Here's the 100 Most Inic Movie & TV Gay Kiss of All Time

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Although 's not meant as an stctnal vio, the curly haired duo go at is slowly and diligently, teachg all those awkward smoochers--gay or straight, male or female--how to do 's mmerizg and better than any porn we've seen recently s abily to aroe. For me, the vio is a reflectn of the gay rights stggle momentum. Nick Jonas has been acced of merely givg lip service to the gay muny, but he’s clearly not aaid to put his mouth where his money is.

The seri stars Nick Jonas as a mixed martial arts fighter who happens to also be a closeted gay man. The most recent episo featur a scene that go (somewhat) above and beyond the average chaste “gay” TV kiss, as you n see here:.

There’s also an explic scene which a young man brgs him a lic, steamg bowl of porridge after a passnate night of gay lovemakg. And… then there’s another gay kiss (while Jonas holds the porridge! h/t: Gay Tim.


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