The morn unirn is everywhere. On children’s TV, on Gay Pri march and sellg bety products. Alice Fisher looks at why this magil creature has bee so popular
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The rabow flag was created by Amerin artist Gilbert Baker 1978 as a joyo symbol of the diversy of the gay muny.
It beme proment durg the gay rights protts of the 1970s and 1980s.
Ukrae’s gay, lbian, and transsexual ary volunteers are addg a unirn patch to their uniforms, right unr the natnal flag. * unicorn gay london *
Rabows and unirns are so trsilly lked (the associatn is also a Victorian ventn) that ’s unsurprisg that the magic creature started to appear on T-shirts and banners at Gay Pri around the world, wh slogans such as “Genr is Imagary” or “Totally Straight” emblazoned unr sparklg rabow is tertg that an animal once so tradnally male is now not only a mpaigner of gay rights but often portrayed as female. There aren’t many creatur that have been a reprentatn of Christ, a panacea, a gay rights mpaigner and a fashn accsory. Ukrae’s gay, lbian, and transgenr ary volunteers are addg a unirn patch to their uniforms, right unr the natnal flag.
The patch is meant as a rebe to Rsian rhetoric about “-Nazifitn” and Rsian rhetoric about the absence of homosexuals the ary forc of former Soviet terrori. Sce there were supposedly no gay soldiers the army, gays sarstilly chose the mythologil unirn as their symbol.
Even then, gay Ukraian troops thought intifyg themselv uld help unter Rsian propaganda about fascists nng Kyiv. ’ How uld there be talk of neo-Nazis an army that has gay-iendly uns, and which gay and lbian active-duty and veteran service members n e out whout fear? They said there was “no aggrsn, no bullyg” when they volunteered for ont-le duty agast the Rsian vars, and their manrs said homophobia would not be tolerated.