Here are 22 markets, drag shows, bar crawls, ftivals, church servic & more to celebrate the gay, lbian, transgenr & queer muny KC for LGBTQ pri.
Kansas Cy played an important role the early gay rights movement, even predatg Stonewall. Here's how you n honor LGBTQ history Kansas Cy this Pri Month. * kc gay pride *
She said she didn’t know what to expect beg around this many people, but was exced to meet new people at what she lled “Gay Con. Louis Cortez was quick to mentn they have two children to celebrate today — “proud gay parents, ” he said, of Cale Cortez and Louie year’s Pri was Geadrt and his hband’s first time attendg as a married uple. Geadrt said people are generally more acceptg of gay people than when he was growg up.
Trans, gay people have always existed and (people here today are) proof of that, so that's really nice to see. Returng to the historic 18th & Ve district for s third year, Pri On Ve featur DJs and live performers, as well as the Pri On Ve Block Party on June 24 and the Ve Street Gayla on June 25. But what many people don’t know is that Kansas Cy played an important role the “homophile movement, ” the early gay rights movement that predated Stonewall.
In 1966, Kansas Cy hosted the first natnal homophile was a time the not-so-distant past when LGBTQ folks uld not easily be “out” public. Gay and Lbian Archive of Mid-Ameri, UMKC The Jewel Box at 3219 Troost Avenue Kansas Cy, Missouri, was a nightclub known for s drag shows that began the late 1950s. While the 1950s are monly thought of as an tolerant time, Kansas Cy actually had an active gay bar scene this era near Troost Avenue and Lwood Boulevard.
From paras & parti to film ftivals & art exhibs, here are 15 ways to celebrate lbian, gay, transgenr Pri Month KC this June. * kc gay pride *
“Subject to police harassment, the gay bar district advertised through word of mouth, ” acrdg to historian Kev Scharl. Scharl says the Colony Club near 33rd and Troost Avenue was “the most famo gay bar. ”Stuart Hds, the curator of the Gay and Lbian Archiv of Mid Ameri (GLAMA) discsed the signifince of the Jewel Box on KCUR’s Up to Date June 2021.
Gay and Lbian Archive of Mid-Ameri, UMKC. The Phoenix Society published s own magaze — the Phoenix — that advertised lol LGBTQ events and gatherg spots, such as Hang Out, “a gay ffee hoe” near 31st and McGee Streets. The latt episo of A People’s History of Kansas Cy tells the story of Kansas Cy’s role the natnal homophile movement, which was the precursor to the morn LGBTQ movement.
Intertgly, the first natnal homophile nference was held Kansas Cy 1966. Kansas Cy was selected as the se of the Natnal Planng Conference of Homophile Organizatns part bee of s central Phoenix Society’s plaque stands downtown at the se of the nference, at the rner of 12th and Wyandotte Streets. It advertised lol LGBTQ events and gatherg spots, such as Hang Out, “a gay ffee hoe” near 31st and McGee Streets.
* kc gay pride *
"The Gay and Lbian Archive of Mid-Ameri.
KCAI’s exhibn displays a selectn of Leahy’s artwork, while UMKC’s exhibn celebrat the addn of the Jam Leahy Collectn to the Gay and Lbian Archive of both exhibns will n throughout the month of June, UMKC’s Miller Nichols Library will hold a receptn on June 16, and KCAI will host a roundtable discsn wh exhib curator Ann Werquist Leahy and special guts on June 3: KC Current Pri NightKansas Cy’s women’s soccer team will host s annual Pri Night game agast the North Carola Courage at Children’s Mercy Park Kansas Cy, Kansas.
The event’s ticket page not that the party is for QTBIPOC only, meang queer and trans folks who intify as Black, digeno or people of 17-18: Disney Pri ConcertThe Heartland Men’s Chos, Kansas Cy’s gay men’s choir, will celebrate Pri Month wh the mic of Disney. And ’s all tied together wh narratn (and) stori wrten by members of HMC on var them of gay pri. She said she recently got out of a relatnship bee her hband was homophobic and judged her for beg bisexual.
Kansas Cy’s first Pri para 1977 was spearhead by Lea Hopks, whose anizg sparked a wir gay rights movement that ntu today. But was only a few weeks after that succsful event that Hopks found herself on the fense aga, when a proment anti-gay activist me on a csa through town. * kc gay pride *
More than 50 years ago, the Cy of Fountas hosted a meetg that is often referenced as the first natnal gatherg of gay rights anizers. The Natnal Planng Conference of Homophile Organizatns, held Febary 1966 at the State Hotel Downtown Kansas Cy, weled legat om 15 dividual advocy groups across the Uned Stat.
Explore our 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar for the LGBTQ+ muny featurg a listg of 200+ gay pri paras and celebratns around the world. * kc gay pride *
“For too long homosexuals have been prived of their rights on the basis of cultural prejudice, myth, folk-lore and superstn… is time that the Amerin public re-exame s attus and s laws ncerng the homosexual. The Kansas Cy meetg laid the groundwork for the gural meetg of the North Amerin Conference of Homophile Organizatns (NACHO), held later 1966 San Francis. Kansas Cy’s first Gay Pri Ftival was held 1975.
2023 / 2024 Gay Pri Calendar and Para Gui. Gui to many of the biggt and bt LGBTQ+ Pris Europe, USA and beyond. When is Pri? * kc gay pride *
Fd Kansas Cy's gay bars and explore a full list of lol rourc for LGBTQ travelers, piled llaboratn wh our partners at Camp Kansas Cy and the Kansas Cy Center for Incln. Kansas Cy Gay Bars and Clubs. Gay-Friendly KC: A Weekend the Cy of Fountas.