Gay Travel Gui Torremolos │misterb&b

gay bars in torremolinos spain

Insi Torremolos: Gay Torremolos - Before you vis Torremolos, vis Tripadvisor for the latt and advice, wrten for travelers by travelers.



Top Torremolos Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Torremolos, Spa on Tripadvisor. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

*('Where diversy is unrstood', playg on the e Spanish of the verb entenr (unrstand) as a way of askg whether someone is gay.


Torremolos, a town on the Costa l Sol and characterized by s good gay environment that you n not miss this summer 2021.... * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

The drks menu is varied, however the specialty here is Gay BarCalle la Nogalera, 29620, Torremolos, SpaLoted the heart of Torremolos' gay district, La Nogalera, Codigo is a popular gay bar which is open seven nights a week..

ClubCalle Danza Invisible, 710, 29620, Torremolos, SpaA late-night gay clubbg venue that offers a dance floor as well as a separate cisg area. Open every night om Nu La Nogalera, 11, 29620, Torremolos, SpaA relative newer to Torremolos' gay bar scene, La Nu offers outdoor seatg the heart of La Nogalera, and serv ff... Exxxtreme Cisg ClubCalle Santos Arcángel, 6, 29620, Torremolos, SpaA popular dance club that foc on gay cisg Torremolos.

Lately, Torremolos has bee the place you have to vis if you´re to gay parti, that’s why om Ruben Galarreta, we want to remend you plac that you n not miss to live the bt gay atmosphere Spa.


Insi Torremolos: Gay Bars and Nightclubs Torremolos - Before you vis Torremolos, vis Tripadvisor for the latt and advice, wrten for travelers by travelers. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Most of the daytime bars this area are gay-iendly and there are several that ter for a particular trend, like Babel, formerly 'Pricillas'; a sy drks bar wh a spac outsi terrace that attracts an olr bear scene.


Ars Bar: The BEST gay bar Torremolos - See 246 traveler reviews, 156 ndid photos, and great als for Torremolos, Spa, at Tripadvisor. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Further towards Malaga, the beach at the Poseidon Rtrant (oppose Hotel Isabel) is ed by lol gay men and some women as a que place to sunbathe wh iends and partners. Gay clubs are not many but they are very good: huge Palladium wh swimmg pool attracts crowds of handsome guys week-ends.


Most of the gay bars Torremolos are suated La Nogalera. This area is the town's 'gay village' and has many night bars and clubs that stay open until dawn. There are also bars and f that open all day, servg breakfasts, snacks and meals. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Enjoy Torremolos: is a great Gay statn which ters to anyone: great beach, culture, vivid nightlife and sunny weather. Below: El Gato terrace is the bit gay venue town, wh young and handsome crowd arrivg before ser clubbg late at night.

Thankfully the rorts and gay hotels Torremolos allow you to do jt that – to be 110% yourself, whout a sgle double-take, all the pany of other open-md folks. This once ty picturque fishg village has transformed to one of the hottt gay holiday statns on the whole ntent.


* gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Cosmopolan and hedonistic, Torremolos has bee extremely gay popular over the past few s as a gay summer vatn spot, pecially for LGBTQ folks om Madrid and Barcelona. Torremolos’ gay hub, La Nogalera, is a maze of bars and clubs where the historic mgl wh the ultra-morn.


Torremolos gay bars clubs cludg gay map 2023 * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

The gay scene here is punctuated by a huge Gay Pri event every year, wh other LGBT events takg place throughout the travel season.

Rt assured gay, lbian, transgenr, and genr-fluid or non-bary folks will have no problem fdg a qualy hotel wh great service and ameni, and most importantly a tolerant atmosphere where all are wele. And for the very bt of gay and gay-iendly hotels Torremolos, we have brought them together this handy list. Hotel Rual Torremolos is a very open and gay-iendly tablishment offerg not only a great lotn but also top-notch luxury service and ameni.

This adults-only gay-iendly hotel is suated the center of Torremolos and is very close to Bajondillo Beach, wh such landmarks as the Church of San Miguel and Plaza la Nogalera also wh a stone’s throw om the hotel.


Lookg for a gay holiday Torremolos? You will be spoilt for choice wh the bt gay hotels Torremolos for you to try out on your next vatn. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

For a relaxg seasi hotel rort, wh an open attu that embrac guts of all liftyl, the betiful Hotel Fenix should be at the top of any gay tourists’ radar for great acmodatn Torremolos. The Hotel el Pozo (meang the hole, or wellsprg) is another fabulo gay-iendly hotel wh an excellent lotn the center of Torremolos.

Not ntent to rely on a great lotn alone, Hotel el Pozo was renovated jt a few years ago and boasts an acmodatn offerg that has the bt gay-iendly morn fort, though do so whout sacrificg s distct Andalian charm. All told, you will be hard-prsed to beat the Hotel el Pozo as a gay-iendly acmodatn and a fe hotel that embrac diversy.


Torremolos has long had a vibrant gay scene and has always been one of the most openly gay-iendly towns Spa. Even durg the years of dictatorship, the town flourished as a statn for the liberally md and the animated gay scene thrived at a time when Fran owned on blatantly non-Catholic activi. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

This recently renovated gay-iendly hotel offers jt unr 400 fortable and well-furnished rooms for guts of all kds. Wh s great lotn close proximy to the bt gay nightlife and entertament town, not to mentn the fortable rooms and excellent service, Gran Cervant by Blue Sea prents a gay-iendly acmodatn choice that is hard to pass up, pecially for those g to Torremolos to experience s famo gay scene.

La Nogalera and the town’s bt gay nightlife n also be reached 10 mut, and a shuttle service to the town center is available. We close out our list of the bt gay and gay-iendly hotels Torremolos wh the fabulo four-star Hotel Isabel, which is currently celebratg s 50th anniversary. Torremolos has long had a vibrant gay scene and has always been one of the most openly gay-iendly towns Spa.

Even durg the years of dictatorship, the town flourished as a statn for the liberally md and the animated gay scene thrived at a time when Fran owned on blatantly non-Catholic activi.


Insi Torremolos: Gay Bars and Nightclubs Torremolos - Before you vis Torremolos, vis Tripadvisor for the latt and advice, wrten for travellers by travellers. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Today, the gay scene is even more flourishg than before and is fast beg the most popular choice for GLBT tourists to spend their summer vatns.

Of all the towns on the Costa l Sol, Torremolos is the most famo for s variety of gay bars and clubs. Most of the gay scene Torremolos is centered on the Plaza La Nogalera, but is not limed to this inic part of the town.


Informatn about gay servic and liftyle Andalucia, southern Spa. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Along this stretch of goln beach are numero bars, f and chirguos aimed at the gay tourist, one of which is Poseidon.

The first big GLBT event of the year Torremolos is the Gala Drag Queen l Carnival Gay, which is held on the first weekend March.

You've got En Beach Club, good beach gay vibe, some not so good ments for food, but jt across the walkway you uld have lunch at El Gato lounge. Jt up the road om the hotel is area known as Pueblo Blan, good bars, Boomerang etc to start a b of a crawl, or even if you wanted dner you've got Ibiza rtrant or Calendula for good tapas, then move around to La Pepa, which then brgs you round to Nogalera, few of the early gay bars, Chsa, Vida etc, and then all other bars are this same area, but then will only get bier after 12.


Planng a trip to Spa? Don't miss the 10 gay-iendly ci. Pick one or pick them all and you’re sure to be imprsed. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Torremolos is an attractive statn for gay tourists, due part to s liberal attus and vibrant LGBTQ+ scene.

The cy has a number of gay-iendly bars, clubs, and other entertament venu, as well as a number of gay-iendly hotels, gutho, and vatn rentals.


What to do Albufeira? Gui and map to gay bars, clubs and the LGBTQI+ scene 2023 * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

The Nogalera area is home to a number of popular gay bars, clubs, and other entertament venu, as well as a number of gay-iendly hotels and gutho. The gay scene Torremolos is lively and varied, wh a number of bars, clubs, and other entertament venu terg to the LGBTQ+ muny. The cy is also home to a number of annual LGBTQ+ events, cludg the Torremolos Gay Pri para, which tak place every year June.


Lookg for the bt gay beach? From North and South Ameri, the Caribbean and Europe, to Oceania and even Ai, the are the bt gay beach the world. * gay bars in torremolinos spain *

Torremolos is also home to a number of gay-iendly beach, cludg La Carihuela Beach, which is known for s lively atmosphere and betiful settg. The cy is a popular statn for the gay and lbian muny, and is known for s welg and clive atmosphere.

(Image cred: Kev Hellon/Alamy)Once a poor fishg town, Torremolos beme an unlikely LGBTQ+ haven the midst of a fascist walkway outsi Mariqua Copas, a hole--the-wall bar Torremolos' ma "gaybourhood", La Nogalera, glowed blue. As I sipped a beer on my first night town, I surveyed the scene: pestrians holdg shoppg bags had stopped to chat; a man and woman sat entwed on a bench; and gay lols clked cktail glass.

But, as I was about to learn, not only did the untry's first gay-iendly bar open here back 1962, was also where Spa's gay rights movement began – rather vlently. Dpe the fact that homosexualy was still nsired a crime unr Fran's regime, 1962, a Brish gay uple opened Tony's Bar on the narrow L-shaped alleyway Pasaje Begoña.


"Although Tony's nnot be fed as a 'gay bar' as we unrstand today, was a place where the owners were gay and allowed the clientele eedom, " said Je M Pérez, the print of Pasaje Begoña Associatn, which was found 2018 wh the aim of "reverg the memory of this emblematic place and rcug this fotten chapter the history of Spa". Tony's was an stant smash and over the next few years, spired a slew of other tablishments terg to the gay muny. In 1971, Fran's ernment began crackg down on Torremolos' flourishg gay scene, which was centred around Pasaje Begoña.

What beme known as the Great Raid did not mean the end of the town's gay bars, but did differ om New York Cy's Stonewall Rts, explaed Pérez. Torremolos' Pasaje Begoña was home to Spa's first gay-iendly bar (Cred: M Ramírez/Alamy)Today, those pneers would likely be thrilled to know that this 68, 000-person muny is home to dozens of thrivg queer bars, clubs and bs.


The gay and lbian muny is currently enjoyg a high profile Spa, thanks to the recent troductn of the ntroversial homosexual marriage law. Obvly the Catholic church has put up fierce opposn to this bill, but the large majory of people (pecially urban areas) support equal rights for homosexual upl. Sce then, Spanish gays and lbians have been g out of their closets and makg a public life for themselv.

Today, gay pri is celebrated throughout the untry and there are numero well-known and rpected anisatns providg tegral servic to the gay muny.

The climate, shoppg, beach and bar/club culture have for some time bed to make Andalucia very attractive to the gay market, not to mentn the lourful, vibrant, outdoor liftyle.


Torremolos: Gay Bars and Nightclubs Torremolos - Tripadvisor .