30 Bt Gay Rappers (LGBTQ+ Hip-Hop Artists)

gay philly rapper

Wonrg if there are LGBTQ+ members the rap dtry? Check out the 21 bt gay rappers who embody this muny.



Are you wonrg if there are famo gay rappers? If so, we have created a list of the top 30 bt gay rappers around the world. Check this out! * gay philly rapper *

There has been a well-known stigma towards homosexualy hip-hop which has led to some artists’ reers beg tarnished by mors that they had associatns wh people of the same sex. To celebrate the ntributns the artists have ma to the hip-hop scene, here are the top 30 gay rappers. ChikaBt Gay Rappers – Fal Thoughts.

While his h song “Old Town Road” was at the top of the Billboard Top 100 Chart for a rerd-breakg 19 weeks, Lil Nas X ma the brave cisn to e out as a gay rapper. Mista Strange, a drill rapper om Bra, has shared his experience of beg a publicly gay rapper and how often leads to unrtimatn. In one of his tracks, he touch upon this subject wh the lyrics, “Won’t let me through ‘e I’m back like Santan, Won’t let me through ‘e I’m gay like Schofield.


* gay philly rapper *

As a gay Lat female rerdg artist, Snow Tha Product acknowledg that her journey hasn’t been smooth, but she emphasiz that honty is ccial. However, did you know that he also openly clared his homosexualy on Twter?

This tweet, which was both ndid and wty, required a lot of urage to liver, particularly 2017 when beg a gay rapper was still a ntroversial topic the mic dtry. He distguish himself his mic by beg ndid about his sexualy and sex life, which is not unmon for heterosexual hip-hop artists but is not typil for gay artists.

He rmed iNews Bra that homophobia is not solely prent hip-hop mic. Cak da Killa believ that every genre of mic has homophobic dividuals. However, tim have changed, and the artists would face backlash if they exprsed homophobic sentiments today, unlike 1996.


Historic s, popular neighborhoods, and LGBTQ+-owned bars and rtrants Philalphia's Gayborhood and beyond. * gay philly rapper *

When he revealed his sexualy 2012, the hip-hop artist received the typil negative rpons mon among gay rappers. Azealia Banks, a well-known gay female rapper om Harlem, intifi as bisexual. Da Brat ced the pervasive homophobia of the ’90s for her cisn not to e out earlier and said that people like Ellen faced signifint backlash for beg openly gay.

But Y-Love soon found disrdance between his Hasidic fah and his sexualy after revealg he was gay 2012. “Any nflicts that have e up my life have e up bee of other people’s homophobia. However, he ultimately accepted that his happs and the value of the reprentatn as a Black gay rapper eclipsed a need for acceptance wh the hip-hop muny.

“Navigatg life the heteronormative Wtern world n be tricky for a gay gal like me, ” she wrote. She also discsed the prevalence of vlence agast butch-prentg gay women, highlightg the murr of several lbians a regn of Chile that has bee notor for s homophobic hate crim. “Beg ‘butch’ means wearg your sexualy on your sleeve, which, an age still explibly marred by homophobia, n have grave nsequenc all over the world, ” she stated.


In April 2021, Kehlani publicly me out as gay through a TikTok vio, which she joyfully exclaimed, “I am gay, gay, gay. Grammy-wng producer and DJ Kaytranada publicly me out as gay 2016 after releasg his highly acclaimed but album 99.

At first, he told his mother and brother that he was bisexual, but later on, he admted that he was gay. He don’t label himself as straight or gay, statg that “’s jt me, ” but acknowledg that he is gay. Dpe facg his fair share of homophobia, Lil Peep was a fearls advote for the LGBTQ+ muny on social media.

The rapper also llaborated wh openly gay hip-hop artist iLoveMakonnen, provg that diversy and acceptance were at the foreont of his creative visn. This 18-year-old risg star ma wav as the first openly gay rapper to take part the BET Hip-hop Awards Cypher.


Bt Gay Rappers – Fal Thoughts. Although there’s a long way to go before the discrimatn agast LGBTQ+ artists be a thg of the past, the rise of gay artists is a sign that the hip-hop dtry has started to break away om the notns.


30 Bt Gay Rappers (LGBTQ+ Hip-Hop Artists) .