Fd out the meang and the orig of the name, Gayle on
Thkg of nam? Complete 2021 rmatn on the meang of Gayle, s orig, history, pronunciatn, populary, variants and more as a baby girl name. * meaning of gayle *
What do Gayle mean?
Gayle ▼ as a girls' name (also ed as boys' name Gayle) is pronounced gayl.
The name was ma famo by Amerin actrs Gayle Hunnicutt.
* meaning of gayle *
Also form of WITH Ga-VariatnsVARIANTS Gala, Galea, Galen, Galena, Gayla▼, Gaylen ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA GAIL, GALA Gael, Gahl, Gaila, Gaile, Gaill, Gal, Gale▼, Galia, Galla, Gayel, Gayelle, Gayleen, Gaylene, Gayle, Gayll, Gaylla, GaylleCREATIVE FORMS(female) Galle,.. (male) Gayl,..
MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGSGayle Kimberly (G. How popular is Gayle? Gayle is a very proment first name for femal (#375 out of 4276, Top 9%) and also a very proment last name for all people (#4808 out of 150436, Top 3%).
CENSUS)Gayle was first listed 1890-1899 and reached s top posn of #153 the U. Abigail (#11 A YEAR AGO), Gail, Gaile, Gala, Gale, Gayla and Gaylene are the popular related forms of Gayle.
Gayle fn, a female or male given name. See more." name="scriptn * meaning of gayle *
The forms of Gayle reached the peak of their populary the year 2005 (ADOPTION OF 0. 6%, ▼32%), wh versns like Gayla beg ls stylish.
See the populary of the baby girl's name Gayle over time, pl s meang, orig, mon siblg nam, and more BabyCenter's Baby Nam tool. * meaning of gayle *
Siar NamGayle▼ is pronounced siarly to Gael, Gaelle, Gahl, Gaile, Gal, Gale▼, Gayel, Gayelle, Gayll, Gaylle, Gill, Gul and Gull.
Other suggted siar-soundg nam are Carle, Caryle, Daile, Dale▼, Dayle, Emyle, Gabbe (see Gabrielle), Gae, Gaila, Gaill, Galla, Gay▼, Gaye▼, Gayleen, Gaylene, Gayle, Gaylla, Gayna, Gayner, Grayce▼, Halle▼, Hazle, Kahle, Kalle, Kayle▼, Kyle▼, Mable▼, Mayble, Ple, Sable and Vale.
The nam tend to be ls equently ed than Gayle.