Ten Reasons to Support Gay Marriage | Psychology Today

gay marriage government benefits

Proponents ntend that gay marriage bans are discrimatory and unnstutnal, opponents ague that marriage is primarily for procreatn.



* gay marriage government benefits *

However, more than a of rearch by myself and other enomists and analysis by the Congrsnal Budget Office unr the directn of Douglas Holtz-Eak suggts jt the oppose: that state and feral budgets will actually get a posive boost if gay upl are allowed to marry.

And here’s somethg the ernment might nsir reckong the bottom le wh regard to legalizg gay marriage: Hundreds of thoands of exced upl would start planng weddgs, generatg at least $1.

Big rporatns want same-sex upl to be allowed to marry bee they believe gay marriage is good for bs. Those employers argued that they want to rec and reta the most creative and productive workers to make their bs petive, and that clus lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) workers. A gay man who liv Massachetts wh his hband might not want to transfer to an office Oh where his marriage isn’t regnized.


The road to full marriage equaly for same-sex upl the Uned Stat was paved wh setbacks and victori. The landmark 2015 Supreme Court se Obergefell v. Hodg ma gay marriage legal throughout the untry. * gay marriage government benefits *

The enomic ripple effects of gay marriage n spread even further. Some observers, most notably petivens gu Richard Florida, argue that tolerant polici and environments — cludg for gay people — are sential for nurturg creative workers who will drive enomic growth.

She was an expert wns the Proposn 8 trial and is the thor of “When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societi Legalize Same-sex Marriage? Can Gay Coupl File Jot Tax? Do the IRS Regnize Gay Marriage?

Until very recently, gay and lbian upl were prohibed om legally marryg on almost all stat the Uned Stat. On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court led that gay marriage is a right protected by the US Constutn all 50 stat. US public opn had shifted signifintly over the years, om 27% approval of gay marriage 1996 to 55% 2015, the year beme legal throughout the Uned Stat, to 61% 2019.


Proponents of legal gay marriage ntend that gay marriage bans are discrimatory and unnstutnal, and that same-sex upl should have accs to all the benefs enjoyed by different-sex upl.

On July 25, 2014 Miami-Da County Circu Court Judge Sarah Zabel led Florida’s gay marriage ban unnstutnal and stated that the ban “serv only to hurt, to discrimate, to prive same-sex upl and their fai of equal digny, to label and treat them as send-class cizens, and to em them unworthy of participatn one of the fundamental stutns of our society.


As well as discrimatn based on sexual orientatn, gay marriage bans discrimated based on one’s sex. The Amerin Psychologil Associatn, Amerin Psychiatric Associatn, and others nclud that legal gay marriage giv upl “accs to the social support that already facilat and strengthens heterosexual marriag, wh all of the psychologil and physil health benefs associated wh that support. A study found that same-sex married upl were “signifintly ls distrsed than lbian, gay, and bisexual persons not a legally regnized relatnship.


A 2010 analysis found that after their stat had banned gay marriage, gay, lbian and bisexual people suffered a 37% crease mood disorrs, a 42% crease alhol-e disorrs, and a 248% crease generalized anxiety disorrs.

Gay marriag brg fancial ga to feral, state, and lol ernments, and boost the enomy. The Congrsnal Budget Office timated 2004 that ferally-regnized gay marriage would cut the budget fic by around $450 ln a year. In July 2012 New York Cy Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that gay marriage had ntributed $259 ln to the cy’s enomy jt a year sce the practice beme legal there July 2011.

In 2012, the Williams Instute at the Universy of California at Los Angel (UCLA) found that the first five years after Massachetts legalized gay marriage 2004, same-sex weddg expendur (such as venue rental, weddg k, etc.


Ten Reasons to Support Gay Marriage | Psychology Today .