old pic but still looks better than my uncl GMC (gay mans r) - Page 3 - Ford Ranger Fom

gmc gay mans car

A Pevian high urt has orred same-sex unns to be legally registered public rerds, markg a victory for the LGBTQ muny a untry that has been reluctant to regnize gay upl.



Some would say there's also a rrelatn wh Jeep Wranglers and a man's statement about his sexualy, as the Jeep Wrangler has bizarrely bee known as a 'gay' r. The science: There’s not a lot of science volved how or why the Jeep Wrangler advertently beme a gay in, but ’s a stereotype nohels. As one articulate blogger wrote, “I thk there’s somethg ultra-butch [about them which] jt has a lot of appeal to some gay men.

It's like askg why a wboy image is a gay in. Gays and lbians buy a lot of rs, and the to dtry has begun to regnize that.


A new survey (of 3, 685 rponnts) by and Senei reveals that 67 percent of both gay male and lbian r buyers nsir "very or somewhat important" for to pani to exhib a "gay-iendly" reputatn (when 's fed by whether the pany offers domtic partner benefs to s employe). And 42 percent of gay men and 39 percent of gay women report hoehold e above that level. Suba's woog of the gay and lbian dience seems to be workg--at least on one level--bee was the overwhelmg favore (chosen by 45 percent of rponnts, wh Volkswagen and Ford a distant send and third) as the most gay-iendly r pany.

"We are fely perceived as gay iendly, " says Domick Infante, a Suba spokman. Acrdg to Joe LaMuraglia, a former Nissan employee who now serv as 's publisher, Saab serv special mentn as the brand most over-reprented among gay and lbian buyers. Market, but gay men are 18 tim more likely to own one than is the general public.

"The rults show that when to marketg, gay men and lbians are two very distct groups, LaMuraglia said.


old pic but still looks better than my uncl GMC (gay mans r) - Page 3 - Ford Ranger Fom .