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19.5793 7.45201 19.5793L31.043 19.5781L25.7798 14.4265C25.5273 14.1817 25.3762 13.8508 25.3566 13.4997C25.3371 13.1486 25.4504 12.803 25.6742 12.5316L25.7798 12.4164Z"></path></svg></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-xw51qy-8 cUcCpO"><div translate="no" class="sc-1lrzhjq-0 hKmHmu"><div><div data-ttid="expandable_area" class="sc-9wbh3f-0 dmqZqL"><div><h2 class="sc-1lrzhjq-1 hfCJlZ"><div class="LotName">Marc Stone, RA (Brish, 1840-1921)</div></h2><div class="sc-1lrzhjq-2 jejg"><div class="LotDc">In the sha <br />signed and dated 'Marc Stone 1879' (lower left) and scribed wh tle and artist's addrs on the stretcher<br />oil on nvas<br /><I>33 x 48 1/2 (83 x 124cm)</I></div></div><div class="sc-1lrzhjq-4 dZuVig"><h3 class="sc-1lrzhjq-3 jEhRVH">Footnot</h3><p>LITERATURE:<br>The Strand Magaze, <i>Pictur Grave and Gay</i>, Augt 1907, no. 200, vol. 34, p 129, illtrated p. 125.<br>M. Cowlg, <i>Victorian Figurative Patg: Domtic Life and the Contemporary Social Scene</i>, Papadakis Publishers, London, 2000, p 70.<br><br>The prent picture picts a rner of a lovely old garn; after tea a young uple has wanred off, leavg a pretty main alone and ' the sha'. In the Strand Magaze article <i>Pictur Grave and Gay</i>, the artist Marc Stone mented that this patg was suggted by a late afternoon effect his own garn, and said that "the background is more or ls a te versn of a portn of my hoe and garn as was more than a quarter of a century ago - no other se have I pated an actual scene any of my pictur".</p></div></div><div data-ttid="expandable_area_fa" class="sc-9wbh3f-1 nvvqa"></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-1jwl8w6-0 zrRxX"><h2 class="sc-174bqk4-0 igjoRC">Addnal rmatn</h2><ul class="sc-1jwl8w6-1 gcYncT"><li class="sc-1jwl8w6-2 cxlCHI"><h3 class="sc-1jwl8w6-3 gteGkU"><button type="button" aria-expand="false" aria-ntrols="panel-1" class="sc-174bqk4-1 sc-1jwl8w6-4 klneKh futuvX"><span>Auctn rmatn</span><svg width="42" height="42" viewBox="0 0 42 42" xmlns=" fill="currentColor" class="sc-1jwl8w6-9 etlNYT"><path d="M21 6C21.9554 6 22.7308 6.87692 22.7308 7.95692V19.2692H34.0431C35.0642 19.2692 35.9019 19.9604 35.9931 20.8419L36 21C36 21.9554 35.1231 22.7308 34.0431 22.7308H22.7308L22.7319 34.0431C22.7319 35.0642 22.0408 35.9019 21.1592 35.9931L21 36C20.0446 36 19.2692 35.1231 19.2692 34.0431L19.2681 22.7296L7.95692 22.7308C6.93577 22.7308 6.09808 22.0396 6.00692 21.1581L6 21C6 20.0446 6.87692 19.2692 7.95692 19.2692L19.2692 19.2681V7.95692C19.2692 6.93577 19.9604 6.09808 20.8419 6.00692L21 6Z"></path></svg></button></h3><div id="panel-1" data-ttid="panel-1" aria-hidn="te" class="sc-1jwl8w6-5 kWMbCE"><div class="sc-1jwl8w6-6 DFiIb"><div class="sc-1jwl8w6-7 NKtax"><div translate="no"><p>This ctn is now fished. 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marcus stone gay

Gayct (TV Seri 2019– ) st and crew creds, cludg actors, actrs, directors, wrers and more.



* marcus stone gay *

Some of the historic figur were standg up for LGBTQ (lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer) rights long before the civil rights movement that advot equal rights for queer people - but some of them were opprsed and shamed for their sexualy. In the 1970s, his work returned to the limelight after he beme an in among the LGBTQ+ muny and a new generatn of openly gay artists although Te's sexualy nnot be nfirmed. Implited two of the most sndalo trials of the 18th century, Foote was ed by an accatn of homosexualy and his reputatn was stroyed.

After Foote parodied Chudleigh, the Duchs of Kgston, who was on trial for bigamy, her agents began publishg accatns of homosexualy agast Foote, who attend Tro Grammar School.


NPR's Ari Shapiro speaks wh Eric Marc of Makg Gay History about his llectn of oral histori on the Stonewall rts, which happened 50 years ago this week. * marcus stone gay *

After her ath 1989, private letters revealed that Du Mrier qutned her sexual inty often referrg her letters to her heterosexual enunters as ‘Cairo’ and to homosexual enunters as ‘Venice’.

"I have been gay my entire life, sce I was a child. Though some of that live big ci n feel like half of the world is gay, 's a stark difference om many livg small towns. "I was takg my mom somewhere one day and she jt asked 'are you gay?


"I was so sred of what actually meant to ll yourself gay so even the first man I dated, I still thought that afterwards I was gog to eventually meet a girl and get married bee that's what men did, " he said.


Defamatn se begs after gay porn star acced adult dtry media boss of 'rapg mols' | Daily Mail Onle.