A page for scribg Funny: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Back to the Funny Page of the ma game story. This page is for the expansn pack …
A scriptn of trop appearg Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, released on 29 October 2009, is … * gta the ballad of gay tony tv tropes *
"Gay Tony will always be the kg of this town. "—Luis Fernando LopezGrand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, released on 29 October 2009, is the send of the two Episos om Liberty Cy expansn packs for Grand Theft Auto IV (the first beg The Lost and Damned), and is the fale of the GTA IV protagonist this time around is Luis Fernando Lopez, a part-time hoodlum om Northwood (Liberty Cy's versn of Inwood) who works as a bodyguard for "Gay Tony" Prce, one of Liberty Cy's top club entreprenrs wh a dg hab. Ray Bulgar, Niko Bellic's former employer who is searchg for his stolen opposed to the slums and poverty-stricken protagonists of IV and The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony foc on Liberty Cy's upper-class nightclub culture.
The characters of Grand Theft Auto IV, The Lost and Damned, and The Ballad of Gay Tony. Protagonistsnote Niko Bellic, Johnny Klebz, Luis Fernando … * gta the ballad of gay tony tv tropes *
Ballad of X: Specifilly, of Gay Tony.
A page for scribg YMMV: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Awome Mic: The ma theme, but pecially the credibly soothg, betiful and … * gta the ballad of gay tony tv tropes *
In keepg wh s lighter tone, Ballad of Gay Tony has a more vivid lor palette, extendg right down to the map screen.
A page for scribg Trivia: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Miscellaneo Both The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and Damned were supposed to … * gta the ballad of gay tony tv tropes *
Contuy Snarl: Attempts to make clear a chronologil orr for the missns GTA IV as well as the episos (g -game news reports as referenc) proved extremely hard once Gay Tony was released. Earn Your Happy Endg: Dpe ultimately losg the diamonds and nearly killg each other, both Luis and Gay Tony manage to survive, kill Bulgar, get the Ancelotti's off their backs, and (prumably) ga new fundg om newfound rich iend Yuf Amir to reopen their clubs. She asks Luis' help to prevent actn star Chris Hunt om publishg a vio of her givg him a handjob, to disprove mors that he is gay.
Foregone Concln: In The Lost And Damned, Johnny bungl a diamond al volvg Gay Tony, and steals the gems off of the rpse of an associate of Tony's: a tanned, blond, mcular gay man who attempted to pe via limoe. Gameplay and Story Segregatn: Hercul, spe beg a gay club, has straight women si that Luis n teract wh.
Genre Shift: While GTA IV was a parture om the over-the-top actn of the prev gam, The Ballad of Gay Tony brgs some over-the-top back to the game by havg you steal entire tra rs, leap out of plan and helipters and parachute onto movg flatbed tcks. Hyperpetent Sikick: Luis also serv as this to Gay Tony.
A page for scribg NightmareFuel: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Grand Theft Auto III | Grand Theft Auto: Vice Cy | Grand Theft Auto: San … * gta the ballad of gay tony tv tropes *
Informed Abily: Gay Tony proudly troduc Luis as his "bs partner" so much, even Luis himself has bought to .
A page for scribg Awome: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. The endg of Momma's Boy if Luis do not take a dive. The loan shark nonts … * gta the ballad of gay tony tv tropes *
Averted GTA V when he shows up aga and you fally get the chance to kill him Large Ham: Gay Tony is such a huge drama queen. Lighter and Softer: While The Ballad of Gay Tony retas the darker edge of GTA IV, the story is generally lighter tone while returng to some of the wacky fun om San Andreas.