quartier gay - Avis voyagrs sur The Castro, San Francis - Tripadvisor

quartier gay san francisco

If San Francis is on your gay travel erary, this gui will tell you everythg you need to know about s famo LGBTQ events and tablishments.



* quartier gay san francisco *

Prented by GayCi. San Francis rte la ville la pl gay s Etats-Unis.

Fondée en 1953 par le poète Lawrence Ferlghetti, cette librairie et maison d’édn North Beach fa l gros tr la prse en 1956, quand son fondatr t poursuivi en jtice pour la publitn du poème d’Allen Gsberg Howl: Gsberg y décr sans détours s pratiqu homosexuell, asi que l hallucatns que lui provoquent la prise stupéfiants. Harvey Milk fut le premier homosexuel ouvertement déclaré à remporter une électn municipale x Etats-Unis.

Porté par la munté gay, il a falement remporté un siège supervisr en 1977.


From the Castro District to famo bars om history, San Francis is full of gay bars, clubs and mojre. * quartier gay san francisco *

En février 2004, l premiers mariag homosexuels sont célébrés Cy Hall. La faça du bâtiment se pare ulrs arc-en-ciel la semae précédant la Gay pri. La llectn permanente rassemble nombrx objets et témoignag d’une époque pas si lotae, quand l’homosexualé éta perçue me un vice.

Le temple s spectacl drag queens dans SOMA: fondée par D’Arcy Drollger et Hekla à l’emplacement d’anciens bas-douch gays, l’Oasis propose s spectacl irrévérencix plirs fois par semae. Le ftival du film gay et lbien s’y tient chaque année. “This clud workg wh gays, sex workers, ‘young chickens, ’ youth, hippi, gangs, dg addicts, and others.


The Castro: quartier gay - nsultez 973 avis voyagrs, 865 photos, l meillr of et parez l prix pour San Francis, Californie sur Tripadvisor. * quartier gay san francisco *

) Anti-black discrimatn exists the gay muny and the Castro. This famo bar was a regular for gay men of lor who didn’t feel wele at other predomately whe clubs. Nurse and early AIDS activist Bobbi Campbell ed the ont wdow of this pharmacy to post a flyer 1981 warng the muny of “Gay Cancer”—bee neher the lol nor natnal ernment would sound the alarm—showg photos of lns ed by Kaposi sara (the rare ncer was found to be a rult of HIV’s toll on the immune system).

Tw Peaks Tavern go down history as the first gay bar Ameri wh wdows, meang patrons weren’t hidn om outsi view.

The wdows allowed gays and lbians to sip cktails whout shame while lettg the sunshe and nightlife vibe . G., the Dghters of Bilis and the Mattache Society) were jt begng, homosexualy was still registered as a pathology by the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn.


Ten mms, bars and cultural landmarks to check off your big gay bucket list San Francis. * quartier gay san francisco *

Operated by Harvey Milk om 1972 to 1978, the store beme the center of the neighborhood’s growg gay muny. Rough, sual, and sparsely rated, the first gay bar the Castro opened pre-Stonewall way back 1963.

Over the next few s, approximately 30 more gay bars and shops opened around the Mule. San Francis – home of the untry's first openly gay elected official (Harvey Milk), birthplace of the rabow flag, the first cy the Uned Stat to legalize gay marriage and host of the bt damn Pri para  the untry—remas a major LGBTQ+ epicenter. (They don't ll the 'gay pal of the world' for nothg.


18 Bt Gay Bars San Francis Right Now .