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russian gay forced

A gay Rsian man is hidg after Rsian thori opened a crimal se over a YouTube vio which he was terviewed by children, a se that has drawn attentn om human-rights activists.



In a sign of risg and aggrsive homophobia, gay youths have been doed wh ure and threatened wh ax. * russian gay forced *

Most prompts for gay porn, meanwhile, explibly flt to people of ambiguoly LatX scent wh an unrcut hairstyle. Is that ditive of the typ of gay porn the mols were traed on? A gay uple, as picted by Unstable Diffn.

A screen shot om one of a seri of homophobic vios posted on the Inter appears to show a young Rsian gay man beg forced to drk ure. Other victims were known homosexuals who were forcibly picked up off the stated goal of the vios was to "cure" the young men of their activists say such footage is a sign that homophobia Rsia is not only beg more prevalent, but also more aggrsive. Campaigners blame this on a ntroversial new law outlawg so-lled "homosexual propaganda" that was passed unanimoly by the Rsian State Duma and signed to law by Print Vladimir Put last month.

Nikolai Alekseyev, founr of Gay Pri Rsia, believ the law sends the wrong signals to society and the mds of some legimiz vlence agast lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) muni. "They have received signals om the hight officials the state -- the Duma, the print -- that basilly you n do whatever you want if ncerns gay people bee they are not first-class cizens; they are send-class or even third-class. "Ined, groups like the one Kamensk-Uralsky -- which belongs to a Rsia-wi work operatg unr the banner "Occupy Pedophilia" -- have so far enjoyed almost total impuny for their treatment of homosexuals.


But the group has sce expand s foc and is now targetg young homosexuals. Members of the group say they see homosexualy and pedophilia as morally Pedophilia was found by Maksim Martskevich, an ultranatnalist who has served a three-year prison sentence for cg ethnic hatred.


In Rsia, Vlent Vios Show a Startlg New Form of Gay Bullyg - The Atlantic</tle><meta name="scriptn" ntent="In a sign of risg and aggrsive homophobia, gay youths have been doed wh ure and threatened wh ax. "/><meta property="kx:tle" ntent="In Rsia, Vlent Vios Show a Startlg New Form of Gay Bullyg - The Atlantic"/><meta property="kx:scriptn" ntent="In a sign of risg and aggrsive homophobia, gay youths have been doed wh ure and threatened wh ax. 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