The Gay Caballero | The Benny Hill Show Wikia | Fandom

was benny hill gay

Holiday: Directed by Dennis Kirkland. Wh Benny Hill, Henry McGee, Jackie Wright, Kathy Staff. Benny leads off wh a mil number, "The Gay Caballero"; a parody of the TV travel seri "Holiday" wh Benny as host Cliff Michelmore; Rev. John McFudpucker (Benny) reads poems by Ang MacSpreadg on "S Up & Listen"; a look at the Wild, Wild Wt wh Hill's Angels; a clown wreaks havoc at a cloth shop; and a schoolboy equents a strip jot wh disastro rults." data-id="ma



The Gay Caballero is a edy operetta performed by Benny Hill the openg of March 16, 1983 episo. The number featur breaks for edy dialogue wh the other st members rol and speakg parts. (Note: This transcriptn is om the episo; as such, some of the lyrics are missg... * was benny hill gay *

As the months went by his act was gettg more and more polished and 1948, a rehearsal room across the road om the Wdl, he had an dn as Reg Varney’s straight-man a revue lled Gaytime. Hill and Reg Varney’s double act was generally a succs, and they were signed up for three seasons of Gaytime and subsequently a tourg versn of a London Palladium revue lled Sky High.

Reg Varney and Benny Hill Gaytime. It seems that Benny Hill, famo throughout the world by surroundg himself wh young women, eher was sred of timate sexual terurse or, as some un-named sourc have implied, he was impotent or gay. Before the war some gay dancers he was workg wh asked a naive Alfie whether he was ‘queer’.

Rumors circulated that Benny was gay, which he lghgly nied. The irony of TV's top woman-chaser beg spected as gay is almost too much to believe.


The Gay Caballero an Amerin gunslger and outlaw om near El Paso well-known for his pk outf, whe horse and effemate liftyle. He mak his own cloth on a brand new sewg mache; his shirt ma om pk sat. He drks beer wh cherri and peapple and a straw and feeds his... * was benny hill gay *

Another articleIn real life his sex life was always a sketchy, speculative area, and njecture was high that he was eher a closet homosexual or some mardg votee of the dirty mac. Whilst there was mours of him possibly beg homosexual i get the imprsn he was more likely asexual. Personally I thought he was gay but I might be muddlg him up wh someone else.


The Gay Caballero | The Benny Hill Show Wikia | Fandom .