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A supposed requt for a webse for a same-sex weddg played a mor role a major clash between ee speech and gay rights at the Supreme Court. * gay boys vk video *
AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTA supposed requt for a webse for a same-sex weddg played a mor role a major clash between ee speech and gay rights at the Supreme Supreme Court led last week that a Colorado graphic signer has the right to refe to create webs for same-sex Jiang for The New York TimAfter the Supreme Court led last week that a Colorado graphic signer has the right to refe to create webs for same-sex marriag, crics of the cisn raised qutns about a form clud urt papers the se that appeared to show that a gay uple had sought the servic of the signer, Lorie man who supposedly submted the form said he was unaware of s existence until a reporter for The New Republic lled him.
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He is, moreover, straight, married to a woman and a supporter of gay rights. More about Adam LiptakA versn of this article appears prt on, Sectn A, Page 12 of the New York edn wh the headle: Crics Are Qutng a Seemgly Fake Document a Recent Gay Rights Case. Origatg 1960s Japan, where was known as “yaoi, ” BL typilly picts two men a homoerotic relatnship.