Texas judge still fightg to ny weddg ceremoni to gay upl | The Texas Tribune

gay marriage supreme court votes

In a historic cisn for the gay right's movement, the Supreme Court led on Friday that the U.S. Constutn grants same-sex upl the right to marry. Jtice Anthony M. Kennedy, who wrote the majory opn, said that gay and lbian upl have a fundamental right to marry.



* gay marriage supreme court votes *

In a historic cisn for the gay right’s movement, the Supreme Court led on Friday that the U. Kennedy, who wrote the majory opn, said that gay and lbian upl have a fundamental right to marry.

Same-sex marriage supporters celebrate after the Supreme Court’s landmark lg on gay marriage. Gay rights supporters celebrate Friday after the U. Y., who is openly gay, emphasized the importance of Congrs steppg to protect same-sex marriage rights.


The U.S. Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday passed a bill protectg gay marriage rights, after the Supreme Court's cisn to overturn Roe v. Wa imperiled siar precents that protected rights to same-sex relatns and ntraceptn. * gay marriage supreme court votes *

I've never seen a person e up to me and talk about gettg rid of gay marriage, " he said.

Y., the first openly gay Ao-Lato member of Congrs, prid over the Rpect for Marriage Act would tablish that a marriage is nsired valid unr feral law if was legal the state where was performed. Supreme Court as hears arguments a major LGBT rights se on whether a feral anti-discrimatn law that prohibs workplace discrimatn on the basis of sex vers gay and transgenr employe Washgton, October 8, 2019. Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday passed a bill protectg gay marriage rights, after the Supreme Court's cisn to overturn Roe v.

The Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday passed a bill to dify the right to gay marriage the wake of the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wa * gay marriage supreme court votes *

Wa imperiled siar precents that protected rights to same-sex relatns and bill, which passed the Democratic-ntrolled chamber by a vote of 267-157 wh support om 47 Republins, tablish feral protectns for gay marriage and prohibs anyone om nyg the validy of a marriage based on the race or sex of the will now go to the Senate for a vote, where fac unclear odds the evenly divid chamber.

Wa a ncurrg opn, Jtice Clarence Thomas said the urt should also rensir s past lgs that guaranteed accs to ntraceptn and the 2015 right to gay marriage, bee they relied on the same legal arguments as Roe.

McLennan County Jtice of the Peace Dianne Hensley filed a lawsu after a state agency warned her about refg to marry gay upl. She hop a recent U.S. Supreme Court se about relig eedom helps her e. * gay marriage supreme court votes *

Republin Senator Ted Cz said on Saturday that the high urt was "clearly wrong" tablishg a feral right to gay marriage. Democrats have argued that Congrs mt enshre the right to gay marriage to feral law se the urt reviss s past lgs.

"The rights and eedoms that we have e to cherish will vanish to a cloud of radil iology and dub legal reasong, " Nadler said a statement on the Hoe bill, stat uld still rtrict gay marriage if the Supreme Court overturns s prr lg. Y., a -chair of the Hoe LGBTQ+ Equaly Cc who intifi as gay, said that the challenge to LGBTQ equaly currently is "unprecented" light of the Dobbs cisn.

Kennedy, then the center of the High Court, rejected the optns before him, cidg agast sidg wh a same-sex uple who had been nied a ke for their Colorado weddg receptn and agast sidg wh the baker who said his oven was off-lims to gay upl. Jt a few weeks ago, when Transportatn Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the natn’s hight-rankg Senate-nfirmed gay member of the Bin Admistratn, joed TIME’s Washgton Bure for a wi-rangg nversatn, he was blunt: “I mean, Roe fell and that was the law of the land for longer than I’ve been alive.


Texas judge still fightg to ny weddg ceremoni to gay upl | The Texas Tribune.