Sixteen years ago, Hillary Clton clearly articulated an anti-gay marriage posn. Now, she uldn't be a more full-throated supporter.
* hillary clinton gay quotes *
Beg gay is not a Wtern ventn. Inspiratnal, Gay, Realy.
Hilary Clton — ‘Gay people are born to, and belong to, every society the world. They are all ag, all rac, all fahs. They are doctors and tea... * hillary clinton gay quotes *
It should never be a crime to be gay. Gay, Lgbt, Crime.
Teacher, Gay, Rights. And that is why gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights.
Relig, Gay, Rights.
Gay rights and human rights are one and the same. - Hillary Clton quot at * hillary clinton gay quotes *
It is a vlatn of human rights when ernments clare illegal to be gay.