Capal Area Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce | Washgton DC

gay chamber of commerce dc

CAGLCC, the Capal Area's LGBT Chamber of Commerce is the nonprof, nonpartisan mostly-volunteer work of nearly 3,000 lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr (LGBT) and ally profsnals who own or are employeed by bs, nonprofs and ernment agenci Washgton, DC, Virgia, and Maryland. CAGLCC is an affiliate of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of COmmerce. The Capal Area's LGBT Chamber of Commerce's missn is to advote, promote, and facilate the succs of LGBT bs and their alli the Metro DC regn.



* gay chamber of commerce dc *

CAGLCC, the Capal Area's LGBT Chamber of Commerce is the nonprof, nonpartisan mostly-volunteer work of nearly 3, 000 lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr (LGBT) and ally profsnals who own or are employeed by bs, nonprofs and ernment agenci Washgton, DC, Virgia, and Maryland. CAGLCC is an affiliate of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of COmmerce.

Wh the ntued advancement of the LGBTQ rights movement, however, “gay and lbian” no longer reflects where we should be as a muny nor where the Chamber is as an anizatn.

The Chamber is an affiliate of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) and was award Chamber of the Year 2012.


Capal Area Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce | 170 followers on LkedIn. The Capal Area's LGBT Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) is the nonprof, nonpartisan, largely-volunteer work of over 430 Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr (LGBT) & Ally members addn to the nearly 5,000 LGBT profsnal supporters who own or are employed by bs, nonprofs, and ernment agenci Washgton, DC, Virgia, and Maryland. The Chamber is an affiliate of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce and was award Chamber of the Year 2012. The Chamber ranked the top 20 Washgton Bs Journal’s List of Chambers of Commerce for the past three years. * gay chamber of commerce dc *

Automatic cln the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), cludg fee waiver for LGBTE certifitn, a $400 value. The NGLCC is the bs advote and direct lk between lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (LGBT) bs owners, rporatns, and ernment, reprentg the terts of more than 1. Gay Profsnal Networkg group for the greater DC Metro Area — Networkg wh other gay...


Origally found as the Potomac Executive Network (PEN), we started out when beg associated wh an anizatn that had “gay” s name would end a reer or bs. Eventually rebrandg to the Capal Area Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce, our members were proud to “e out” as an the ntued advancement of the LGBTQ rights movement, however, “gay and lbian” no longer reflects where we should be as a muny nor where the Chamber is as an anizatn.

Some of the key benefs of all Chamber membership clu:Free or rced price entry to regular trags and workshopsEligible for the B2B Referral Program Exposure the onle and prted bs directory (for bs memberships and higher)The opportuny to promote your bs and/or host events at your venueRced pricg on and limed-space accs to exhibor tabl durg events that ll for themAccs to the members-only sectn of the web se, which allows for nnectg wh other members and fdg members-only disunts for purchas om a number of bsAdvanced registratn for Chamber Core Events, which typilly have a wa listThe chance to be clud a regular member spotlight that promot you to the wir Chamber membershipMembership Disunts om participatg bsAutomatic cln the Natnal Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), cludg fee waiver for LGBTE certifitn, a $899 valueFull scriptns of each membership level are below. The Capal Area's LGBT Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) is the nonprof, nonpartisan, largely-volunteer work of over 430 Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr (LGBT) & Ally members addn to the nearly 5, 000 LGBT profsnal supporters who own or are employed by bs, nonprofs, and ernment agenci Washgton, DC, Virgia, and Maryland.


Capal Area Gay and Lbian Chamber of Commerce | Washgton DC .