidorm.
* gay beaches in spain *
Wily looked upon as a mol natn for gay rights Europe ( 2013 the Pew Rearch Center ranked Spa as the most gay-iendly untry the world, ) Spa ntu to ph the envelope for equaly and tolerance, wh laws place to protect same-sex marriage, adoptn, and transgenr rights. Add to the mix some of the world’s largt, most wildly fun Pri Ftivals and a rich cultural history that liv on the passnate, diverse untry today, and you’ve got all the makgs for an epic gay Spa getaway that will quickly have you returng for more.
Gay BarcelonaAh, Barcelona—easily gay Spa’s most veted statn, a cultural playground of archectural masterpiec, world-class Catalan cuise and sweepg whe sand beach. A smopolan cy wh distct, laid-back Mederranean vib, Barcelona promot an atmosphere of tolerance and diversy, of which perhaps the bt example is Catalonia’s landmark Anti-Homophobia Act.
Planng a trip to Spa? Don't miss the 10 gay-iendly ci. Pick one or pick them all and you’re sure to be imprsed. * gay beaches in spain *
A geo gay Barcelona getaway n be had anywhere the cy, but the ever-popular Eixample neighbourhood—also known as Gayxample—is the epicentre of the cy’s most sought-after gay-popular tablishments. Photo: EnBarcelona promot an atmosphere of tolerance and diversy, of which perhaps the bt example is Catalonia’s landmark Anti-Homophobia ActWe wouldn’t blame you for makg a beele straight to Barcelona’s 4.
) Due to their central lotn, the gay Barcelona beach always attract a crowd, but that also means there are plenty of handsome, sun-kissed men around, too. Be sure to stop by Chirguo BeGay while you’re there, a gay Barcelona stutn servg up lic drks and beach a gay party not soon fotten, time your vis to Barcelona over one of s world-renowned ftivals. Every Augt, some 100, 000 people scend on Barcelona for Europe’s largt gay ftival and ten days of rto good tim punctuated by themed dance parti and epic DJs.
Lookg for the bt gay beach? From North and South Ameri, the Caribbean and Europe, to Oceania and even Ai, the are the bt gay beach the world. * gay beaches in spain *
Then there’s TWO Hotel and Axel Hotel, both sleek gay acmodatns that promise a warm, welg atmosphere wh plenty of opportuni for mglg wh like-md travellers. It’s all very elegant wh jt the right dose of bchery, showsg why Sg is one of Europe’s most sought-after gay holiday statns; the Spanish Tourism Board is an excellent place to start planng your Sg erary.
The heart of Sg gay district is Old Town, specifilly along Calle Montroig, but Sg’ notoriety as gay Spa’s premier retreat means the entire town is hugely to gay beach, Sg don’t disappot. Every summer, Sg hosts a rivetg Pri Ftival, wh other notable gay events cludg Europe’s largt Bear ftival and a gay-popular luxur acmodatn the heart of gay Sg, Hotel Casa Vilella offers stately rooms and sweepg Mederranean views.
Explore our gay travel gui to Spa featurg LGBTQ+ safety tips, gay rights , top ci & attractns, where to stay and more! * gay beaches in spain *
Photo: Florian WehMadrid is the beatg heart of gay Spa, arguably one of the world’s most gay-iendly ciStart your exploratn of gay Madrid Chue Square, easily distguishable by the plethora of billowg rabow flags that rate most tablishments. For a full list of our favoure spots Chue, don’t miss our -pth gay Madrid Cy keepg wh Spaniards’ satiable appete for stylish nightlife venu, Madrid offers snazzy gay hnts of all styl and siz. A refurbished cema turned ntemporary gay club, Marta, riño, promis strong imbibements crafted by equally toxitg staff a unique, always lively atmosphere.
Cy beach Playa Las Arenas and Playa La Malvarrosa and the gay beach near Platja l'Arbre l Gos the south of Valencia. * gay beaches in spain *
That said, like most gay Spa nightlife, ’s bt to arrive after Mary Rebec EllttRoom Mate Osr Hotel might not be an official gay hotel, but s central lotn Chue mak an uber-popular optn wh the LGBT muny. Room Mate Osr Room Mate Osr Room Mate OsrGay Ibiza is what you make of —wildly fun wh a smopolan edge and home to azure waters, swaths of protected terra, and stunng whe sand beach4. A large variety of mouthwaterg mocktails mak this a particularly unique optn for those cled to absta for an Purple Hotel is Ibiza’s premier gay adults-only hotel, an elegant way to experience the bt of Ibiza’s gay scene whout sacrificg style the procs.
Gay ValenciaValencia might not be the first statn to e to md when you thk of gay Spa, but jt a few days the untry’s third-largt cy may very well change that. Home to a burgeong gay scene full of flourishg gay bars, fashnable gay travellers and, of urse, a distguished Pri Ftival, Valencia has all the buildg blocks of a fascatg gay getaway—not to mentn s strikg futuristic archecture, vibrant Old Town, nt regnal cuise, and dazzlg goln sand Madrid and Barcelona, Valencia don’t have a distct gayborhood.
Photo: Willian Jten VasncellosCafe las Horas is a verable stunner, drippg wh glterg chanliers and chic Parisian fluencValencia gay nightlife is synonymo wh The Me, one of the cy’s premier gay bars. We also love Trapezz Gay-Friendly Cafe for s expansive terrace and ultra-iendly Botani Hotel Boutique is an enchantg art hotel ntled the heart of the gay-popular Carmen district. Caro Hotel Photo: John Fornanr Caro HotelOnce a sleepy fishg village, today Benidorm is a lively gay astal retreat idyllilly suated Spa’s Alinte regn6.
Informatn about gay servic and liftyle Andalucia, southern Spa. * gay beaches in spain *
Another famo gay beach is Ra Conill, a sheltered ltle spot that, due to the secln, also attracts Maxiian PazakWh some 50 gay bars and clubs, attemptg to list all Benidorm’s top nightlife spots seems an effort futily. The Catalan pal is home to the origal Axel Hotel, which opened s doors 2003 and proclaimed self the first gay hotel cha not only Barcelona but also Spa and even Europe. Wh warm weather, betiful beach and an energetic gay nightlife scene that rivals major ci 100 tim s size – Torremolos is the perfect place to party or enjoy a beach vatn.
In the summer months, the gays go shg to this seasi town pecially durg their annual events like Torremolos Pri, Mad Bear Beach Weekend, Delice Dream and Wonr Beach Ftival. Also loted at the gay beach is a great rtrant and bar lled Chirgay where you n enjoy an credible va sangria or lunch while takg the geo views of all the guys tanng on the beach. One of the bt thgs about Madrid Pri isn’t jt s immense size but also how the celebratn brgs everyone together, gay and straight and everyone else on the spectm.
The Bt Gay Beach Europe: gay beach Mykonos, Ibiza, Lisbon, Sg, Dubrovnik and more. Gay Europe beach gui. * gay beaches in spain *
As if Madrid’s extravagant pri event isn’t reason enough to vis, there are also plenty of annual gay parti throughout the year cludg the WE Party Ftival, which hosts multiple parti over a week’s perd Madrid durg New Year's and gay pri.
Barcelona’s largt and most popular gay beach is Platja la Mar Bella loted at the far left of the beach (facg the sea) clost to metro stop Poblenou (le 4).
Check out this list of the world's gayt beach ci (populatns of ~150,000 or more) wh beachont lotns and great gay scen." emprop="scriptn * gay beaches in spain *
Also loted here is a great rtrant and bar (really the only rtrant and bar) lled Chirgay where you n enjoy an credible va sangria while takg the geo views of all the guys tanng on the beach. Although most beach on the island of Mykonos attract a gay crowd, the most popular gay beach is by far Elia Beach loted on the southern si of the island.
Popular wh gay upl, Panormos is another beach on the northern si of the island and although ’s a b off the beaten path, there’s a b service om Mykonos Town. In the summer months, the gays go shg to this seasi town jt outsi of Málaga to layout and soak up the sun, pecially durg their annual events like Torremolos Pri, Mad Bear Beach Weekend, Delice Dream and Wonr Beach Ftival. All the beach Miami Beach are generally gay-iendly, but this is where you’ll fd the ncentratn of gay men and straight iends wh a sprklg of lbians mixed .