1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830 | ®

1150 s gay st auburn al

5 beds, 5.5 baths, 2632 sq. ft. hoe loted at 450 N Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830 sold for $300,000 on May 30, 2018. View sal history, tax history, home value timat, and overhead views. APN 090...


1150 S GAY ST, AUBURN, AL 36830

1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830 is currently not for sale. The 896 Square Feet sgle fay home is a -- beds, -- baths property. This home was built 1940 and last sold on -- for $--. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 1150 s gay st auburn al *

1150 S Gay St is a 896 square foot hoe on a 19. Ft: 896# of Stori: 1Legal Dcriptn: PART SEC 31 T19N R26E: COM INT S LINE & SW ROW S GAY ST; W 960'S TO BEG; W 820'S; NW 475'S; NE 1112. Transportatn near 1150 S Gay StSomewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this home.

Compare to nearby zip sWhat is 1150 S Gay St?

© Google1150 S Gay StAuburn, AL 36830Hom for Sale Near 1150 S Gay StLol Informatn© GoogleDcriptnThis property is not currently for sale or for rent on Tlia.

1150 S GAY ST, AUBURN, AL 368301150 S GAY ST, AUBURN, AL 36830

View tailed rmatn about property 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830 cludg listg tails, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more. * 1150 s gay st auburn al *

The scriptn and property data below may have been provid by a third party, the homeowner or public sgle-fay home is loted at 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL. 1150 S Gay St is Auburn, AL and ZIP 36830. 10 acr and was built HighlightsHome Details for 1150 S Gay StInterr FeaturLevels, Entrance, & AccsibilyStori: 1Floors: Tile, Other, Concrete, HardwoodExterr FeaturExterr Home FeaturRoof: AsphaltExterr: Other, Shgle, Stone, Stuc, Wood, Brick, Cement Concrete, MetalFoundatn Type: OtherProperty InformatnYear BuiltYear Built: 1940Year Updated: 1940Property Type / StyleProperty Type: Sgle Fay HomeLot InformatnLot Area: 19.

10 acrProperty Tax and AsssmentYear2022TaxAsssment$489, 920Home facts updated by unty rerdsHom for Rent Near 1150 S Gay StOff Market Hom Near 1150 S Gay St1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830 is a stud, 896 sqft sgle-fay home built 1940. Details for 1150 S GAY ST.

1150 S GAY ST,AUBURN, AL 36830

896 sq. ft. hoe loted at 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830. View sal history, tax history, home value timat, and overhead views. APN 0909314000105000. * 1150 s gay st auburn al *

My Commute for 1150 S GAY ST.

Tax and Asssments for 1150 S Gay St, AuburnTax YearTaxTax Assed ValueExemptns2022$50, 240 (-48. 5%) 2021$97, 5462020$97, 5462019201820172016Sal History for 1150 S Gay St, AuburnSign up for full accs to the plete sal history cludg potential flips, distrsed sal and buyer and seller DateRerd DateBuyer(s)Seller(s)PriceDocument ID Accs Sal History for 1150 S Gay St, Auburn. 1150 South Gay Street Auburn, AL 36830.

1150 South Gay Street has a Walk Sre of 9 out of 100.

1150 S GAY STAUBURN, AL 36830

1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36830 is a 896 sqft, Stud home. See the timate, review home tails, and search for hom nearby. * 1150 s gay st auburn al *

Addrs: 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL 36832Admissn: NoneAcr: 75Approximate of trails: 3 (cludg the trails on the Northeast si of South Gay Street, scribed below)Hours: Sunrise to sunsetTrail surface: Mostly natural or small gravel, some ncreteLks:Cy of AuburnTown Creek ParkThe park has nature trails around the pond and leadg to Town Creek Cemetery and to nearby neighborhoods.

Each tree has a sign scribg the history of the tree is grown trailhead is jt across South Gay Street om Town Creek Park, at 32.

Town Creek Park, 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL, Uned Stat, Auburn, Uned StatEvent Lotn & Nearby Stays:. 1150 S Gay St, Auburn, AL.


Take a closer look at this 896 SqFt, Sgle Fay Rince / Townhoe, loted at 1150 S GAY ST AUBURN, AL 36830. * 1150 s gay st auburn al *

450 N Gay St is a 2, 632 square foot hoe on a 8, 869 square foot lot wh 5 bedrooms and 5.

Transportatn near 450 N Gay StRisk FactorFlood Factor - MimalUnlikely to flood next 30 yearsFire Factor - Mor0. Compare to nearby zip sWhat is 450 N Gay St?


See the Walk Sre of 1150 South Gay Street, Auburn AL. View map of nearby rtrants, parks, and schools. See photos of 36832. * 1150 s gay st auburn al *

450 N GAY ST,AUBURN, AL 36830

Conquer Chiari Walk for Awarens - Auburn, AL happeng at Town Creek Park, 1150 S Gay St,Auburn,AL,Uned Stat, Auburn, Uned Stat on Sat Sep 23 2023 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm * 1150 s gay st auburn al *
* 1150 s gay st auburn al *


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