29 Celebri Who Some Believe Are Gay - The Hollywood Gossip

rumoured gay celebrities

We were very spired by the latt sndal: Patrick Stewart was falsely labelled gay by The Guardian.



Tim ntue to change Hollywood and around the untry. Over the past uple years, more and more celebri have e out of the closet as gay. * rumoured gay celebrities *

"When I was younger I thought I was straight, bee I was more attracted to women, and I didn't know there were more optns bis gay and straight.


In a now-leted tweet that was screenshotted by celebry gossip and news se The Jasme Brand and posted to Instagram, the 45-year-old crooner, who is bt known for his early '90s classics like "Can We Talk" and "I'm Ready, " reportedly nfirmed that he is gay to a fan. "My mom keeps tellg me Luther Vandross, Teddy Penrgrass, and Tev Campbell were gay, " the fan's tweet read, to which Campbell simply quote-tweeted and said, "Tev is, " acpanied by the rabow flag and sunglass emojis. Then Augt, durg an terview wh People Magaze's Every Day podst, the R&B star remisced about his s-long reer the mic/entertament dtry so far, while also givg listeners a rare glimpse to his personal life and nfirmg that he do intify as a gay man.


The edian, actor, and star of the NBC's The Carmichael Show me out as gay April durg his HBO Max edy show Rothaniel.

The popular and credibly private vio game streamer, who is most known for playg Mecraft and for streamg on Twch, me out an April Twter Q&A wh his followers when he was asked by a fan what his favore moment the gay, romantic, teen Netflix seri Heartstopper was. ""For those nfed basilly I gus I am technilly unlabeled as the way I have kda always gone around life jt beg attracted to whoever I am attracted to jt so happens that most of them le up wh a 'certa type' you uld say, " he later clarified, sayg that he is "okay wh the gay label.

Vcent Wang -- the popular, UK-based League of Legends ports player better known by his streamg name Bost -- publicly me out as gay a May Twter statement. Though the pop sger has been open about her sexualy for years ( 2019 she told Attu that she was bisexual and an open relatnship), she took to Instagram June to celebrate Pri Month and to talk even further about her sexualy, remdg everyone that she is, fact, a queer in who is "not gay and not straight.


gay-mors — Gawker .