Worldwi, most of the untri that allow gay marriage are Wtern Europe. In the Ameris, five untri have legalized gay marriage.
Acrdg to var opn polls provid by the Pew Rearch Center, ILGA and more, the majory of rints the untri object to gay marriage. * countries that do not allow gay marriage *
The Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn (ILGA)regnis this stggle, and every year releas a report that shows the human rights of LGBTQ dividuals around the globe. A staggerg 40% of the world’s populatn still live untri where people n be prosecuted on the basis of their sexual orientatn, and more than 400 ln, ri a state where beg gay is punishable by ath.
Image source, Getty ImagImage ptn, Kamala Harris has been a vol supporter of LGBTQ rightsUS Vice-Print Kamala Harris who is on a tour of three Ain untri - Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia - has drawn cricism over her support for LGBTQ Ghana, a speech llg for "all people be treated equally" she appeared to cricise a bill before the untry's parliament which crimalis advocy for gay rights and propos jail terms for those that intify as lbian, gay, bisexual, or untry's Speaker Alban Bagb later lled her remarks "unmocratic" and urged lawmakers not to be "timidated by any person" Tanzania, a former mister spoke agast US support for LGBTQ rights ahead of the vis and Zambia some opposn policians have threatened to hold is homosexualy still outlawed? In the same month, the high urt Barbados stck out laws that crimalised gay July last year, the urts Antigua and Barbuda clared a law crimalisg same-sex acts between nsentg adults Febary 2021, Angola's Print Joao Louren signed to law a revised penal to allow same-sex relatnships and ban discrimatn on the basis of sexual 2020, Gabon reversed a law that had crimalised homosexualy and ma gay sex punishable wh six months prison and a large fe. Mozambique and the Seychell have also scrapped anti-homosexualy laws recent there are untri where existg laws outlawg homosexualy have been tightened, cludg Nigeria and 's parliament recently passed a law to crack down on homosexual activi, promptg wispread source, Getty ImagImage ptn, Campaign agast LGBTQ rights some Ain untri has tensified recent weeksAnd some untri, efforts to get the laws removed have May 2019, the high urt Kenya upheld laws crimalisg homosexual acts.
And many plac, breakg the laws uld be punishable by long prison of the 53 untri the Commonwealth - a loose associatn of untri most of them former Brish loni - 29 have laws that crimalise homosexualy. Although the origal Brish laws applied only to men, untri that crimalise homosexualy today also have penalti for women who have sex wh Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn (Ilga) monors the progrs of laws relatg to homosexualy around the says the ath penalty is the legally prcribed punishment for same-sex sexual acts Bnei, Iran, Mrania, Sdi Arabia, Yemen and some northern stat of five untri - Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia, and the Uned Arab Emirat - there is no legal clary and the ath penalty uld be source, AFPImage ptn, An Indian gay rights activist protts agast a urt lg 2013 upholdg a law which crimalis gay repealed the ath penalty for nsensual same-sex sexual acts observers note that the risk of prosecutn some plac is mimal.
Sort through the more than 30 jurisdictns that have enacted laws allowg gays and lbians to marry. * countries that do not allow gay marriage *
For example, a 2017 report on Jamai by the UK Home Office said that Jamai was regard as a homophobic society, but that the "thori do not actively seek to prosecute LGBT persons". Sce then, however, Hungarian lawmakers and populist Prime Mister Viktor Orban have passed several anti-LGBTQ+ laws, cludg on that prohib same-sex upl om adoptg children and ban any ntent emed to promote beg gay or transgenr om beg distributed to people unr the age of eighteen.
Meanwhile, Chechnya, a semitonomo republic wh Rsia, dozens of men spected of beg gay have been taed, tortured, and even killed two separate official crackdowns sce 2017.