台北同志酒吧有哪些?小鮮肉都在這些Gay Bar出現! - Klook 客路部落格

abrazo gay taipei

From legalizg same-sex marriage to the populary of gay bars, Taiwan has over ten gay bars Taipei laid out for you to explore over the weekend!


台北同志酒吧有哪些?小鮮肉都在這些GAY BAR出現!

台灣對於同志這項議題,一直是走在亞洲的前段班,除了成為第一個同志婚姻合法化的亞洲國家外,連Gay Bar也是相當的盛行呢!現在台北已經有超過10家的同志酒吧,若是體力好的話,可以挑戰從週五晚上連玩兩晚,一個週末踩點多家台北同志酒吧,認識超多帥哥小鮮肉! * abrazo gay taipei *

Bt Gay Bars Taipei. Towg the le between bar and supper club, Abrazo is one of Taipei’s most popular spots wh the young gay crowd—and shows on weekends.


Brish pop rock band The 1975 has announced was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival, a day before, as the band’s lead sger slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance. * abrazo gay taipei *

Ask any queer guy or gal Taipei to name a gay bar and Dalida’s the name you’ll hear. Chill gay and lbian bar close to Taipei Cy Hall MRT statn. Not strictly a gay bar, but 23 Public is extremely supportive of Taipei’s LGBTQ muny.

This zy ltle gay fé is the cuter face of Taipei’s queer scene—art hangg on the walls, idle ts loungg on the bar, and a younger llege-kid crowd. Gay Friendly Rtrants. Ximendg gay-n and gay-iendly rtrant around the rner om Red Hoe.


Brish pop rock band The 1975 has announced was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival, a day before, as the band’s lead sger slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandm... * abrazo gay taipei *

Very popular gay sna hidn si Ngxia Night Market that pulls a young crowd. Colonial-spired hot sprg that is particularly but not exclively popular wh the lol gay crowd. The Rabb Temple, or Wei-Mg Tang (威明堂) Che, is dited to Tu’er Shen, the long-eared Taoist god of homosexualy.

Sce opened 2006, ’s drawn an almost exclively gay ngregatn, most of whom e to beach the heavens for a lover. Nightlife and Gay clubs.

It probably isn’t too much of an exaggeratn to say that G Star was every Taipei gay’s first.


* abrazo gay taipei *

Triangle is not exclively a gay venue and do a number of themed nights and parti five nights a week, om KTV to llege parti. Gay Pri Shops (晶晶書庫).

Mixed gay/straight.

Gay Bars Taipei. A Gui to Gay Taipei. By some measur, Taipei is the gay pal of Asia.

The hottt and swankit gay bar town, terg to well-groomed and well-heeled profsnals. Downstairs has VIP booths, a DJ and a throbbg… * abrazo gay taipei *

It hosts the ntent’s largt gay pri celebratn the. 台灣對於同志這項議題,一直是走在亞洲的前段班,除了成為第一個同志婚姻合法化的亞洲國家外,連Gay Bar也是相當的盛行呢!現在台北已經有超過10家的同志酒吧,若是體力好的話,可以挑戰從週五晚上連玩兩晚,一個週末踩點多家台北同志酒吧,認識超多帥哥小鮮肉!AbrazoAbrazo 可以說是目前台北最紅的同學酒吧,每到週五、週六,基本上都是要排隊入場的,若是想要目睹一些指標性人物的真實樣貌,一定要來Abrazo繞一圈,必定會收穫良多。Abrazo自多年前從延吉街搬到新址敦化南路上後,就將酒吧區分為1樓非吸煙區,和B1吸煙區,喜歡熱鬧音樂的同學們請一定要到地下室探險一下,地下室的人潮的真的只能用『跨年演唱會』來形容,可能是近來DJ播放的流行樂風吸引了年輕族群的原因吧。另外,Abrazo自’19年開始酌收門票,男性一名是400元、女性800元,可以入場換一杯酒,即使收門票後,鮮肉還是非!常!多!所以別擔心會撲空。– Abrazo Bistro –地址:台北市敦化南路一段198號鮮肉程度:♂♂♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂(因人而異,若是孤單覺得冷的同學,來到這裡絕對是對的!)Bac Taipei位在Abrazo不遠的Bac是KLOOK客路旅遊體驗師本身很喜歡的飲酒地點,相比Abrazo,在Bac可以較自在的跟朋友談天,不用人擠人、或是被音樂蓋著談話的聲音,再加上早一點來Bac可以看到很多鮮肉(因為鮮肉會先來Bac喝一杯,晚點再去Abrazo吧),所以在此推薦若是吃完晚餐,覺得太早去Abrazo尷尬的同學們,不妨先來Bac舒舒服服的小酌一杯,再去AB狂野一下。– Bac Taipei –地址:台北市敦化南路一段160巷11號鮮肉程度:♂♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂♂♂(偏流行輕快音樂,不會人擠人)Belle'sIG最紅台北俱樂部!2022年底從台北市延吉街搬到信義區ATT的《Belle’s 碧瓷俱樂部》,主打華麗魔幻風格,吧台還仿造旋轉木馬設計,讓大家像是置身在成人版遊樂園,而主舞台是設置在正中央,不管站在哪個角度都能欣賞舞者演出,到了週末就會有變裝皇后、性感猛男和辣妹熱舞,是台北人必去的酒吧!– Belle's –地址:ATT4Fun信義 7F鮮肉程度:♂♂♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂♂Commanr D西門町有兩家偏重口味的酒吧,分別是 Hunt跟Commanr D,兩家的風格非常的不一樣,Commanr D偏向是SM、綑綁風格的酒吧,每天都會有不同的主題,可以去臉書官網查看每個月的每日活動,但基本上還是以週三、週五、週六的活動最精彩,例如會有Unr Armor日、犬之夜、鞋襪日等等,都是別具特色的活動,另外最有名的「暗房」也是絕對不能錯過的一個亮點,記得來喝酒前要洗乾淨唷(誤)~– Commanr D –地址:台北市萬華區開封街二段36號B1鮮肉程度:♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂♂Fairy TaipeiFairy Taipei 原是一家餐酒館,一到了約莫10點以後,就會漸漸變成小鮮肉gay的小酌聚集地,Fairy的調酒非常的厲害,編輯每次必點的Fairy Tale是用萊姆酒、桑葚酒、和搭配新鮮莓果調製而成的冰沙調酒,再這樣炎炎的夏日喝上一杯,真的是非常的沁涼氣爽!– Fairy Taipei –地址:台北市大安區忠孝東路四段49巷2號3樓鮮肉程度:♂♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂♂♂(推推推,每款酒都很好喝)舒適程度:♂♂♂♂G-StarG-Star 可以說是7、8年級同學們最熟悉的回憶,「晚上去星星跳舞啊!」應該是在週六夜晚同學們的最常說的一句話。G-Star 有個可愛的生態,舞台上跳舞的人真的都很厲害!音樂一變就可以馬上變換隊形、舞步等等(OS~~他們是不是都在家裡練很久啊?)的確,想要目睹他們精彩絕倫的表演,記得不用太早入場,約莫01:00左右G-Star最強韓團才會上場。– G Star –地址:台北市中山區龍江路23號B1鮮肉程度:♂♂♂♂(想認識20歲出頭小鮮肉可以來這嚐鮮)好飲程度:♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂Ganyma近幾年才開幕的Ganyma,店名源自希臘神話中為宙斯所寵愛的唯一男性情人,是知名LGBTQ+ youtuber FJ234聯合打造的同志酒吧,每週四有駐唱Live mic,星期五、六還有Drag show或舞蹈表演!地址:台北市大安區敦化南路一段190巷2號HuntHunt 最有名的就是KY摔角比賽,這樣有趣的想法是來自於土耳其的橄欖油摔角,看著報名者用KY抹在身體上,進行激烈的肢體交流,不論身材好壞、臉蛋天不天菜,能看到男體摩擦後產生的火花,真的是相當的刺激呢。另外也很有名的事『小毛巾之夜』,在每個月的最後一個禮拜日晚上,入場者要把全身脫個精光,留下現場發放的小毛巾(沒錯,所有人都這樣),因此要發生擦槍走火的事情~應該是很容易的吧?– Hunt –地址:台北市萬華區貴陽街二段7號鮮肉程度:♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂♂西門紅樓西門紅樓已經是台北gay的最大集散地之一,不論是想要喝酒、快篩、還是買到同學用品,都可以在西門找到,若是不喜歡人擠人,可以到西門紅樓小酌一番,其中秘密花園 The Secret Garn (位在二樓)、Cafe Dalida、Karen Bar都是不錯的選擇唷。-西門紅樓-鮮肉程度:♂♂♂♂好飲程度:♂♂♂舒適程度:♂♂♂♂♂Locker Room有看過IG上的洗澡秀表演嗎?在台北的Locker Room除了是熱門的酒吧,假日凌晨還會有「濕身秀」,店家也會有不定期主題之夜,像是SM之夜、K-pop night,甚至是卡拉OK大賽!想要有個有趣又難忘夜晚的話,一定要去Locker Room體驗看看!除了以上的同志酒吧,Pawnshop、Stud 9 (Candyland)每月會有同志主題派對,也是台北小鮮肉的熱門出現地喔!地址:台北市萬華區內江街34號◎飲酒過量,有害健康◎酒後不開車 ? 延伸閱讀. Malaysia’s ernment has cut short a mic ftival after the lead sger of Brish band The 1975 slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance.

JAKARTA, Indonia (AP) — Brish pop rock band The 1975 announced on Sunday was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival the wake of the band’s lead sger slammg the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissg a male bandmate durg their 1975 was schled to have a performance at We The Ft, Indonia’s annual summer mic ftival, Jakarta on Sunday night, part of their 2023 Asia tour. Matt Healey, the lead vol of The 1975, ed profany his speech cricizg the ernment’s stance agast homosexualy, before kissg bass player Ross MacDonald. Malaysia’s Communitns and Digal Mister Fahmi Fadzil slammed Matty Healy’s nduct late Friday and said a Facebook post that homosexualy is a crime the untry punishable by up to 20 years prison and wasn’t the first time that Healy ed the stage to fend lbian and gay rights.


projectmike — Drks! #taipei #abrazo #gaybar (at Abrazo Bistro... .