Are you qutng your sexualy? Fd out if you’re gay, straight, bisexual, or asexual. Learn what the terms mean and if they apply to you.
Pl, there's a standout episo about a gay uple that will brg you to the msit of tears. There’s a lot of Big Gay Energy Yellowjackets that's both energetic and stylistic, om mic cu to stum. There are episos on pneerg gay trans man and AIDS activist Lou Sullivan; S.
What is: Be gay, do crime — as a gothic romance between vampir.
Why we like : Vampir have long been a metaphor for queerns, and Anne Rice’s Interview wh the Vampire — both her 1976 novel and the 1994 film adaptatn — were also so obvly gay. But that subtext be the leral text Rol Jon’s AMC seri, an adaptatn that fally lets the vampir be their big gay selv. The seri follows Louis Pote du Lac (Jab Anrson, Grey Worm om Game of Thron) as he reunts the wild tal of his life as a wealthy gay Black vampire 1900s New Orleans and the lover pann of Ltat (Sam Reid).