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(Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:272px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-2"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-2)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">F</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Five Tim... (Male Gas Story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">“Franc Weeks,” Chuck said, crossg the room two long, bouncg stris to stand ont of his mirror. “She was the first csh I ever had.” “Oh yeah? How old were you?” “Maybe six, or seven. Franny was the new kid at Sunny Hills. Before her, none of the girls ever even looked at me. It was the hair, I thk. And all the eckl. Always too many eckl…” On that note, Mallm began to hunt through his and Chuck’s chts of drawers for a b. “And how’d you two h off?” He asked, then psed, owng self-reproach; he wasn’t entirely sure you uld say that about seven-year-olds. “She let me borrow her red crayon,” Chuck said. “Which is the most highly valued of all the crayon lors. The girl meant bs.” “We got to talkg, and sharg oki at snack time, and pretty soon I was her guy.” “Pffft, her guy… ” “Hey, I was. I mean, you know how is when you’re kids,” Chuck held up two remarkably siar-lookg shirts to see which one would go bt</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Five Tim... (Male Gas Story)" aria-label="Five Tim... (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:272px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:272px;height:272px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:272px;height:272px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="BorgMaroni's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">BorgMaroni</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 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data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="An awkward date page 2 by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:224px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="An awkward date page 2" style="width:224px;height:272px;object-f:ver" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:224px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:224px;height:272px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:224px;height:272px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">An awkward date page 2</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>3</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>116</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:272px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:272px;height:272px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><span class="_10VHP"><h2>Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:272px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-5"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-5)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">C</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">“Chuck D., We Thank Thee” by Mallm Irvg (Staff Wrer) The Sachem Issue 1192 Origally, I had plans to ll this piece An O To Chuck D. - and although my back is turned to him as I type this at my wrg sk (also my only sk), I n hear Ralf Mo’s chapped lip curlg over his long, yellowg ont teeth a ront-like snarl as he leers over my shoulr - this is all jealoy-duced jt, of urse, mor on the street has that Ralf’s actually ma to send base (holdg direct eye ntact wh a girl) while the rt of are steadily bench-warmg - as he rms me that an o n only be a poem. I n’t wre poems any better than I n pen for a llege newspaper, so let’s see where this tak . Let me clear the air - haha - I’m not here to tell you anythg you don’t already know. This isn’t gog to make the ont page; that’s rerved for the Stunt Prott of the Week, or somethg, I thk this time we’re supposed to be prottg agast</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story)" aria-label="Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:272px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:272px;height:272px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:272px;height:272px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="BorgMaroni's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">BorgMaroni</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>0</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>16</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:232px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:232px;height:272px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="An awkward date page 1 by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:232px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="An awkward date page 1" style="width:232px;height:272px;object-f:ver" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:232px;height:272px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:232px;height:272px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:232px;height:272px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">An awkward date page 1</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>6</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>123</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="_2pZkk" style="width:1032px;nta-trsic-size:1032px 282.51513263899477px;ntent-visibily:visible" data-hook="ntent_row-2"><div style="width:275px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:275px;height:275px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><span class="_10VHP"><h2>Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story) by aNSFWacunt, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:275px;height:275px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-8"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-8)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">S</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">(Male, gay fartg story. So if you’re not a fan of that, stop readg right !) [Also has oral sex, if you are somehow offend by that(?). Read at your own discretn] It was very late at night, like 1-3 am when I started suckg Leon’s dick. We were havg a sleepover at his hoe, and had bee a ‘thg’ I did for him the last 4 tim I had stayed over. Leon is a blond guy, I would say he is chubby, but only a ltle b, ’s more that his body proportns are that of a larger, wir person, if that mak sense; that said, he was only slightly taller than me. We met bee I was iends wh iends of his, we didn’t liked each other at first -He is too much of a party animal for me, a b annoyg and stupid; took me a while to figure out he was jt jokg around wh me and wasn’t tryg to actually mock me- but we eventually clicked; REALLY clicked, I gus you uld say. After a few ‘slumber parti’, what started as a joke end up actually</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story)" aria-label="Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story) by aNSFWacunt, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:275px;height:275px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:275px;height:275px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:275px;height:275px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="aNSFWacunt" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="75010633" data-euid="47eb87c3-e786-49c4-ad0f-c030d2d05b4f" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><div class="_3JF42" style="width:24px;height:24px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle></tle><path d="M11.6365 12.2222C15.0115 12.2222 17.7476 9.48618 17.7476 6.11111C17.7476 2.73604 15.0115 0 11.6365 0C8.2614 0 5.52536 2.73604 5.52536 6.11111C5.52536 9.48618 8.2614 12.2222 11.6365 12.2222Z"></path><path d="M5.52536 14.6667C2.8253 14.6667 0.636475 16.8555 0.636475 19.5556V20.3704C0.636475 21.2704 1.36608 22 2.2661 22H21.0068C21.9069 22 22.6365 21.2704 22.6365 20.3704V19.5556C22.6365 16.8555 20.4476 14.6667 17.7476 14.6667H5.52536Z"></path></svg></div></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="aNSFWacunt" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="75010633" data-euid="47eb87c3-e786-49c4-ad0f-c030d2d05b4f" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">aNSFWacunt</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>5</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 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class="_10VHP"><h2>To Break or not to Break the Barrier? by KiperCrow, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:275px;height:275px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-11"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-11)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">T</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">To Break or not to Break the Barrier? </h2><div class="_3eztE">Characters om BorgMaroni's Sue 6b Back om an eventful sight seeg trip Mexi, the Sue 6B boys and their Brish iend Amanda B. stop at a lol rtrant “Comida la l Barr” (Food om the neighborhood). The rtrant offers tradnal Mexin dish, which everyone has been lovg. “Oh gosh, I’m starvg!” Ralf said before groang, lettg his hunger speak for himself. “I heard your stomach growl so loud, I thought was me.” Chuck said sg then tappg his belly to gture where the sound is ually sourced. “Well Señor Pedo I thk I speak for all of when I say that we’re all glad that wasn’t yours!” Ralf said, wh more than a ht of sarsm. “Oh Ralf, you’re jt hungry. Let’s ci on what we want to orr. Then we n make sure that you’re not angry at the world. Jt at North Ameri.” Amanda said, before takg a seat at the table and readg the menu. “The Tostadas sound good! Pile all the veggi!” Wyatt said, lghg at his ia.</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="To Break or not to Break the Barrier? " aria-label="To Break or not to Break the Barrier? by KiperCrow, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:275px;height:275px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:275px;height:275px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:275px;height:275px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="KiperCrow" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="52341288" data-euid="0b6fb84b-0584-45d7-b0ae-8a65aa48713b" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><div class="_3JF42" style="width:24px;height:24px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>

gay fart video

Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach a US men’s profsnal sports league to e out as gay.



Jaguars assistant Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach major Amerin men's pro sports to publicly e out as gay, tellg he ma the cisn bee he didn't want to hi who he is any longer. * gay fart video *

Gay faggot homo farts... I'm gay leang but I don't crave dick. The gradatn of men seems mon homosexual enunters.

(Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, leratureChuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, leratureSurprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story) by aNSFWacunt, leratureTo Break or not to Break the Barrier?


* gay fart video *

-- Jaguars assistant strength and ndng ach Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach major Amerin men's profsnal sports to publicly e out as gay, tellg he ma the cisn bee he didn't want to hi who he is any longer and to possibly spire others siar 's a cisn and move that drew praise and support om owner Shad Khan, who was a vol and emphatic supporter of a cy ordance that expand protectns on the grounds of sexual orientatn, genr inty and genr exprsn. Outsi lebacker Carl Nassib beme the first active NFL player to e out as gay and to play a game Associated Prs ntributed to this report. Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach a US men’s profsnal sports league to e out as gay.

Per Outsports, as of September 2022, there have only ever been 16 players NFL history to publicly e out as gay or bisexual. Carl Nassib beme the first active NFL player league history to announce that he is gay 2021. Per Outsports, Maxen is the “first publicly out male ach a major Amerin men’s pro sports league,” wh WNBA ach Curt Miller, who publicly me out to the media as gay 2015, also a publicly out male ach an Amerin profsnal sports league.

Per Outsports, Maxen is the “first publicly out male ach a major Amerin men’s pro sports league, ” wh WNBA ach Curt Miller, who publicly me out to the media as gay 2015, also a publicly out male ach an Amerin profsnal sports league.


Jaguars assistant Kev Maxen has bee the first male ach major Amerin men's pro sports to publicly e out as gay, tellg he ma the cisn bee he didn't want to hi who he is any longer. * gay fart video *

(KABC) -- The Temecula Valley school board on Friday adopted a social studi curriculum that clus sla gay rights lear Harvey Milk. "Unr the headg 'Protts, ' one paragraph discs gay rights California and unr the headg 'Court Cas, ' there are two paragraphs that discs the urt s that allowed gay marriage California. "She said a supplemental rource lists Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist and polician who was assassated 1978, along wh San Francis Mayor Gee Mosne.

Milk was believed to be the first openly gay person elected to public office board voted 3-2 on May 16 to reject the curriculum, wh some board members claimg there was not enough parental volvement the creatn procs and makg ments attackg Milk.

"The meetg me jt days after the board voted for a send time to block social studi curriculum that mentned issue first blew up at a meetg last month, when the school board majory qutned whether Milk, who was the first openly gay man to hold public office the state of California, should be clud supplemental materials when teachg civil rights to 4th gra ncern revolv around reports that Milk, when his 30s, had a relatnship wh a 16-year-old boy.


Jags' Maxen is first male Amerin pro sports ach to e out as gay - ESPN .