What Do the Bible Say About Beg Gay? | Christian Bible Studi

bible supporting gay

The Bible vers aren't about nmng homosexuals, gays, lbians, or transgenr people. Rather, read God's lovg warng and grace for those who have strayed om His will for sex



* bible supporting gay *

I hate to wre another blog post on any homosexual issu, but breaks my heart when I see thoands of people watchg and sharg ntent that furthers the misnceptn that God is alright wh homosexual relatnships. ” Bee of the obsceni, I will not lk to the vio, but I will give you the ndown of all “7 Bible Quot Supportg Gay Relatnships, ” acrdg to Arielle Srcella and Matthew V. The term, “sexual immoraly” is a translatn of the Greek word, “porneia” which acrdg to the Strong’s fn clus “adultery, fornitn, homosexualy, lbianism, terurse wh animals, etc.

” And sce Srcella and V don’t believe homosexualy is nmned the ntext of a “lovg and mted relatnship, ” then they believe they n simply dismiss most ( not all) of God’s nmnatn of homosexualy.


This is why I have no problem g Levic 18 to show that homosexualy was one of the abomatns of Sodom, but is not a passage I lean heavily upon to nvce people homosexualy is a s today. Do not be ceived; neher fornitors, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effemate, nor homosexuals, nor thiev, nor the veto, nor dnkards, nor revilers, nor swdlers, will her the kgdom of God. It breaks my heart to thk of someone watchg that vio and g away wh the ia that you n be a practicg homosexual and a fahful Christian at the same time.

The Pew Rearch Center shared last year that the majory of people who approved of homosexual liftyl didn’t nsir relign important their daily liv. And holdg to God’s revealed tth His Word ncerng homosexualy is even more dangero, ” Becket Cook wrote his book, A Change of Affectn: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Remptn. “The nscienc of today’s Christians are beg rpted by the opprsive cultural i and the extreme social prsure surroundg the issue of homosexualy, but we know that the law of the Lord is wrten on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-33) and though we may succeed mutg our nscience, the Word of God is eternal, ” Cook said.

As a biblil scholar, I would suggt that church lears who e their cultur and theology to exclu homosexuals don’t read Scripture refully.


What Do the Bible Say About Beg Gay? | Christian Bible Studi.