A travers la dramatique histoire d'un uple d'homosexuels, évotn la ségrégatn et du martyre c rniers pendant la Sen Guerre mondiale, qui bien souvent préféraient se faire passer pour juifs, plutôt que porter le triangle rose réservé x homosexuels... Réalisatr : Sean Mathias Autr : Mart Shermann Actrs : Mick Jagger, Clive Owen, Lothaire Bluthe, Ian McKellen, Brian Webber, Ju Law Retrouvez ce film sur Déuvrez notre chae imeo édorialisée sur Dailymotn ici et vo verrez tout nos vidéos gratu et plèt !
* film gay francais *
Bisexual men are perceived to sound more mascule than men who are straight, acrdg to a study of Atralian subjects.Amics at the Universy of Sydney pared the voic of gay, straight and bisexual men a study volvg 160 people.In the rearch led by clil psychologist Jam Morandi, people were reced to analyse the voic of 60 men, 20 of whom were gay, 20 straight and 20 bisexual. They were then asked to rate the men on their sexual orientatn g a sle om zero (exclively heterosexual) to 10 (exclively homosexual).Listeners were also asked to rate each man’s perceived level of femy or masculy the voic on a siar sle.The men volved the study were asked to rerd themselv on a smartphone recg the first two l of the Atralian natnal anthem.Voice sampl were then modified to remove any background noise while volume levels were ma the same to ensure nsistency.Rults om the study showed listeners uld distguish between gay and straight men’s voic wh an accuracy of 62 per cent, apparently nsistent wh prev rearch.However, the study participants uld not terme any differenc between bisexual and straight men’s voic wh any gree of accuracy. The thors said their rearch showed bisexual men’s voic were perceived as beg more exclively attracted to women pared wh both gay and straight men’s voic.Bisexual men’s voic were rated as more mascule than both gay and straight men’s voic.Rearchers claimed the abily to intify a man’s bisexual inty om his voice alone uld have cril social implitns such as helpg to rce feelgs of alienatn.‘Voice may unter visibily many bisexuals feel’An abstract of the study, tled Can listeners tect if a man is bisexual om his voice alone, reads: “The prent study examed whether bisexual men n be intified om their voic ak to how gay men n be intified on their voice alone.“If this is the se, voice may be an important target of discrimatn on the one hand but may also unter the visibily many bisexuals feel (if their bisexual inti n be apprehend by their voice alone, whout explic disclosure required).“The fdgs may also she light on whether bisexual male voic, like gay male voic, differ om straight voic terms of their genr non-nformy – a qutn that to date has not been examed.”But amics noted the rearch was limed on the grounds all men who participated the study are Atralian, which may not be reflected among wir cultur.And the thors nced the study did not ntrol for the rerdg environment or microphone-to-mouth distance, which uld have affected the qualy of the voice sampl.The thors said the fdgs suggted that while the voic of bisexual men the sample were perceived as more mascule and attracted to femal, listeners did not associate this imprsn wh bisexualy.As a rult, while bisexual men may appear to be at lower risk of facg voice-based intifitn and discrimatn than gay men, they may often be mistaken as beg straight.The study was published the Journal of Sex Rearch.
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6Now ApolypseGenrActn 4Actn & Adventure 2Animatn 2Aventure 1édie 96Comedy 0Crime 13Documentaire 0Drama 1Drame 322erotique 1Étranger 1Faial 6Fantastique 3gay 341Guerre 8Histoire 28Horrr 2lbienne 44Meillrs films 52MUSIQUE 9Mystère 4relign 1Requêt 1Romance 207Science-Fictn 0Science-Fictn & Fantastique 2Soap 1Téléfilm 6Thriller 20transgenre 13Wtern 1.
Évoquer à la fois le désir homosexuel à l’e et la f d’un mon dtriel, c’t la force et l’origalé cette œuvre drôle et touchante, le « meillr film du ftival Cann » en 2001 selon Jean-Luc Godard! Le Repas domil Céle Devx (2015, 14 mn)Ce urt métrage d’animatn multi-répensé met en scène Jean qui sacrifie, une fois pl et malgré sa gule bois, tradnnel déjner du dimanche chez s parents qui vivent son homosexualé me un « mélange défae et d’exotisme »!
The AIDS vis is somethg that still wily affects the world, and gay men particular, to this day.
It’s a fascatg acunt of what mt have been like to exist as a gay man the 90s; the nstant risks, the heartache and the social rponsibily that would have e wh raisg awarens on the topics. She meets an olr, stimulatg girl named Léa a lbian bar and the two embark on a lovg journey, refully navigatg what meant to be young and gay at the time.