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data-ttid="social-share-sms" class="styl_em__b5A78 styl_sms__Vohh6"><a href="sms:?&body=Tmp the target of Jan. 6 probe and Jason Alan's mic vio: Morng Rundown via nbews - target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="styl_lk__RsJVU"><span class="in in-sms"></span></a></li><li data-ttid="social-share-prt" class="styl_prt__cw6Gn"><button type="button" class="styl_button__b3sx_"><span class="in in-share-prt styl_in__P3XZT"></span><span class="styl_text___8iNX">Prt</span></button></li><li data-ttid="social-share-save" class="styl_save__ILVuj"></li></ul></div><div class="article-body__date-source"><time class="relative z-1" dateTime="2023-07-19T11:17:49.018Z" ntent="2023-07-19T11:17:49.018Z">July 19, 2023, 11:17 AM UTC</time></div><div class="article-le-byle" data-activy-map="le-byle-article-top">By <span class="byle-name">Elizabeth Robson</span></div></sectn><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><p class=""><em>Donald Tmp may be facg a third dictment. An Alabama ath row mate has doubts about his upg executn. And a search warrant was issued more than 25 years after Tupac Shakur’s ath.</em></p><p class=""><em>Here’s what to know today.</em></p><h2 class="">Tmp says he is the target of grand jury vtigatn of Jan. 6 rt</h2><p class="">Donald Tmp appears to thk he will be dicted for a third time. The former print announced on his Tth Social acunt yterday that he has been notified that he is the target of an vtigatn by a Washgton-based grand jury examg the Jan. 6 rt and efforts to overturn the 2020 electn. </p><p class="">Tmp said that the Jtice Department sent him a letter on Sunday rmg him about the vtigatn. He add that he’ll have to report to the grand jury, “which almost always means an Arrt and dictment.”</p><p class=""><strong><em>This is Morng Rundown, a weekday newsletter to start your morng. Sign up </em></strong><a href="><strong><em>here</em></strong></a><strong><em> to get your box.</em></strong></p><p class="">Two sourc wh direct knowledge of the matter nfirmed that Tmp had received a target letter om special unsel Jack Smh. Smh prevly secured an dictment before a Florida grand jury nnectn to Tmp’s handlg of classified documents.</p><p class="">It was not immediately clear what the charg would be or whether anyone else received a target letter. People who have been rmed that they are targets of crimal prob are often, but not always, dicted. <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>Read the full story here.</strong></a></p><div class="summary-box"><div class="summary-box__ntent"><h2 class="summary-box__headle">More verage of Tmp vtigatns:</h2><ul class="summary-box__ems"><li>Unlike Tmp’s other dictments, this latt vtigatn <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>has not sent Tmp’s rivals shg to his fense</strong></a>. </li><li>Tmp’s lawyers and special unsel prosecutors <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>bated a trial date</strong></a> the classified documents se. </li></ul></div></div><h2 class="">▼ Top Stori</h2><h2 class=""><strong>More tails emerge about U.S. soldier who bolted across borr to North Korea</strong></h2><p class="">Pvt. 2nd Class Travis Kg is North Korean ctody after crossg the heavily fortified borr “willfully and whout thorizatn,” Defense Secretary Lloyd At told reporters on Tuday.</p><p class="">Kg, who had recently been released om a South Korean prison, had been rted by the ary to Incheon Internatnal Airport outsi Seoul, the pal, for possible further disciplary actn the Uned Stat. He was fed Febary on charg cludg damagg public property, acrdg to South Korean urt documents. He was <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>acced of repeatedly kickg a police patrol r Seoul</strong></a> last year, g several hundred dollars damage.</p><h2 class=""> Alabama ath row mate skeptil of lethal jectn</h2><p class="">Jam Barber isn’t aaid to die. But the ath row mate said he is uneasy about whether the state of Alabama will be able to properly rry out his executn. Tomorrow eveng, Barber is schled to be the first prisoner the state to be put to ath sce a pse executns prompted by a seri of problematic lethal jectn attempts. Barber said Alabama’s “top-to-bottom” review of pal punishment <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>didn’t rult “real chang.”</strong></a></p><p class="">“I don’t know what to expect,” Barber told NBC News. “But then, I know I’m God’s hands, so ’s not fear. It’s hard to expla.”</p><h2 class="">DeSantis’ top ai is ‘hangg by a thread,’ donor says</h2><p class="">Alli of Ron DeSantis want him to fire his top ai, Generra Peck, acrdg to two people faiar wh the discsns. And if not, they suggt the Florida ernor should “layer her,” a ls public motn which Peck would have to report to a new boss. But a Republin faiar wh DeSantis’ thkg predicted Peck will stick around, <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>at least for now</strong></a>. </p><p class="">Discsn of a DeSantis mpaign shake-up cis wh a sh cnch and flaggg poll numbers. Strategists and donors, both affiliated wh the mpaign and not, say a change is need. </p><p class="">Another sign of a mpaign shift: DeSantis ma his return to mastream media, an stutn he trashed and ignored for five years. It wasn’t marked by the ually aggrsive name-llg or overt annoyance. <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>In fact, there was iendly banter.</strong></a></p><h2 class=""><strong>Qutns and ncerns about weight loss dgs for teens</strong></h2><p class="">For the first time, the Amerin Amy of Pediatrics clud anti-oby dgs s guil for treatg childhood oby. But wh that remendatn some opposn and worri that weight loss dgs would ultimately be harmful to children. </p><p class="">So what do parents need to know about weight loss dgs for teens? There are qutns about how long teens would need to stay on the dgs to mata their weight (possibly for years), the bt age to start meditn (four dgs have been approved for e kids as young as 12) and whether the dgs will promote eatg disorrs (“a really unrstudied issue”). <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>Here’s what the experts say.</strong></a></p><h2 class="">▼ Today’s Talker</h2><h2 class="">A mic vio om untry sger Jason Alan was…</h2><p class="">… pulled om CMT, the work said Monday, even before the furor over the tune grew a day later. The untry sger fend the seemgly hostile lyrics of his song, “Try That a Small Town,” sayg that “refers to the feelg of a muny that I had growg up.” But his explanatn did not addrs ncerns om those who poted out the vio for the song projects imag of monstrators onto <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>a Tennsee urthoe that was the se of a famo lynchg</strong></a>.</p><h2 class="">▼ Polics Brief </h2><p class=""><strong>Milary promotns:</strong> Several Alabama rints said they <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>weren’t aware of Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s hold</strong></a> on hundreds of ary promotns over the Defense Department’s abortn policy. And Tuberville’s team said he’s facg “zero” prsure to end his blocka.</p><p class=""><strong>Cc qutns:</strong> The Iowa Republin Party’s uc date is set, but the Democratic Party’s chang to s nomatg procs<a href=" target="_blank"> </a><a href=" target="_blank"><strong>has left another state’s planng unsettled</strong></a><a href=" target="_blank">. </a></p><p class=""><strong>‘A wild goose chase’:</strong> Lev Parnas, a proment figure Rudy Giuliani’s effort to dig up dirt on Joe Bin ahead of the 2020 electn, <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>urged Hoe Republins to end s probe</strong></a> to the Bin fay.</p><p class=""><strong>2020 electn: </strong>Michigan’s attorney general <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>has filed charg agast 16 fake electors</strong></a> who signed paperwork falsely claimg that Print Donald Tmp had won re-electn as part of a scheme to overturn the rults.</p><p class=""><strong>Death by Delay:</strong> Two members of Congrs are llg on the feral ernment <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>to take actn on pillow-like fant loungers</strong></a> after an NBC News vtigatn revealed there have been signifintly more aths lked to the products than officials prevly announced. </p><h2 class="">▼ Staff Pick</h2><h2 class="">‘Msi mania’ grips Miami</h2><p class="">You n’t drive through Miami the days whout seeg soccer legend Lnel Msi’s name on a billboard, poster or jersey ahead of his but for Inter Miami CF. The Argentians who went to Msi’s recent wele ceremony told me was like beg the prence of God.</p><p class="">In my native Brazil and Lat Ameri, more broadly, honorg our soccer players like natnal hero is ordary and expected. But the U.S., the enthiasm over Msi’s arrival driven by Lato fans <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>reprents a turng pot for Major League Soccer</strong></a> and an vtment the future of the sport on Amerin soil. <strong><em>— Isabela Espadas Barros Leal,</em></strong><em> associate edor for diversy</em></p><h2 class="">▼ In Case You Missed It</h2><p class="">Police <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>served a search warrant</strong></a>  the vtigatn of Tupac Shakur’s murr, which remas unsolved more than 25 years later.</p><p class="">A California school board has bee the latt proxy for culture wars after a <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>nservative bloc voted to reject a curriculum </strong></a>that would mentn gay rights figure Harvey Milk. </p><p class="">Phoenix <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>broke a nearly 50-year-old heat rerd</strong></a> yterday when temperatur h 110 gre Fahrenhe, markg the 19th-straight day at or above that mark.</p><p class="">While there is ltle doubt that many a Mozoic mammal beme a meal for a dosr, a dramatic fossil unearthed Cha reveals <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>some mammals ded on dos.</strong></a></p><p class="">A 16-year-old boy om Guatemala <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>died an on-the-job accint</strong></a> at a poultry plant Mississippi.</p><p class=""><a href=" target="_blank"><strong>A che of more than 200 guns</strong></a> were found a vlt si the home of the spect the Gilgo Beach serial killgs.</p><p class="">An Atralian sailor who was rcued wh his dog after spendg more than two months adrift the Pacific Ocean vowed to sail aga, <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>spe his terrifyg adventure</strong></a>.</p><p class="">The number of people who died nnectn wh Kenya’s doomsday cult has <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>crossed the 400 mark</strong></a>.</p><h2 class="">▼ Select: Onle Shoppg, Simplified</h2><p class="">It’s nearly impossible to ignore the enzy surroundg pickleball. If you want to jo the lns of people who have given the spot a shot but you’re not sure what gear you need, we’ve got you vered. <a href=" target="_blank"><strong>Consir this your pickleball starter k</strong></a> — plete wh remendatns for the bt paddl, balls, sneakers and bags.</p><p class=""><a href=" target="_blank"><strong>Sign up to The Selectn</strong></a> newsletter for exclive reviews and shoppg ntent om NBC Select.</p><p class="endmark"><em>Thanks for readg today’s Morng Rundown. Today’s newsletter was curated for you by Elizabeth Robson. If you’re a fan, please send a lk to your fay and iends. 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i am a gay dinosaur

What Do You Call A Gay Dosr? A Comprehensive Gui:- Lookg for the answer to the age-old qutn, "What Do You Call A Gay Dosr?"



‘In gay years, you’re rather past your sell-by date, aren’t you?’ the person ont of me said, raisg an eyebrow.  * i am a gay dinosaur *

What do you ll a gay dosr? Q: What do you ll a gay dosr? More jok about: animal, gaySiar jokSee also bt jok rated by other visors or new jok.

The rab then puts on his helmet, hops on his motorcycle, grs to the bear and says, "I wish for this bear to be gay. You're so lucky Santa's gay" If a four-legged animal is a quadped and a two-legged animal is a biped.


See whole joke: What do you ll a gay dosr?…… ...ntued on * i am a gay dinosaur *

LGBT is still a popular term ed to discs genr and sexual mori, but all GSRM are wele beyond lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr people who nsent to participate a safe space. What Do You Call A Gay Dosr? :- Have you ever wonred what you would ll a gay dosr?

In this article, we will explore the history of the term “gay” and s nnectn to the LGBTQ+ muny, the role of dosrs popular culture, and ultimately, what we should ll a gay dosr. One qutn that has e up time and time aga is, “What do you ll a gay dosr?

In this article, we will explore the history of the term “gay, ” the role of dosrs popular culture, and the importance of g clive language when referrg to all creatur, regardls of their sexual orientatn. So, let’s dive and disver what to ll a gay dosr! Unrstandg the Term “Gay”.


See whole joke: Q: What do you ll a gay dosr? A: ...ntued on * i am a gay dinosaur *

The term “gay” has a long and plex history. What Should We Call a Gay Dosr?


* i am a gay dinosaur *

Now, back to the origal qutn: what should we ll a gay dosr?

While some might suggt g the term “gayoss” or “fabuloss, ” the terms are not necsarily appropriate. In ncln, the qutn of what to ll a gay dosr is not as important as treatg all dosrs, and ed all people, wh rpect and unrstandg. What is the Gay Name of a Dosr?

There is no specific “gay” name for a dosr.


See whole joke: Q: What do you ll a gay dosr? A: ...ntued on * i am a gay dinosaur *

While some might suggt g terms like “gayoss” or “fabuloss, ” ’s important to remember that all dosrs should be treated wh rpect, regardls of their sexual orientatn. Is Okay to Make Jok About Gay Dosrs?


It was a drizzly afternoon several weeks ago when I disvered my new favore historil figur, two gay dosr hunters who fell love and traveled Europe together on a motorcycle, diggg up fossils 100 years ago. Franz Nopcsa and Bajazid Doda were a scientist uple the early 1900s, and they lived a life of adventure that seems like me out of a pulp novel: Franz served as a spy durg World War... * i am a gay dinosaur *

In ncln, while the qutn of what to ll a gay dosr may seem lighthearted, is important to remember that language matters.

More jok about: gay, sex, timeIn a small thedral a janor was cleang the pews between servic when he was approached by the mister.


j-lizard-journal said: Gayt dosr to ever live: Go. Answer: The gayt dosr to ever live is the black swan (Cygn altrat). An timated 25% of male black swans are homosexual or... * i am a gay dinosaur *

More jok about: gay. Matt BmeIt was a drizzly afternoon several weeks ago when I disvered my new favore historil figur, two gay dosr hunters who fell love and traveled Europe together on a motorcycle, diggg up fossils 100 years ago.

I stumbled across their story an unexpected ntext: It was while I was rearchg the gay(ish) episo of the ‘90s s Dosrs. Anyway, Season 2, the show prents the character of Robbie (on whom I am jt now realizg I had a csh as a teen) as an herbivore, wh dialogue that is clearly a metaphor for homosexualy. The disapprovg parents are what lk this episo to the work of the real-life gay dosr hunters Franz Nopcsa and Bajazid Doda.

It was a drizzly afternoon several weeks ago when I disvered my new favore historil figur, two gay dosr hunters who fell love and traveled Europe together on a motorcycle, diggg up fossils 100 years ago. Franz Nopcsa and Bajazid Doda were a scientist uple the early 1900s, and they lived a life of adventure that seems like me out of a pulp novel: Franz served as a spy durg World War... * i am a gay dinosaur *

), but ’s still so bizarre to hear this goofy s validatg theori of history’s greatt gay dosr-huntg uple. A California school board has bee the latt proxy for culture wars after a nservative bloc voted to reject a curriculum that would mentn gay rights figure Harvey Milk.

‘In gay years, you’re rather past your sell-by date, aren’t you?’ the person ont of me said, raisg an eyebrow.  * i am a gay dinosaur *

Drkg Glass I am a Gay Dosr Drkg Glass. I'm a gay dosr.

I am a Gay Dosr Drkg Glass. A new Canadian show on Disney+ and aimed for small children is takg on the issue of gay parentg. Even if you support LGBT adoptn, portrayg two gay dads as lurkg around tryg to steal eggs om other dosrs might be nsired “problematic.

The tr of hero vtigate and terme that the dosrs are two dads and they make their missn to help the two gay dosr dads obta an egg.

See whole joke: What do you ll a gay dosr?…… ...ntued on * i am a gay dinosaur *

Ken ham is offend by gay Do dads some show lled Do Ranch lmfao. Shoutout to the gay dosrs! Whatever you might thk about the portrayal of two dosr dads tryg to steal children, as well as what untentnally portrays about gay men to small children, ’s probably bt to keep a watchful eye over your kids’ ntent.


What Do You Call A Gay Dosr? A Comprehensive Gui .