He is remembered as one of the great filmmakers of the 1940s, but his key bgraphers believe he was also an early example of a gay or bisexual man workg a ls than acceptg environment.
He is remembered as one of the great filmmakers of the 1940s, but his key bgraphers believe he was also an early example of a gay or bisexual man workg a ls than acceptg environment. Four tim married, wh two children, he has a strikg and eply ntented send legacy, one batably as a closeted gay man.
Mnelli is wily regnised certa circl whout bate as a gay man. In Mark Griff’s words A Hundred or More Hidn Thgs: ‘Dpe the fact that Mnelli was married to Judy Garland and three other women… was generally assumed that he was a closeted gay man who, due to the societal ndng of his era, felt pelled to marry and procreate.