Gay Zurich, Geneva and more – LGBT Swzerland gui

gay club geneva

Disver gay Zurich, Geneva and more – wh the ultimate sir's gui to Swzerland’s LGBT nightlife scene, urty of Time Out Swzerland



Top Geneva Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Geneva, Swzerland on Tripadvisor. * gay club geneva *

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* gay club geneva *

Swzerland’s bt LGBT clubsFd the bt gay and lbian nights out – wh the ultimate gui to Swzerland’s LGBT nightlife sceneThe LGBT party scene Swzerland offers somethg for everyone, om relaxed, mixed-queer shdigs to sweaty danceathons. For all their alpenhorn-apotheosizg and maret-margalisg tradnalism, the Swiss have for many s taken a world-leadg stance on gay and lbian rights. Same-sex relatns were crimalised here 1942, and on New Year’s Day 2007 a referendum ma Swzerland the first untry on Earth where gay civil unns were voted by the public, not jt parliament – and by a massive majory.

Today Zurich, which happens to have a chic lbian mayor Core Mch, is very much Swzerland’s LGBT pal, as well as one of the world’s most gay-iendly ci, wh bars, f, snas and clubs addg up to dozens of gay venu.


Everythg about the gay life of Geneva, popular gay hotspots and the bt plac to vis durg your gay holidays Swzerland! * gay club geneva *

The old town’s Barfüsser is nsired Europe’s olst gay hostelry and the annual Zurich Pri event now draws around 45, 000 pk party people. Tellg the story of the world’s first gay and lbian anisatn, a Zurich-based group, which formed the 1940s, this excellent docudrama has won plds and awards at film ftivals all over the world.


Bt Gay Bars Lake Geneva, WI 53147 - The Office Neclub, Club In, This Is It, LVL Dance, Woody's, Harbor Room, Kz, Hunty’s Social Club, Te Colors, D.I.X. * gay club geneva *

Welg to men, women, straights and other, L Garçons opened late 2013 the lively, multicultural area around Langstrasse – also the cy’s red-light district and no ls fun for that – and has been weled by younger gay guys particular as a long overdue rethkg of the Zurich LGBT waterg hole, plete wh glass-walled fumoir and ee wi-fi.

Maly male A-gays both young and old flock to this smart, two-storey bar the heart of the old town for the jtly famo cktails (as everywhere this town they are far om cheap, but happy hour, currently between 5pm and 7pm, eas the punishment to your purse) and chilled chat, even if the tun hover at the chey end of the spectm. HeavenThe closure last year of club T&M marked the end of an era for a generatn of Zurich gays. Steps om the Cranberry and the only full-time gay nightclub town, the iendly venue’s genero space and high-qualy sound system uld always be relied on to pull a crowd and brg the party.


Bt Gay Bars Geneva, IL 60134 - The Office Neclub, Dick's R U Crazy, Sitrack, Send Story Bar, Te Colors, La Cueva, Big Chicks, The Glenwood, 2Bears Tavern Uptown, Innexile * gay club geneva *

It’s the statn for several regular tourg party nights such as the joyoly mp Balkan Gay Night and the hip-hop twkft Boyakasha. HelnbarEvery Wednday, live mic bar Provreff, on the edge of Zurich Wt, is taken over by Helnbar, somewhere between a mixed alternative bar and an arty gay club night that wouldn’t look out of place Berl.

MännerzoneHeroilly unrenstcted, the Männerzone bar, next door to s leather and fetish shop, is a gay men’s space like Daddy ed to make, and draws a more mature crowd. Lsanne43&10Outsi Zurich, Lsanne is the only Swiss cy to have a dited gay club, and the unabashedly mastream 43&10 ters to a young, hedonistic crowd every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Sundays ’s ee to get for gay night BarOpened 2011, the P-up Bar is that rart of LGBT thgs, a genuely mixed lbian and gay bar.

It’s also the newt scene succs story what has recent years bee Swzerland’s gay send cy.


Geneva gay tourism: At you n fd the rmatn you need for your vatns Geneva. * gay club geneva *

P-up regularly jos forc wh another lol gay lounge bar, GT’s, to put on dance parti unr the banner Lsanne LBiGay Ssns.

The olst gay bar Geneva, Le Déclic is a rt of Roman lumns, plastic palm tre, fairy lights, animal prts and those horrid wavy mirrors om Ikea. A young, alternative-ish clientele workg a Brooklyn via Berl vibe chat and chill a sual urban fé-lounge space that’s welg and stylish, one of the last central areas to rist the homogenisg hand of big-bucks gentrifitn. Cranberry • ZurichThis two-floor tablishment has been amongst Zurich's most popular gay bars for a uple of s, always by, always btlg.

Take advantage of Menkarta to appear for by far the most appropriate Gay Club Geneva (Cy) even though you keep Geneva. Our wi gay plac talog is gettg bigger jt about every sgle day bee of people like you. * gay club geneva *

The Stylish Gay Bars, Cafe & Snas of Geneva that will charm you!


Daily Xtra Travel - Your Comprehensive Gui to Gay Travel Geneva .