Kevmrc travel blog black logo</tle> <g id="Logo" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-le="evenodd"> <g id="logo/black"> <g id="Group-8"> <path class="logo-text" d="M4.01942,27.0483871 L4.01942,21.5456783 L8.5131575,27.0483871 L12.83732,27.0483871 L7.75007,20.7995483 L12.125105,15.2968396 L8.2757525,15.2968396 L4.01942,20.5536646 L4.01942,15.2968396 L0.4753025,15.2968396 L0.4753025,27.0483871 L4.01942,27.0483871 Z M23.2407463,27.0483871 L23.2407463,24.6828158 L17.92457,24.6828158 L17.92457,22.1731058 L22.8592025,22.1731058 L22.8592025,19.8075346 L17.92457,19.8075346 L17.92457,17.6539321 L23.0966075,17.6539321 L23.0966075,15.2968396 L14.3804525,15.2968396 L14.3804525,27.0483871 L23.2407463,27.0483871 Z M31.8127625,27.2010046 L37.1119812,15.2968396 L33.4152462,15.2968396 L30.6511737,22.0798396 L27.96341,15.2968396 L24.2751537,15.2968396 L29.4726275,27.2010046 L31.8127625,27.2010046 Z M42.1653163,27.0483871 L42.1653163,20.2399508 L45.3702837,24.1825696 L45.6500825,24.1825696 L48.8465713,20.2399508 L48.8465713,27.0483871 L52.3906887,27.0483871 L52.3906887,15.2968396 L49.1772425,15.2968396 L45.5483375,19.7057896 L41.93639,15.2968396 L38.7229437,15.2968396 L38.7229437,27.0483871 L42.1653163,27.0483871 Z M58.9023687,27.0483871 L58.9023687,22.4613833 L59.30087,22.4613833 C59.70785,22.4613833 60.0399344,22.5108427 60.2971231,22.6097615 C60.5543119,22.7086802 60.8185662,22.9347802 61.0898862,23.2880615 C61.3612062,23.6413427 61.6664412,24.1995271 62.0055912,24.9626146 L62.0055912,24.9626146 L62.929775,27.0483871 L66.7367337,27.0483871 L65.5497087,24.4962833 C65.1257712,23.5749258 64.7908606,22.9630427 64.5449769,22.660634 C64.2990931,22.3582252 63.9867925,22.0967971 63.608075,21.8763496 C63.924615,21.7067746 64.2100662,21.5287208 64.4644287,21.3421883 C64.7187912,21.1556558 64.9604356,20.8574865 65.1893619,20.4476802 C65.4182881,20.037874 65.5327512,19.5362146 65.5327512,18.9427021 C65.5327512,18.4339771 65.3956781,17.8969896 65.1215319,17.3317396 C64.8473856,16.7664896 64.399425,16.2860271 63.77765,15.8903521 C63.155875,15.4946771 62.3588725,15.2968396 61.3866425,15.2968396 L61.3866425,15.2968396 L55.3582512,15.2968396 L55.3582512,27.0483871 L58.9023687,27.0483871 Z M59.6654563,20.3840896 L58.9023688,20.3840896 L58.9023688,17.5521871 L59.6484988,17.5521871 C60.4511538,17.5521871 61.030535,17.6595846 61.3866425,17.8743796 C61.74275,18.0891746 61.9208038,18.4678921 61.9208038,19.0105321 C61.9208038,19.5475196 61.7611206,19.9106927 61.4417544,20.1000515 C61.1223881,20.2894102 60.5302888,20.3840896 59.6654563,20.3840896 L59.6654563,20.3840896 Z M74.2319488,27.2010046 C74.7858937,27.2010046 75.3214681,27.1685027 75.8386719,27.103499 C76.3558756,27.0384952 76.86884,26.9296846 77.377565,26.7770671 C77.88629,26.6244496 78.38371,26.4209596 78.869825,26.1665971 L78.869825,26.1665971 L78.869825,23.1905558 C78.5024125,23.4223083 78.1448919,23.6229721 77.7972631,23.7925471 C77.4496344,23.9621221 77.0214575,24.1161527 76.5127325,24.254639 C76.0040075,24.3931252 75.4641938,24.4623683 74.8932913,24.4623683 C74.1867288,24.4623683 73.5522356,24.3168165 72.9898119,24.0257127 C72.4273881,23.734609 71.9879062,23.3417602 71.6713663,22.8471665 C71.3548263,22.3525727 71.1965563,21.8085196 71.1965563,21.2150071 C71.1965563,20.5423596 71.3774363,19.9544996 71.7391963,19.4514271 C72.1009562,18.9483546 72.5785925,18.5611583 73.172105,18.2898383 C73.7656175,18.0185183 74.40435,17.8828583 75.0883025,17.8828583 C75.8570425,17.8828583 76.5254506,18.002974 77.0935269,18.2432052 C77.6616031,18.4834365 78.236745,18.7844321 78.8189525,19.1461921 L78.8189525,19.1461921 L78.8189525,16.0260121 C77.128855,15.4324996 75.6168112,15.1357433 74.2828212,15.1357433 C73.3897262,15.1357433 72.5404381,15.255859 71.7349569,15.4960902 C70.9294756,15.7363215 70.2116081,16.1079733 69.5813544,16.6110458 C68.9511006,17.1141183 68.4607462,17.7457852 68.1102913,18.5060465 C67.7598363,19.2663077 67.5846088,20.1523371 67.5846088,21.1641346 C67.5846088,22.0459246 67.7329869,22.8556452 68.0297431,23.5932965 C68.3264994,24.3309477 68.7730469,24.9753327 69.3693856,25.5264515 C69.9657244,26.0775702 70.6694606,26.4944421 71.4805944,26.7770671 C72.2917281,27.0596921 73.2088462,27.2010046 74.2319488,27.2010046 Z" id="KEVMRC" fill="#232323" fill-le="nonzero"></path> <path class="logo-text" d="M119.508274,27.0483871 L119.508274,18.1541783 L123.815479,18.1541783 L123.815479,15.2968396 L111.66543,15.2968396 L111.66543,18.1541783 L115.972635,18.1541783 L115.972635,27.0483871 L119.508274,27.0483871 Z M129.428412,27.0483871 L129.428412,22.4613833 L129.826913,22.4613833 C130.233893,22.4613833 130.565977,22.5108427 130.823166,22.6097615 C131.080355,22.7086802 131.344609,22.9347802 131.615929,23.2880615 C131.887249,23.6413427 132.192484,24.1995271 132.531634,24.9626146 L132.531634,24.9626146 L133.455818,27.0483871 L137.262777,27.0483871 L136.075752,24.4962833 C135.651814,23.5749258 135.316903,22.9630427 135.07102,22.660634 C134.825136,22.3582252 134.512835,22.0967971 134.134118,21.8763496 C134.450658,21.7067746 134.736109,21.5287208 134.990472,21.3421883 C135.244834,21.1556558 135.486478,20.8574865 135.715405,20.4476802 C135.944331,20.037874 136.058794,19.5362146 136.058794,18.9427021 C136.058794,18.4339771 135.921721,17.8969896 135.647575,17.3317396 C135.373428,16.7664896 134.925468,16.2860271 134.303693,15.8903521 C133.681918,15.4946771 132.884915,15.2968396 131.912685,15.2968396 L131.912685,15.2968396 L125.884294,15.2968396 L125.884294,27.0483871 L129.428412,27.0483871 Z M130.191499,20.3840896 L129.428412,20.3840896 L129.428412,17.5521871 L130.174542,17.5521871 C130.977197,17.5521871 131.556578,17.6595846 131.912685,17.8743796 C132.268793,18.0891746 132.446847,18.4678921 132.446847,19.0105321 C132.446847,19.5475196 132.287163,19.9106927 131.967797,20.1000515 C131.648431,20.2894102 131.056332,20.3840896 130.191499,20.3840896 L130.191499,20.3840896 Z M141.112129,27.0483871 L142.087185,24.6658583 L147.191393,24.6658583 L148.149492,27.0483871 L151.778397,27.0483871 L146.59788,15.2968396 L142.680698,15.2968396 L137.483224,27.0483871 L141.112129,27.0483871 Z M146.377433,22.6224796 L142.918103,22.6224796 L144.656247,18.3322321 L146.377433,22.6224796 Z M158.290077,27.2010046 L163.589295,15.2968396 L159.89256,15.2968396 L157.128488,22.0798396 L154.440724,15.2968396 L150.752468,15.2968396 L155.949942,27.2010046 L158.290077,27.2010046 Z M174.060552,27.0483871 L174.060552,24.6828158 L168.744375,24.6828158 L168.744375,22.1731058 L173.679008,22.1731058 L173.679008,19.8075346 L168.744375,19.8075346 L168.744375,17.6539321 L173.916413,17.6539321 L173.916413,15.2968396 L165.200258,15.2968396 L165.200258,27.0483871 L174.060552,27.0483871 Z M185.362725,27.0483871 L185.362725,24.2334421 L179.978719,24.2334421 L179.978719,15.2968396 L176.434602,15.2968396 L176.434602,27.0483871 L185.362725,27.0483871 Z" id="TRAVEL" fill="#232323" fill-le="nonzero"></path> <g id="Group-5" transform="translate(72.006849, 0.000000)"> 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C40.3672272,25.7372003 38.7890212,25.362456 37.6952669,24.8663709 C36.601401,24.3680386 34.0573563,23.5058347 32.8994035,23.358428 C32.2898933,23.206301 31.0531598,22.3550632 30.4675449,22.1256249 C29.8843964,21.8964108 29.2218455,21.8060949 28.4713818,21.80625 C27.7209182,21.8064052 26.6511373,21.3985208 25.7354758,21.1449924 C24.8176847,20.8892173 24.1200511,20.7614914 24.1200511,20.7614914 C24.1200511,20.7614914 24.1443322,20.4437214 23.7372611,20.4438055 C23.3299659,20.4438897 20.4796058,20.2790794 20.2637969,20.2659774 C20.0482123,20.2527631 19.9336596,20.1380632 19.9580504,19.8314172 C19.9844593,19.5246584 19.984501,19.3217292 20.2376973,19.0680716 C20.4931362,18.8120539 20.8740396,17.9450879 21.2307296,17.6118553 C21.5874192,17.28087 21.8933439,16.8484306 21.9440702,16.5924552 C21.9946843,16.3365922 22.5715585,15.4562144 22.5715585,15.4562144 C22.5715585,15.4562144 23.8084726,15.9745179 23.9097051,15.9877559 C24.0108255,16.0008816 24.477735,15.5926795 24.8079875,15.160235 C25.1403706,14.7254305 25.3692178,15.1203422 26.0558333,15.4004358 C26.742561,15.6804169 28.5296129,16.6727822 31.1002824,16.7229269 C33.6709519,16.7731839 35.216416,17.1764754 35.6606893,17.2647016 C36.1056349,17.3550625 36.3980671,17.6595082 36.6270418,17.9793608 C36.8559045,18.2989887 36.9591056,18.5527973 37.5820663,18.7181805 C38.2051386,18.8855862 37.9606464,18.7908016 38.286274,19.0422047 C38.611902,19.2913604 39.1687171,20.0062166 39.6307474,19.8824085 C40.0931139,19.7589373 40.0515075,19.2801635 39.6224138,18.9736112 C39.1933201,18.6670589 38.6936231,18.2346737 38.7705744,18.0208293 C38.8458437,17.8090079 38.9007975,17.7119141 39.1472169,17.7030988 C39.3936362,17.6941711 39.8690898,17.7160962 40.0078918,17.6675263 C40.1488235,17.6210909 40.4150836,17.6255304 40.5339173,17.6387647 C40.6529753,17.6519991 41.0225871,17.7224872 41.224921,17.841551 C41.4296092,17.9607268 41.9423663,18.1237731 41.9423663,18.1237731 C41.9423663,18.1237731 42.5522305,18.1899417 42.5963147,18.0684673 C42.638045,17.9449707 42.7260766,17.8214646 42.6557932,17.7750729 C42.583156,17.7265467 43.1244162,17.7574473 43.2368643,17.7485473 C43.3468459,17.7396478 43.5539433,17.5917341 43.5713298,17.5454366 C43.5868109,17.4968922 44.0159971,17.3534272 43.892821,17.1945701 C43.7718866,17.0380723 43.6595602,17.000566 43.2059794,16.9234658 C42.7528466,16.8485004 42.0792036,16.7250394 41.7228389,16.5663429 C41.3659132,16.4097815 41.1287027,16.3415133 40.7894704,16.2820305 C40.4507986,16.2225477 40.1224347,16.1938504 39.9617952,16.1255664 C39.8014921,16.05717 39.3939867,15.988937 38.885576,15.9515126 C38.3749232,15.9140886 37.884318,15.9736305 37.5915083,15.8700915 C37.2988102,15.7686875 36.3150113,15.3916854 35.1353387,15.1006821 C33.9580195,14.8141729 31.5565727,13.9809294 30.4100192,13.4626072 C29.2655963,12.9421496 28.5194731,12.5518394 27.5773278,12.4241641 C28.2641461,12.2630047 28.9596319,12.4768017 29.5891154,12.5428539 C30.2164683,12.6111538 31.4247362,12.8667566 34.7199363,11.9990757 C36.9276247,11.3544373 36.9431454,11.6589401 37.0246307,11.7492638 C37.1323434,11.8707069 37.3477293,12.3052858 37.8430127,12.3932767 C38.3405378,12.4837391 38.6703207,12.6997467 38.9195042,12.8784661 C39.1655487,13.0570738 39.7468736,13.4320242 39.9956858,13.2356731 C40.2421442,13.0369628 40.1409928,12.6289905 39.7339612,12.4370448 C39.326817,12.2475711 38.7675416,12.0490274 38.8184998,11.7556348 C38.8687853,11.4622424 39.0912508,11.2702789 39.3003421,11.2392232 C39.511564,11.2060322 39.626393,11.0671267 39.822249,11.0670862 C40.0203472,11.0670453 40.396716,10.9897735 40.5550075,11.0272703 C40.7134106,11.066902 41.3121777,11.1241962 41.4708015,11.1815813 C41.629201,11.2387418 42.1835926,11.1989627 42.0252185,11.0180896 C41.8649385,10.8372169 41.7764879,10.8173468 41.7764879,10.8173468 C41.7764879,10.8173468 42.3818604,10.918911 42.2852752,10.6584715 C42.1907084,10.396009 41.8977652,10.3960696 41.6997814,10.3850989 C41.5039282,10.371768 40.9623584,10.2109749 40.8720014,10.1933525 C40.7842234,10.1734822 40.1415196,10.0655211 39.8421876,10.0589535 C39.5428555,10.0523859 39.2124781,10.0017781 39.0606695,10.0591151 C38.9066187,10.1164525 38.3343771,10.2754533 37.8059015,10.2248864 C37.2779864,10.1742071 36.7959474,10.0110421 35.8162145,10.0332679 C34.8348004,10.0533592 33.8489214,9.97861633 32.6027472,9.78684411 C31.3551157,9.59518455 31.0248739,9.4298532 29.3630571,9.4876147 C27.7034825,9.54526336 28.8610885,9.74345864 26.4178766,9.74845829 C26.4577772,9.25438611 26.4291951,9.22562686 26.3366345,9.02058194 C26.242168,8.81542504 26.1827229,8.40058993 26.310573,8.1822405 C26.4383106,7.96602601 26.950941,7.65478447 27.0194773,7.47397684 C27.0874536,7.29080968 27.1799415,7.3040495 27.1799415,7.3040495 L27.1424297,7.63058665 L27.3076524,7.21795237 L27.4000995,7.42962679 C27.4000995,7.42962679 27.8865932,6.64657477 27.7194912,5.83905019 L27.7194916,5.83691528 C27.7129974,5.79713981 27.7020188,5.75747763 27.6909281,5.71770312 C27.697784,5.63387825 27.7371677,5.47285269 27.7615255,5.32722408 C27.7440504,5.25891046 27.7704102,5.19058777 27.7746899,5.09563942 C27.74613,4.95878613 27.2267501,4.29055321 27.1456361,4.03022289 C27.0617192,3.77000552 26.8550593,3.42599008 26.6899514,3.28028827 C26.6834504,3.27366015 26.674595,3.26714488 26.6657397,3.26040487 C26.4876229,3.13470653 26.0627201,3.16569443 25.8514364,2.95404458 C25.6467659,2.74879811 24.918391,2.18870244 24.5641623,2.00124037 C24.5354644,1.99012228 24.5090092,1.97698118 24.4781821,1.9615937 C24.4100261,1.92857281 24.3330152,1.88667701 24.2230431,1.84917021 C24.0162153,1.77628882 23.7056818,1.72342963 23.1510641,1.77219785 C21.8127838,1.89158022 21.4717419,1.90917949 21.5068305,1.91793662 C21.5399011,1.92680652 22.4225337,1.96853578 22.3807131,1.98618555 C22.3365382,2.00394817 21.5155243,2.16502297 21.5485917,2.18939909 C21.5816587,2.21579776 22.6007254,2.2752523 22.1075295,2.39445996 C21.6168,2.51366712 21.2338135,2.60644648 21.1590272,2.65062095 C21.0818869,2.69254862 21.3438669,2.79384667 21.3438669,2.79384667 C21.3438669,2.79384667 20.784672,3.29476804 20.5557014,3.4999918 C20.3267313,3.70308064 20.8440517,3.48229106 20.582114,3.72055661 C20.317822,3.95882265 20.1154287,4.12875867 20.1154287,4.12875867 C20.1154287,4.12875867 20.2583548,4.19704635 20.0293756,4.44418184 C19.8003969,4.68918241 20.0645523,4.5700221 19.9589166,4.70679076 C19.8509267,4.84355992 19.6067096,5.04665192 19.6638766,5.09068674 C19.7233984,5.13258615 19.8003057,5.13257026 19.6550903,5.29373006 C19.5118929,5.45477709 19.2478392,5.62461349 19.1223533,5.7945336 C18.9947369,5.96658907 19.4524816,5.96649444 19.1881828,6.23790782 C18.9262383,6.50920835 18.6796842,6.62847739 18.7061244,6.71454265 C18.7302108,6.79836111 19.3334809,6.76520142 19.3334809,6.76520142 C19.3334809,6.76520142 18.9526633,7.21529744 18.587166,7.30796083 C18.2216682,7.40298386 18.2658744,7.23308055 18.0521635,7.37650103 C17.8409185,7.52216828 17.4161955,7.76923187 17.3566651,7.76924418 C17.3323373,7.76924921 17.253189,7.76274846 17.1585692,7.75838583 C16.8614476,7.90620575 16.3373933,8.16227898 16.2185487,8.20185563 C16.0490267,8.25942098 15.9544023,8.27696931 15.7672596,8.42926104 C15.5780994,8.57930591 15.3359071,8.74913778 15.0915811,8.93672359 C14.8471425,9.12666907 14.4333218,9.23911849 14.26375,9.53916507 C14.0942898,9.84145891 13.9821178,10.1436285 13.8323004,10.3313072 C13.680353,10.5187615 13.4932108,10.668806 13.4006929,10.8011897 C13.3060449,10.9336863 13.2115286,10.971123 13.0045039,11.3108418 C12.7974792,11.6506729 12.7974756,11.6684264 12.5530026,12.0256817 C12.3087538,12.3831617 12.1392318,12.4406147 12.0268279,12.7802015 C11.9145365,13.1178782 11.9344031,13.0052854 11.8022487,13.4378013 C11.670094,13.8724521 11.3375713,14.9864962 11.1262024,15.1895814 C10.9389422,15.3682787 10.8487627,15.5778559 10.8091662,15.6837109 C10.8069226,15.6904532 10.8046791,15.6968584 10.8025476,15.7034883 C10.8003041,15.7102306 10.798173,15.7147256 10.7958174,15.7212432 C10.7870674,15.7477629 10.7782053,15.7741702 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39.7800232,10.1675468 39.9383146,10.2050436 C40.0967178,10.2446753 40.6954849,10.3019695 40.8541086,10.3593546 C41.0125082,10.4165151 41.5668997,10.376736 41.4085256,10.1958629 C41.2482457,10.0149902 41.159795,9.99512012 41.159795,9.99512012 C41.159795,9.99512012 41.7651676,10.0966843 41.6685824,9.83624479 C41.5740156,9.57378234 41.2810724,9.5738429 41.0830886,9.56287217 C40.8872354,9.54954136 40.3456655,9.38874826 40.2553086,9.37112582 C40.1675306,9.35125556 39.5248268,9.24329438 39.2254947,9.2367268 C38.9261627,9.23015921 38.5957852,9.17955141 38.4439766,9.23688837 C38.2899259,9.29422579 37.7176843,9.4532266 37.1892087,9.40265975 C36.6612936,9.35198042 36.1792546,9.18881537 35.1995217,9.21104123 C34.2181076,9.23113253 33.2322286,9.15638965 31.9860544,8.96461742 C30.7384228,8.77295786 30.4081811,8.60762652 28.7463643,8.66538801 C27.0867897,8.72303667 28.2443957,8.92123195 25.8011838,8.9262316 C25.8410844,8.43215942 25.8125023,8.40340018 25.7199416,8.19835525 C25.6254751,7.99319836 25.5660301,7.57836324 25.6938802,7.36001381 C25.8216178,7.14379932 26.3342482,6.83255779 26.4027845,6.65175015 C26.4707607,6.46858299 26.5632487,6.48182281 26.5632487,6.48182281 L26.5257369,6.80835997 L26.6909595,6.39572568 L26.7834067,6.6074001 C26.7834067,6.6074001 27.2699003,5.82434808 27.1027983,5.0168235 L27.1027988,5.01468859 C27.0963046,4.97491312 27.085326,4.93525095 27.0742353,4.89547643 C27.0810912,4.81165157 27.1204749,4.650626 27.1448326,4.50499739 C27.1273575,4.43668377 27.1537174,4.36836109 27.1579971,4.27341273 C27.1294372,4.13655944 26.6100573,3.46832652 26.5289432,3.20799621 C26.4450264,2.94777884 26.2383665,2.60376339 26.0732585,2.45806159 C26.0667575,2.45143346 26.0579022,2.44491819 26.0490469,2.43817819 C25.8709301,2.31247984 25.4460272,2.34346775 25.2347436,2.1318179 C25.0300731,1.92657142 24.3016982,1.36647575 23.9474694,1.17901368 C23.9187716,1.16789559 23.8923163,1.15475449 23.8614893,1.13936701 C23.7933333,1.10634612 23.7163224,1.06445032 23.6063503,1.02694352 C23.3995225,0.954062132 23.088989,0.901202948 22.5343713,0.949971162 C21.196091,1.06935353 20.8550491,1.0869528 20.8901377,1.09570993 C20.9232083,1.10457984 21.8058409,1.14630909 21.7640203,1.16395886 C21.7198453,1.18172149 20.8988315,1.34279628 20.9318989,1.3671724 C20.9649659,1.39357108 21.9840326,1.45302561 21.4908367,1.57223328 C21.0001072,1.69144043 20.6171207,1.7842198 20.5423343,1.82839426 C20.4651941,1.87032193 20.7271741,1.97161998 20.7271741,1.97161998 C20.7271741,1.97161998 20.1679791,2.47254135 19.9390086,2.67776511 C19.7100384,2.88085396 20.2273588,2.66006437 19.9654212,2.89832993 C19.7011292,3.13659597 19.4987359,3.30653198 19.4987359,3.30653198 C19.4987359,3.30653198 19.641662,3.37481966 19.4126828,3.62195515 C19.183704,3.86695572 19.4478594,3.74779541 19.3422238,3.88456408 C19.2342339,4.02133323 18.9900168,4.22442523 19.0471838,4.26846005 C19.1067055,4.31035947 19.1836129,4.31034357 19.0383975,4.47150338 C18.8952001,4.63255041 18.6311464,4.8023868 18.5056605,4.97230691 C18.378044,5.14436238 18.8357888,5.14426775 18.57149,5.41568113 C18.3095455,5.68698167 18.0629913,5.8062507 18.0894316,5.89231596 C18.113518,5.97613443 18.7167881,5.94297473 18.7167881,5.94297473 C18.7167881,5.94297473 18.3359704,6.39307076 17.9704731,6.48573415 C17.6049754,6.58075718 17.6491816,6.41085387 17.4354706,6.55427435 C17.2242257,6.69994159 16.7995026,6.94700518 16.7399723,6.94701749 C16.7156444,6.94702252 16.6364962,6.94052178 16.5418763,6.93615915 C16.2447547,7.08397906 15.7207005,7.34005229 15.6018559,7.37962895 C15.4323339,7.43719429 15.3377095,7.45474262 15.1505668,7.60703435 C14.9614066,7.75707922 14.7192143,7.9269111 14.4748883,8.11449691 C14.2304497,8.30444238 13.816629,8.4168918 13.6470572,8.71693839 C13.477597,9.01923223 13.365425,9.32140186 13.2156076,9.5090805 C13.0636602,9.69653484 12.8765179,9.8465793 12.7840001,9.97896306 C12.6893521,10.1114596 12.5948358,10.1488963 12.3878111,10.4886151 C12.1807864,10.8284463 12.1807827,10.8461997 11.9363097,11.203455 C11.6920609,11.560935 11.522539,11.618388 11.4101351,11.9579748 C11.2978437,12.2956515 11.3177103,12.1830588 11.1855559,12.6155746 C11.0534011,13.0502254 10.7208785,14.1642695 10.5095096,14.3673547 C10.3222493,14.546052 10.2320699,14.7556293 10.1924734,14.8614842 C10.1902298,14.8682265 10.1879863,14.8746317 10.1858548,14.8812616 C10.1836112,14.8880039 10.1814802,14.8924989 10.1791246,14.8990165 C10.1703745,14.9255362 10.1615124,14.9519435 10.1526499,14.9805981 C10.1483865,14.9959929 10.1438994,15.0092527 10.1396365,15.0225126 C10.135262,15.0335251 10.1307748,15.0468973 10.1285294,15.0622917 C10.1197803,15.0844292 10.1131604,15.110836 10.1042987,15.1351085 C10.0954362,15.1637631 10.0845547,15.1969127 10.0734486,15.2321972 C10.000864,15.4726709 9.94353511,15.6711174 9.92592344,15.7217971 C9.88408015,15.8497882 9.75635748,15.9933033 9.74973575,16.0285869 C9.74098439,16.0616237 9.40851188,16.3860869 9.54490791,16.5889878 C9.68141606,16.7918888 9.51184288,17.0985648 9.51184288,17.0985648 C9.51184288,17.0985648 9.50960068,17.0985653 9.37523,17.4052341 C9.23884135,17.7119033 9.10451284,17.8133956 9.06927544,17.9831847 C9.0361681,18.1530857 9.00095878,18.1862403 9.0692124,18.2899381 C9.13735436,18.3913886 9.19463573,18.4244117 9.02946247,18.5965873 C8.86653188,18.7665151 8.86654594,18.6980855 8.66177071,19.0025216 C8.45912511,19.3092045 8.39106034,19.3776482 8.39100457,19.6490069 C8.39094836,19.9225006 8.32273659,20.1607261 8.15319151,20.3306553 C7.98364643,20.5005845 7.74597345,20.5006337 7.81407324,20.8072606 C7.88228561,21.1116402 8.39069672,21.1469297 8.39069672,21.1469297 C8.39069672,21.1469297 8.06035128,22.0315264 7.8005301,22.3359738 C7.54295064,22.6426681 7.11800889,23.4084033 7.08262446,23.7480866 C7.04959434,24.0877694 7.18608841,24.3592123 7.16846951,24.445062 C7.15073843,24.5312487 7.10674965,24.734187 7.07802141,24.8709397 C7.04940572,25.0055576 6.8690454,24.8863768 7.07795158,25.2107281 C7.28697035,25.5327197 7.37061112,25.4996674 7.32000785,25.7026071 C7.26940414,25.9076816 7.18578418,25.839494 7.30232954,26.0775689 C7.42335927,26.3157553 7.52457003,26.4348401 7.59057509,26.5694384 C7.6587098,26.7061711 7.65872384,26.6378539 7.72704421,26.9622342 C7.79514086,27.2841427 7.76206845,27.2841495 7.84567793,27.4033503 C7.93152963,27.5224382 7.84570243,27.2841322 7.96457032,27.6768193 C8.08343867,28.0672592 7.99946519,28.0826704 8.25279499,28.2702657 C8.50803071,28.4576359 9.05144531,29.46127 9.23641982,29.4943791 C9.42341188,29.5296227 9.81297291,29.6310067 9.81297291,29.6310067 L10.7461059,29.9706022 C10.7461059,29.9706022 11.5428465,30.6343955 11.6285966,30.7028074 C11.7144592,30.7688596 12.2382331,31.3313572 12.2382331,31.3313572 C12.2382331,31.3313572 10.8471109,31.6360385 10.0854712,31.4664142 C9.32181348,31.2966779 7.28596703,30.4145929 7.06597236,30.0396802 C6.8437355,29.6647679 7.2794854,29.7681649 6.97807807,29.494846 C6.674316,29.2236624 6.59068883,29.1905323 6.42120317,29.0713493 C6.25182959,28.9522786 6.18358277,28.8155459 6.09782233,28.7979225 C6.01407986,28.7802987 5.62233253,28.9524088 5.53877198,28.5951089 C5.45308139,28.2375848 4.92687968,28.0326295 4.46905429,28.4253235 C4.0111172,28.815995 3.19663949,29.9038457 2.97625314,31.4347366 C2.75575464,32.9658522 2.60163845,32.7959899 2.36602575,33.1357146 C2.12615285,33.4755525 0.939505348,34.938326 0.921372593,36.97897 C0.936700467,37.6761846 1.26035132,37.7267938 1.55088443,37.9979801 C1.55088443,37.9979801 1.80379392,38.0487163 2.02396004,38.1348539 C2.24614465,38.218519 2.82286925,38.0661468 3.04318229,37.4374254 C3.10039145,37.2762837 3.15984551,37.1019951 3.2236723,36.9255706 C3.27886076,36.7776884 3.33606717,36.629918 3.39551488,36.4865295 L3.39775708,36.486529 C3.54525187,36.1445752 3.71258285,35.8378997 3.90858587,35.667965 C3.94816791,35.6326745 3.98987868,35.6040131 4.03405453,35.5818683 C4.03405453,35.5818683 4.03618508,35.5796206 4.03842772,35.5774852 C4.04941585,35.5708535 4.06477671,35.5620859 4.08462198,35.5532051 C4.10446726,35.5443242 4.12431207,35.5376906 4.14180346,35.5267877 C4.25627995,35.4669865 4.32244243,35.3811268 4.43243903,35.2994155 C4.56239298,35.2089358 4.56239298,35.2089358 4.67227971,35.1163252 C4.78250279,35.0236022 4.94767829,34.8405273 4.94767829,34.8405273 C4.94767829,34.8405273 5.05329082,34.8161225 5.19859157,34.7853048 C5.20072212,34.7830571 5.20307643,34.7830566 5.20509441,34.7830562 C5.38336591,34.7014432 5.33503659,34.749882 5.46935831,34.6814246 C5.60592174,34.6153264 5.48695592,34.6991745 5.60592174,34.6153264 C5.72466379,34.5293435 5.60593262,34.562403 5.72466379,34.5293435 C5.76861362,34.5159631 5.89854536,34.5335774 6.0482057,34.5645589 C6.05044836,34.5623111 6.05044836,34.5623111 6.05257845,34.5623107 C6.25293379,34.4894575 6.7152604,34.0149617 6.89781473,33.8231188 C6.941996,33.7745685 6.9705904,33.7435501 6.9705904,33.7435501 C7.14448686,33.6753093 7.52309833,33.5956774 8.06453745,33.8470358 C8.82815658,34.2044198 10.067444,34.6297979 10.6944784,35.1568796 C11.321737,35.6840735 13.1042044,37.1639866 14.6470577,37.7240263 C16.1899111,38.2839536 18.5823117,38.4026771 19.295768,37.3656358 C20.0091122,36.3285945 19.7716172,34.9167916 19.4833998,34.288063 C19.1951823,33.6595591 18.8038866,31.6343936 18.2273501,30.871225 C18.4739011,30.7674622 18.4497244,30.577797 18.359622,30.4123036 C18.2715381,30.244675 17.2923694,28.6124551 17.178059,28.4095496 C17.0635249,28.2045092 16.4386537,27.5161849 16.4386537,27.5161849 C16.4386537,27.5161849 18.2325636,27.3238966 19.1743435,27.5929257 C20.1165723,27.8597075 20.8032269,27.9499061 21.3513746,27.197629 C21.8973923,26.44524 22.2673662,25.8451405 22.2673662,25.8451405 C22.2673662,25.8451405 23.7311256,25.588873 24.4817748,25.2312883 C25.2323114,24.8760633 25.4238945,24.9377115 25.919167,25.0788505 C26.4164575,25.2198767 28.6810214,26.5828317 30.5254063,26.8117851 C32.3697912,27.0408508 32.6363113,26.8709015 33.1162606,26.8377673 C33.6751361,26.8001223 34.0078025,26.6235299 35.220271,26.6232792 C36.4333001,26.6230284 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target="_blank"> <svg width="27px" height="27px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.77 7.46H14.5v-1.9c0-.9.6-1.1 1-1.1h3V.5h-4.33C10.24.5 9.5 3.44 9.5 5.32v2.15h-3v4h3v12h5v-12h3.85l.42-4z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="sticky-twter" href=" for the bt hotels Mykonos Greece for your next vatn? Here is the 39 bt hotels wh plete reviews and photos.& rel="noopener" target="_blank"> <svg width="27px" height="27px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M23.44 4.83c-.8.37-1.5.38- 1.32-2.02-.88.52-1.86.9-2.9 1.1-.82-.88-2-1.43-3.3-1.43-2.5 0-4.55 2.04-4.55 4.54 0 . 1.04-3.77-.2-7.12-2-9.36-4.75-.4.67-.6 1.45-.6 2.3 0 1.56.8 2.95 2 3.77-.74-.03-1.44-.23-2.05-.57v.06c0 2.2 1.56 4.03 3.64 4.44-.67.2-1.37.2- 1.8 2.26 3.12 4.25 3.16C5.78 18.1 3.37 18.74 1 18.46c2 1.3 4.4 2.04 6.97 2.04 8.35 0 12.92-6.92 12.92-12.93 0-.2 0-.4-.02-.6.9-.63 1.96-1.22 2.56-2.14z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="sticky-ptert" href=" lookg for a place to stay Mykonos, you have fe optns. That's exactly why I've wrote this gui on the bt hotels Mykonos by tegory and travel style: to help you quickly fd the perfect home that will meet every sgle one of your need. bt mykonos hotels | mykonos greece hotels | mykonos greece hotels luxury | mykonos greece hotels villas | mykonos hotel luxury " rel="noopener" target="_blank"> <svg width="27px" height="27px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12.14.5C5.86.5 2.7 5 2.7 8.75c0 2.27.86 4.3 2.7 0 .66-.33l.27-1.06c.1-.32.06-.44-.2-.73-.52-.62-.86-1.44-.86-2.6 0-3.33 2.5-6.32 6.5-6.32 3.55 0 5.5 2.17 5.5 5.07 0 3.8-1.7 7.02-4.2 7.02-1.37 0-2.4-1.14-2.07-2.54.4-1.68 1.16-3.48 1.16-4.7 0-1.07-.58-1.98-1.78-1.98-1.4 0-2.55 1.47-2.55 3.42 0 1.25.43 2.1.43 2.1l-1.7 7.2c-.5 2.13-.08 4.75-.04 5 . 1.82-2.26 2.4-4.33.16-.58.93-3.63.93- 1.8 1.65 3.22 1.65 4.25 0 7.13-3.87 7.13-9.05C20.5 4.15 17.18.5 12.14.5z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="sticky-email" href="mailto:?subject=[Reviews] The 39 Bt Hotels Mykonos Greece – For ALL Budgets!& target="_blank"> <svg width="27px" height="27px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M22 4H2C.9 4 0 4.9 0 6v12c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h20c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zM7.25 14.43l-3.5 2c-.08.05-.17.07-.25.07-.17 0-.34-.1-.43-.25-.14-.24-.06-.55.18-.68l3.5-2c.24-.14.55-. 0-.2-.03-.27-.08l-8.5-5.5c-.23-.15-.3-.46-.15-.7.15-.22.46-.3.7-.14L12 13.4l8.23-5.32c.23-.15.54-. 5.5c-.08.04-.17.07-.27.07zm8.93 1.75c-.1.16-.26.25-.43.25-.08 0-.17-.02-.25-.07l-3.5-2c-.24-.13-.32-.44-.18-.68s.44-.32.68-.18l3.5 2c."/> </svg> </a></div></div><div class="ma-ntent"><div class="troductn"><div class="disclaimer">This post ntas affiliate lks. I'll earn a small missn at no extra st to you if you make a purchase.</div><p>Mykonos is a te gem of the Greek archipelago and has plenty of attractns to make your vatn unfettable! </p><p>Worldly renowned for s ftive and lively nightlife that never ends, Mykonos also distguish self om the other Cyclas islands by s dreamy sandy beach and s thentic and charmg villag, sometim still prerved om mass tourism.</p><p>Whether you’re gog wh fay, iends or as a uple, ’s the perfect island to have fun but also to relax and recharge your batteri.</p><p>When lookg for a <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">place to stay Mykonos</a>, you have fe optns. That’s exactly why I’ve wrote this <strong>gui on the bt hotels Mykonos by tegory and travel style</strong>: to help you quickly fd the perfect home that will meet every sgle one of your need. </p><p>Let’s go!<br />  </p><p style="text-align: center; font-size: 28px;"><strong>No Time to Waste? Here’s my #1 Favore!</strong></p><div class="hotel-box"><div class="spl"><div class="spl-left"><div class="hotel-box-ma-tle"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer">Anax Rort and Spa</a></div><p><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105836" src=" alt="anax rort and spa is the bt hotel mykonos greece" width="300" height="200" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span></p></div><div class="spl-right"><div class="hotel-box-tle">Anax Rort and Spa</div><div class="hotel-box-text">Wh a swimmg pool and a private beach, Anax Rort and Spa offers all. The 2 rtrants on se are great, and of urse, you'll enjoy a breathtakg view on the Aegean sea om about anywhere at the hotel!</div><div class="kev-bar"><div class="hotel-box-tle-2">Summary:</div></div><ul class="kev-specs-list"><li class="kev-specs-list">Swimmg pool</li><li class="kev-specs-list">2 rtrants</li><li class="kev-specs-list">Private beach</li></ul></div></div></div><p> </p><div id="toc_ntaer" class="no_bullets"><p class="toc_tle">TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><ul class="toc_list"><li><a href="#the-bt-mykonos-hotels-for-you">The Bt Mykonos Hotels For YOU</a></li><li><a href="#reviews-of-the-bt-hotels-on-mykonos-8211-by-type-of-acmodatn">Reviews of the Bt Hotels on Mykonos – By Type of Acmodatn</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-rorts--mykonos-greece">The Bt Rorts Mykonos Greece</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-boutique-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Boutique Hotels Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-villas--mykonos">The Bt Villas Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#bt-apartments--mykonos">Bt Apartments Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#bt-mykonos-hotels-wh-private-pool">Bt Mykonos Hotels wh Private Pool</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-mykonos-hotels-wh-private-beach">The Bt Mykonos Hotels wh Private Beach</a></li><li><a href="#mykonos-8211-bt-hotels-by-lotn">Mykonos – Bt Hotels by Lotn</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-hotels--mykonos-town">The Bt Hotels Mykonos Town</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-beach-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Beach Hotels Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#by-type-of-travel-8211-the-bt-hotels-mykonos-has-to-offer">By Type of Travel – The Bt Hotels Mykonos Has to Offer</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-hotels--mykonos-for-fai">The Bt Hotels Mykonos for Fai</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-honeymoon-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Honeymoon Hotels Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#the-bt-party-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Party Hotels Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#bt-gay-hotels-8211-mykonos">Bt Gay Hotels – Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#bt-budget-hotels--mykonos">Bt Budget Hotels Mykonos</a></li><li><a href="#other-hotels--mykonos">Other Hotels Mykonos</a></li></ul></div></div><h2><span id="the-bt-mykonos-hotels-for-you">The Bt Mykonos Hotels For YOU</span></h2><p>There are a lot of different hotels Mykonos but pendg on your need, your travel style and budget, I won’t remend the same hotel to any of you.</p><p>So I’ll show you the <strong>bt hotels for different optns</strong>. First, we’re gog to take a look at the different typ of acmodatn, then at lotn, and we’ll fish wh travel style.</p><p> </p><h3>By Type of Acmodatn</h3><ul><li>Bt <strong>Rort</strong>: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Sat John Hotel Villas & Spa </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Boutique Hotel</strong> Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Vencia Boutique Hotel </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Villa</strong> Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Maera Villa 2 </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Apartment</strong> Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Marietta’s </a></strong></li><li>Bt Mykonos Hotel wh a <strong>Private Pool</strong>: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Dreambox Mykonos Su </a></strong></li><li>Bt Hotel wh <strong>Private Beach</strong>: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Anax Rort and Spa </a></strong></li></ul><h3>By Lotn</h3><ul><li>Bt Hotel <strong>Mykonos Town</strong>: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Ltle Venice Su </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Beach Hotel</strong> Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Blanc – Preferred Hotels & Rorts </a></strong></li></ul><h3>By Type of Travel</h3><ul><li>Bt Hotel Mykonos <strong>for Fai</strong>: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Santa Mara, A Luxury Collectn Rort, Mykonos </a></strong></li><li>Bt Mykonos Hotel <strong>for Honeymoon</strong>: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Blu, Gretel Exclive Rort </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Party </strong>Hotel Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Tropina Hotel Mykonos </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Gay</strong> Hotel Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Elysium </a></strong></li><li>Bt <strong>Cheap</strong> Hotel Mykonos: <strong><a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Angela’s Rooms </a></strong></li></ul><p>So, now that you have a better ia of what I’ll ver this article (and maybe that you already know what you want to look for), let’s take a look at said hotels, and choose the bt acmodatn Mykonos for you!</p><p> </p><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105637" src=" alt="mykonos beach" width="450" height="675" srcset=" 800w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px" /></p><p> </p><h2><span id="reviews-of-the-bt-hotels-on-mykonos-8211-by-type-of-acmodatn">Reviews of the Bt Hotels on Mykonos – By Type of Acmodatn</span></h2><p>In this article, we’re gog to look at the bt hotels on Mykonos island, pendg on the type of acmodatn.</p><p>Some hotels are “classic” hotels, but some offer dividual villas. Some have one or several swimmg pools, and some have a private beach. As you’ll see, there is even more!</p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-rorts--mykonos-greece">The Bt Rorts Mykonos Greece</span></h2><p>First of all, we’re gog to look at the bt rorts Mykonos Greece. The are great if you want to disnnect om realy for a few days, and not have anythg to thk about bis enjoyg the sun and relaxg.</p><p>You’ll never have to leave the rort, so this n bee your small paradise on earth!</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Rort: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Sat John Hotel Villas & Spa</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106198 size-full" src=" alt="sat john hotel rort is the list of mykonos bt hotels" width="1024" height="682" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>20,000m<sup>2</sup> of land</li><li>2 swimmg pools</li><li>Breathtakg view</li></ul><p>Sce you’re most certaly not gog to leave the rort often, ’s important that you stay somewhere where there is plenty of space for you to enjoy. And this is exactly the se at Sat John Hotel & Spa.</p><p>In all this space you’ll enjoy a uple swimmg pools, a private beach, 3 rtrants, a few bars… You’ll miss nothg.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up Pick: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mynian Imperial – Leadg Hotels of the World</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106190 size-full" src=" alt="mynian imperial is one of the bt hotels on mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>5 rtrants</li><li>Private beach</li><li>3 swimmg pools</li></ul><p>At the Mynian Imperial you’ll also have accs to everythg you n image. Swimmg pools, a beach, rtrants, bars, and even shops, everythg is on se!<br /> The rort is loted near Elia, on the southern part of the island. The surroundgs are, as you would expect Mykonos, amazg, and you’ll most certaly love the view.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mynian Avaton – Dign Hotels</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105712 size-full" src=" alt="mynian avaton is one of the bt hotels mykonos greece" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Lol breakfast</li><li>Gastronomil rtrant</li><li>Great ratn</li></ul><p>The ratn of the Mynian Avaton is amazg, and clearly stands up to the breathtakg view on the Aegean sea you get om almost anywhere the hotel. It follows a tradnal cycladic style, upled wh some morn touch, which all works together perfectly.</p><p>You’ll also enjoy the gastronomic rtrant, and the morng you’ll be able to try out a lol breakfast.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>For more rort optns Mykonos, I ve you to read this post of the <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">bt beach rorts Mykonos</a>.</p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-boutique-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Boutique Hotels Mykonos</span></h2><p>Mykonos is an island filled wh history, and offers a charm that is que unique. By stayg at a boutique hotel, this charm will be spread all the way to your bedroom, which is que an experience.</p><p>So whout further due, here are my picks for the bt boutique hotels Mykonos!</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Boutique Hotel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Vencia Boutique Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106163 size-full" src=" alt="vencia boutique hotel is one of the bt boutique hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Ial lotn</li><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Outstandg breakfast</li></ul><p>Loted jt a uple mut walk away om Mykonos Town, the Vencia Boutique Hotel is perfect to enjoy town, but still is far enough to be quiet all day (and all night long).</p><p>It offers a great swimmg pool, om which the view on the Aegean sea is que amazg.<br /> And to make all perfect, there’s a great rtrant on se, and the morngs breakfast is simply amazg.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mynian Kyma – Dign Hotels</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105713 size-full" src=" alt="mynian kyma is the bt boutique hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Spa and Wellns center</li><li>Amazg view</li><li>Swimmg pool</li></ul><p>If you want to relax durg your stay, you’ll love the Mynian Kyma. Or, to be more precise, you’ll love the Spa you’ll fd at the hotel. It’s big, and has everythg to make a perfect place to relax pletely. But this isn’t the only benef of stayg here.</p><p>The swimmg pool offers a great seaview, and the ratn, as you would expect om a boutique hotel, is betiful.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Nissaki Boutique Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105630 size-full" src=" alt="nissaki boutique hotel is one of the bt hotels mykonos greece has to offer" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Great breakfast</li><li>Fay rooms</li><li>Spa and Wellns center</li></ul><p>The Nissaki boutique hotel is loted near Platis Gialos Beach, on the southeastern part of the island. You’ll fd the beach jt a few meters away om the hotel.</p><p>The ratn of the place is amazg, and you’ll get an amazg view over the Aegean sea om the swimmg pool, and also om the hotel’s rtrant.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>FYI, you n fd a lot more <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">boutique hotels Mykonos right on this post</a>. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-villas--mykonos">The Bt Villas Mykonos</span></h2><p>A great way to spend your time Mykonos is not to stay a hotel, but a villa. Some are pennt, and some others are anized like hotels.</p><p>In eher se, they are a great way to enjoy your vatn on the island. I’ve selected for you the very bt villas Mykonos, so the choice will be really easy.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Villa: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Maera Villa 2</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106283 size-full" src=" alt="villa maera 2 is the top bt villas mykonos" width="1024" height="741" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Seaont</li><li>Up to 10 people</li><li>Swimmg pool</li></ul><p>If you’re g to Mykonos wh a bunch of iends, Maera Villa 2 will be perfect for you. It’s loted a uple hundred meters away om Kalo Livadi beach, on the southern ast of the island, and will easily f up to 10 people.</p><p>When I say easily, I mean, ’s huge. It’s over 200 m<sup>2</sup>, whout cludg the garn and the pat. You’ll also get a swimmg pool overlookg the sea.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Bt Luxury Villa: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Villa Choulakia</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106280 size-full" src=" alt="villa choulakia is the bt mykonos hotels " width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Pet iendly</li><li>Seaont</li></ul><p>Villa Choulakia is loted on the northeastern part of the island, jt one hundred meters away om the beach. It’s not as big as Meara Villa 2, but you n e wh up to 8 people.</p><p>And the nice thg here is you n e wh your pet. So if you thk your pet will love Mykonos jt as much as you’ll, this is the perfect place to e.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Bt Cheap Villa: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Blue Ocean Mykonos</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106270 size-full" src=" alt="blue ocean mykonos is one of the bt cheap hotels mykonos has to offer" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Pet iendly</li><li>Airport shuttle</li><li>Quiet place</li></ul><p>The Blue Ocean Mykonos is loted further away om most of the actn takg place on the island, and stayg here is therefore que a relaxg experience. The clost beach is isolated om the world, and will feel like a small paradise on earth.</p><p>And if you want to enjoy the rt of the island, Mykonos Town is jt a uple kilometers away.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Before movg to the next sectn and if you really want to stay a villa, you shall know there are <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">more Mykonos villa remendatns on this article.</a></p><p> </p><h2><span id="bt-apartments--mykonos">Bt Apartments Mykonos</span></h2><p>Another type of acmodatn, which you’re probably more faiar wh are apartments. They are great when travelg wh your fay, wh a few iends, or even jt when you want some extra privacy and tonomy.</p><p>There are que a few on the island, so I’ve selected the bt apartments Mykonos for you.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Apartment Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Marietta’s</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105667 size-full" src=" alt="mariettas is a bt acmodatn mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Room service</li><li>Ial lotn</li><li>Terrace</li></ul><p>Loted right the center of Mykonos Town, Marietta’s is whout a doubt the bt apartment on the island. Wh this ial lotn, you’ll fd untls rtrants, bars and nightclubs mut away.</p><p>You’ll always fd some place to eat or to party that will perfectly su your needs. And you’ll also fd a b stop close by, which you n e to vis the rt of the island.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Whe and Grey</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106165 size-full" src=" alt="whe and grey is one of the bt hostels mykonos" width="1024" height="686" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Great lotn</li><li>Rtrant</li><li>Airport shuttle</li></ul><p>If you want more tranquily, but still like the ia of stayg close to Mykonos Town for s cultural aspects and nightlife, Whe and Grey is the perfect optn for you.</p><p>You’ll easily reach the center of town jt half an hour by foot, which mak for a nice walk the evengs.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Unique Apartment</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105669 size-full" src=" alt="mykonos unique apartment is a bt hostel mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Pet iendly</li><li>Garn</li><li>Nice ratn</li></ul><p>The Mykonos Unique Apartments are loted a b further away om the ast than the prev two, but you’ll still easily get to the Aegean sea by foot. You’ll be jt a few hundred meters away, and Mykonos Town is really close.</p><p>It n also be hard to fd a place to stay when you’re g wh a pet. This is one of them, so if you’re travelg wh your pet, this will be a great choice.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Couldn’t fd THE apartment for your Mykonos trip? Don’t worry, <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here are more apartments Mykonos</a> that are at least as good as the on above. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="bt-mykonos-hotels-wh-private-pool">Bt Mykonos Hotels wh Private Pool</span></h2><p>Even though Mykonos is an island and the water is at a fortable temperature all year round, sometim the fort of havg a swimmg pool is really worth . It will be very close to your room, and you’ll easily have some space, somethg that n be hard on most beach.</p><p>So this sectn, we’re gog to take a look at the bt Mykonos hotels wh a private pool.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Mykonos Hotel wh Private Pool: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Dreambox Mykonos Su</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106154 size-full" src=" alt="dreambox mykonos su is one of the bt hotels to stay mykonos greece" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Amazg view</li><li>Rtrant</li><li>Airport shuttle</li></ul><p>The swimmg pool you’ll fd at the Dreambox Mykonos Su is betiful, and offers an amazg view on the Aegean sea. The sea self is jt mut away, and you n easily have a nice walk along the shore.</p><p>To make your life easier, the hotel offers a shuttle service om the airport, and there is also a ee parkg on se.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up Pick: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Semeli Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106161 size-full" src=" alt="sei hotel is the bt luxury hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="727" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Spa and Wellns center</li><li>Private jacuzzi</li><li>Rtrant</li></ul><p>The Semeli Hotel is loted Megali Ammos, which is the southernmost part of Mykonos Town, and also the most quiet. Chora, the most animated part of town, is reached jt a few mut by foot.</p><p>The hotel offers 2 swimmg pools, and if you feel like you’ll need to relax a maximum durg your stay, you n get a room wh a private jacuzzi.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Kensho Ornos</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106156 size-full" src=" alt="kensho ornos is the bt 5 star hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="705" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Bar</li><li>Spa and wellns center</li><li>Gastronomic rtrant</li></ul><p>As s name impli, Kensho Ornos is loted the town of Ornos. It offers all the fort you need, and the rooms have an amazg view on the Aegean sea or the Mynian mountas.</p><p>You’ll fd both a bar, where you n enjoy nice cktails next to the swimmg pool, and a gastronomic rtrant, offerg tradnal Greek dish on se.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Couldn’t fd the perfect pool? Well, fd out <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">more Mykonos hotels wh private pool on this post</a>.</p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-mykonos-hotels-wh-private-beach">The Bt Mykonos Hotels wh Private Beach</span></h2><p>If you want to enjoy the benefs of a private swimmg pool, but still want to go to the beach, a hotel wh a private beach is probably what’s bt for you. The beach will be jt a few steps away om your room, and there will always be some space for you.</p><p>If this sounds perfect to you, here are the bt Mykonos hotels wh a private beach.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Private Beach Hotel: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Anax Rort and Spa</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105619 size-full" src=" alt="anax rort and spa is the bt rorts mykonos greece" width="957" height="638" srcset=" 957w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 957px) 100vw, 957px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>2 rtrants</li><li>Breathtakg view</li></ul><p>Beg loted on the far wt si of the island, near Ags Ioannis, the sunsets you get om Anax Rort and Spa are more than amazg. You n enjoy them both om the private beach, but also next to the fy swimmg pool.</p><p>And if you want the extra fort, you n get a room wh a private jacuzzi, perfect to relax while enjoyg an amazg view.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up Pick: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Ammos Hotel – Small Luxury Hotels of the World</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105624 size-full" src=" alt="mykonos ammos hotel is one of the bt beach hotel mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Ially loted</li><li>2 rtrants</li><li>Island tours</li></ul><p>This place is among the bt luxury hotels Mykonos. Wh s 2 rtrants, the Mykonos Ammos Hotel is a great choice if you want to try different lol dish. It’s loted Ornos, jt a uple kilometers away om Mykonos Town.</p><p>There are also que a few bars and rtrants the area, and if you want more, the latter n easily be reached by b, or even by foot if you feel like gog for a walk.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Arte & Mare Luxury Su & Spa</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105620 size-full" src=" alt="arte and mare is among the bt beach hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>2 swimmg pools</li><li>Great breakfast</li><li>Fay rooms</li></ul><p>Havg breakfast facg the Aegean sea at Arte & Mare is que an experience. Not only that, but the breakfast self is amazg. The hotel is loted on the south of the island, near Elia. And the view you get om here is jt breathtakg.</p><p>Stayg such an environment is really relaxg and revalizg.</p><p>As you have seen, there are a lot of different typ of acmodatn on the island. Dependg on what you expect out of your trip, one will probably su you better than the other, but any se, all the hotels I’ve listed here are great.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Check this post for more <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">hotel remendatns Mykonos wh private beach</a>. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="mykonos-8211-bt-hotels-by-lotn">Mykonos – Bt Hotels by Lotn</span></h2><p>If you already know the island a b, or if you simply thk one area will su you better than the other, you’ll probably be better off lookg at the M<span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"mykonos bt hotels"}" data-sheets-erformat="{"2":12803,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":65280},"12":0,"15":"\"open sans\", \"Helveti Ne\", Helveti, Arial, sans-serif","16":8}">ykonos bt hotels</span> that area.</p><p>If you eher want to stay Mykonos Town (which I highly remend), or if you want a hotel on the beach, this sectn is perfect for you to choose a hotel.</p><p><strong>Let’s disver the bt hotels Mykonos Town has to offer! </strong></p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-hotels--mykonos-town">The Bt Hotels Mykonos Town</span></h2><p>First, we’re gog to look at the bt hotels Mykonos Town. This is the biggt town on the island, and ’s also here that you’ll fd the most rtrants, bars, and nightclubs, where you’ll meet people om all around the world.</p><p>You’ll also probably like the Ltle Venice neighborhood, which is very betiful.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Hotel Mykonos Town: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Ltle Venice Su</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105873 size-full" src=" alt="ltle venice is among the bt hotels mykonos town" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Breathtakg seaview</li><li>Jacuzzi</li><li>Great ratn</li></ul><p>This hotel is loted Chora, the pestrian center of Mykonos Town. This is where most of the actn tak place, so if you plan on gog out, you’ll love stayg here.</p><p>The view you get om the hotel is que amazg, and if you want to, you n get a room wh a jacuzzi (which will of urse feature the breathtakg view over the Aegean Sea).</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up Pick: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Absolute Mykonos Su & More</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105834 size-full" src=" alt="absolute mykonos su is one of the bt hotels mykonos town has to offer" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Bar</li><li>Private terrac or balny</li></ul><p>If you want some more tranquily, while still beg wh walkg distance om Chora, Absolute Mykonos is a great choice. It’s loted Megali Ammos, a more quiet district of Mykonos Town, a b south of Chora.</p><p>The hotel self is also great to relax, and offers a swimmg pool. Your room will also have a private terrace or balny, so you’ll have all the tranquily you need.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Belvere Mykonos – Ma Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105869 size-full" src=" alt="belvere mykonos is one of the bt party hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="731" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Rtrant</li><li>Fns centers</li><li>Bar</li></ul><p>Jt like the Ltle Venice Su, Belvere Mykonos is loted Chora, which mak a perfect pick if you plan to enjoy the center to a maximum and party que a lot.</p><p>You’ll also fd a rtrant on se, as well as a bar, which durg summer has s own private ncerts!</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Fd out more optns Mykonos Town ? <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">right here</a>. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-beach-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Beach Hotels Mykonos</span></h2><p>Sce Mykonos is an island, chanc are you’re g here to enjoy the Aegean sea, and pecially the beach. So you’ll probably want to stay close to one. And luckily, there are a lot.</p><p>To me, the followg are the bt beach hotels Mykonos. If you’re planng on stayg on the beach, you’ll most certaly love them.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Beach Hotel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Blanc – Preferred Hotels & Rorts</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105786 size-full" src=" alt="mykonos blanc is among the bt beach rorts mykonos greece" width="1024" height="768" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Ially loted</li><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Panoramic bay view</li></ul><p>The Mykonos Blanc is loted on the beach of Ornos, jt a kilometer south of Mykonos Town. The beach you’ll fd jt ont of the hotel is betiful, and offers a great view on the bay.</p><p>There’s also a swimmg pool on se for you to enjoy, and the hotel’s ratn is done a tradnal Cycladic style.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Grand Hotel & Rort</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106194 size-full" src=" alt="mykonos grand hotel and rort is a bt beachont hotel mykonos" width="1024" height="647" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Amazg view</li><li>Garn and Pat</li><li>Private beach</li></ul><p>Sce the Mykonos Grand Hotel & Rort is loted on Ags Ioannis Beach, on the wtern si of the island, you’ll be able to enjoy a betiful sunset every night om the hotel. The neighborg island of Delos is also visible afar, and mak for a nice view.</p><p>The hotel also offers a private pool and a private beach, which mak an amazg place to stay and enjoy the sun.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Acrogiali Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106305 size-full" src=" alt="acrogiali is one of the bt fay hotels mykonos has to offer" width="1024" height="708" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Great lotn</li><li>2 bars</li></ul><p>The Acrogiali Hotel is loted on Platis Gialos Beach, which is a ls crowd area than Mykonos Town, but there are still a lot of rtrants wh walkg distance.</p><p>This is one of the only plac on the island where you n enjoy some tranquily, que a few rtrants and bars, while still beg directly on the beach. Stayg here is really amazg.</p><p>The beach and Mykonos Town are the ma reasons for most people to e to the island. They each have different advantag, but are both great optns. If lotn is the cidg factor for your hotel, I hope you have found what you’re lookg for this sectn.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>If you’re not satisfied wh this selectn of beach hotels, you should check this post of <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the 17 Bt Mykonos Beach Hotels</a>, you’ll get more optns! </p><p> </p><h2><span id="by-type-of-travel-8211-the-bt-hotels-mykonos-has-to-offer">By Type of Travel – The Bt Hotels Mykonos Has to Offer</span></h2><p>In this last tegory, we’re gog to take a look at the bt hotels Mykonos has to offer by typ of travel. You probably won’t choose to stay the same hotel if you’re g to party wh a group of iends, if you’re g for your honeymoon or wh your fay.</p><p>So for each se (and some more you’ll disver down below), I’ve selected the bt hotels on the island for you!</p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-hotels--mykonos-for-fai">The Bt Hotels Mykonos for Fai</span></h2><p>When you’re travelg wh your children, the most important thg is that you all feel at ease and relaxed. Havg some extra space around is also great pecially if the ltle on have some extra energy they’ll need to spend every day.</p><p>This is how I’ve selected the bt hotels Mykonos for fai. </p><p> </p><h3>Bt Fay Hotel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Santa Mara, A Luxury Collectn Rort, Mykonos</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106199 size-full" src=" alt="santa mara is a one of the top fay hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Playground</li><li>Snorkelg and Scuba Divg</li><li>Free Airport shuttle</li></ul><p>No matter the age of your kids, they’ll love this hotel. The playground is great for the smaller on, and if your kids are olr, they’ll most certaly love snorkelg or scuba divg around the hotel. This for sure is an amazg experience to have such a place as Mykonos.</p><p>The hotel also offers a ee airport shuttle, so will be really easy gettg here om the airport.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up Pick: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Dove Beachont Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106310 size-full" src=" alt="mykonos dove hotel is among the bt hotels mykonos for fai" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Beachont</li><li>Disabled person iendly</li></ul><p>The Mykonos Dove is loted on Platis Gialos Beach on the south of the island, and ’s one of the <span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"bt fay hotels mykonos"}" data-sheets-erformat="{"2":12803,"3":{"1":0},"4":{"1":2,"2":15987700},"12":0,"15":"\"open sans\", \"Helveti Ne\", Helveti, Arial, sans-serif","16":8}">bt fay hotels Mykonos</span>. It’s a perfect place to stay if you want to have some privacy.</p><p>The rooms all have a small private terrace, and if you want even more tranquily, some e wh a small swimmg pool. And of urse, beg loted on the beach, ’s perfect to enjoy the sun, buildg stl the sand, or both!</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer">Dto Pacha Mykonos</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106307 size-full" src=" alt="sto pacha is a bt rort mykonos for upl" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Garn</li><li>Seaont</li></ul><p>Loted on Ag Stefanos Beach, the Oniro Mykonos is also a great place to stay wh your fay. It offers que some space, pecially around the swimmg pool, which featur an amazg view over the Aegean sea.</p><p>And jt to make your whole trip easier, you n ask for the private airport shuttle to e and get you, so you won’t have to stggle wh a taxi or public transportatn.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>For more fay acmodatn optns, you should read this post of the <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Bt Fay Hotels Mykonos Has to Offer</a>. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-honeymoon-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Honeymoon Hotels Mykonos</span></h2><p>Wow, you’re gettg married! Congratulatns!</p><p>If you plan on spendg the first days of the rt of your life together Mykonos, I’ve to say, this is a great plan. This is why I’ve picked the bt honeymoon hotels Mykonos, and I hope you’ll like them!</p><p>By the way, the followg plac are bt hotels Mykonos for upl general, non-newlyweds clud! </p><p> </p><h3>Bt Hotel Mykonos for Honeymoon: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Blu, Gretel Exclive Rort</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106193 size-full" src=" alt="blu gretel exclive rort is one of the bt honeymoon hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="768" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Private swimmg pools</li><li>Villas</li><li>Great rtrants</li></ul><p>You’ll most certaly enjoy havg some privacy durg this very special time you’re gog to spend together. And for this, the Mykonos Blu is perfect as ’s one of the bt rorts Mykonos for upl. You n get your own small private villa, wh a private swimmg pool if you want to!</p><p>The hotel is loted on Psarou beach, so if you prefer the sea, you’ll jt have to walk a few steps to get there!</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Boheme Mykonos Town – Small Luxury Hotels of the World</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105704 size-full" src=" alt="boheme mykonos town is one of the bt hotels mykonos for honeymoon" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Great lotn</li><li>Private jacuzzis</li><li>Swimmg pool</li></ul><p>If you want to enjoy Mykonos Town durg your honeymoon, Boheme Mykonos Town will be perfect for you. It’s loted jt a few meters away om Megali Ammos Beach, so you’ll easily be able to enjoy the sea.</p><p>The area is also the quiett part of town, so you’ll have some privacy and tranquily. And Chora, the pestrian center of Mykonos town, wh s rtrants, bars, shops and nightclubs is only a few mut walk away.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Thalassa Boutique Hotel – Su</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105850 size-full" src=" alt="thalassa boutique hotel is one of the bt hotels mykonos for upl" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Boutique hotel</li><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Beachont</li></ul><p>Stayg at a boutique hotel durg your honeymoon, pecially such a settg as Mykonos, is credible. The hotel’s ratn, as you would expect , is credible, and the overall experience of stayg here is amazg.</p><p>And as a nice bon, every room at the Thalassa Boutique hotel has a balny, which, of urse, featur an amazg view over the Aegean sea.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>If you uldn’t fd the bt place for your honeymoon this selectn above, I remend you to check this post of <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">the bt hotels Mykonos for honeymoon</a>, you’ll fd more optns. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="the-bt-party-hotels--mykonos">The Bt Party Hotels Mykonos</span></h2><p>If there’s one thg that mak the island famo, ’s whout a doubt s world class parti. The bt party hotels Mykonos are loted Paradise Beach, Super Paradise Beach, and Mykonos town.</p><p>I’ve selected one hotel each of the lotns, so you n choose pendg on which parti seem the bt to you.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Party Hotel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Tropina Hotel Mykonos</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105851 size-full" src=" alt="tropina hotel mykonos is one of the bt party hotels mykonos has to offer" width="1024" height="681" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>2 swimmg pools</li><li>Private jacuzzis</li><li>Bar and rtrant</li></ul><p>Tropina Hotel Mykonos is loted on Paradise Beach. It’s, as you would expect , jt a uple meters away om the beach and ’s amazg parti, that go on day and night.</p><p>At the hotel self, you’ll fd 2 swimmg pools, private jacuzzis, a bar and a rtrant. When stayg here, you won’t miss anythg.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Super Paradise Su</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105815 size-full" src=" alt="super paradise su is a bt party hotel mykonos has to offer" width="1024" height="684" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Great Breakfast</li><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Rtrant</li></ul><p>At Super Paradise Beach, where this hotel is loted, parti go on all day and all night as well, and you’ll ually see a lot of jet setters and celebri here.</p><p>The hotel offers an amazg swimmg pool that overlooks the sea. And the morng, when wakg up om a probably amazg party, you’ll be able to enjoy an amazg breakfast, perfect for you to start a jt as amazg day.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Mykonos Theoxenia Boutique Hotel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105879 size-full" src=" alt="theoxenia is the list of the bt party hostels mykonos" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Boutique hotel</li><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Disabled person iendly</li></ul><p>Fally, if you want to party Mykonos Town, the Mykonos Theoxenia will be perfect for you. Parti Mykonos Town are different om those happeng on the beach sce they only happen at night.</p><p>The ma advantage here is that you’ll have a lot of choice regardg the bars and nightclubs you go to. You n easily try a new one every night. And the hotel is, as you would expect om a boutique hotel, amazg. You’ll feel at home, wh all the benefs of beg Mykonos.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Lookg for more party hotels Mykonos? You n directly go there ?  <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The 13 Bt Party Hotels Mykonos Has to Offer</a>. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="bt-gay-hotels-8211-mykonos">Bt Gay Hotels – Mykonos</span></h2><p>I’ll go on wh the bt gay hotels Mykonos has to offer. The island has a few gay hot spots, and a few hotels this area take full advantage of this, and offer a great experience to gay people.</p><p>If you plan on g wh your partner, or want to meet new people, this will be a great experience.</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Gay Hotel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Elysium</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105807 size-full" src=" alt="elysium is the bt gay hotel mykonos has to offer" width="1024" height="684" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Great breakfast</li><li>Disabled person iendly</li></ul><p>The Elysium is loted Mykonos Town, and is a great place for gay people to stay and party on the island. You’ll stay close to both the beach and the ma parti of town, and will easily get the privacy you need.</p><p>Every night, the hotel also offers a nice drag queen show, which brgs a lot of people om the outsi. This is also a great way for you to meet new people.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> Geranium</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105808 size-full" src=" alt="geranium rince is one of the bt gay hotels mykonos greece" width="1217" height="685" srcset=" 1217w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1217px) 100vw, 1217px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Great lotn</li><li>Adults only</li></ul><p>The Geranium is an adult only hotel, which is always great when you’re g somewhere pecially to meet new people. It’s also loted right to Mykonos Town.</p><p>The rooms are fully equipped, and actually feel more like small apartments, and the privacy you get here is great. You n also of urse enjoy some pany, by the swimmg pool for example.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Alternative Choice: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Ltle Rochari </a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105847 size-full" src=" alt="rochari hotel is one of the bt rorts mykonos for upl" width="1024" height="683" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Amazg view</li><li>Bar</li><li>Swimmg pool</li></ul><p>The Ltle Rochari is loted on a hill overlookg Mykonos town. This mak the perfect hotel to enjoy both some tranquily, and the parti of the town.</p><p>If you feel like you want to party and enjoy the cultural aspect of Mykonos Town, but at the same time want to relax a maximum, this is a great place for you to stay.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>Disver more ?  <a href=">Gay-iendly Hotels and Neighborhoods here</a>. </p><p> </p><h2><span id="bt-budget-hotels--mykonos">Bt Budget Hotels Mykonos</span></h2><p>If you’re g to the island on a tight budget, you’ll appreciate the bt budget hotels Mykonos.</p><p>The island general is que expensive, but there are still some great acmodatn optns that will be light on your wallet. And by stayg here, you’ll get what’s most important for a trip to Mykonos: the sea and the sun!</p><p> </p><h3>Bt Cheap Hotel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Angela’s Rooms</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106216 size-full" src=" alt="angelas room is one of the bt budget hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="614" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Great lotn</li><li>Nice host</li><li>Pat</li></ul><p>Angela’s Rooms is probably the bt value for your money you n get Mykonos. Even though ’s pretty cheap, ’s amazg.</p><p>It’s loted Mykonos town, close to most bars and rtrants, and is a perfect place to stay to move around on the island. You’ll also fd a beach a uple hundred meters away.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Runner Up Pick: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> Adonis Rooms</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106215 size-full" src=" alt="adonis room is a the bt cheap hotels mykonos" width="1024" height="685" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Swimmg pool</li><li>Close to the beach</li><li>Pat</li></ul><p>Loted close to Kalo Livadi beach, on the south eastern part of Mykonos, Adonis Rooms is a great place to stay if you’re maly g to enjoy the sea and the sun.</p><p>The beach is jt a uple mut away, and there is also a swimmg pool on se if you prefer that.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><h3>Bt Hostel Mykonos: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="sponsored noopener noreferrer"> MyCoon Hostel</a></h3><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-106220 size-full" src=" alt="myon hostel is one of the bt hostels mykonos has to offer" width="1024" height="682" srcset=" 1024w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" /></p><ul><li>Airport shuttle</li><li>Great ratn</li><li>Swimmg pool</li></ul><p>Stayg hotels is a great way to keep your travels cheap. You’ll lose some of the privacy you get by stayg at a hotel or an apartment, but ’s an amazg way to meet new people. We n say MyCoon is for sure the bt hostels Mykonos has to offer. </p><p>MyCoon is loted Chora, the very center of Mykonos Town, so ’s close to everythg. And a nice thg about this hostel is the airport shuttle, which will save you a lot of hassle, and possibly some money too.</p> <span class='maxbutton-1-ntaer mb-ntaer'><a class="maxbutton-1 maxbutton maxbutton-hotel-check-for-bt-price external-css generic-button" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="><span class='mb-text'>Check for Bt Price</span></a></span><p> </p><p>The are not cheap enough? Well, check this post listg other <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">bt cheap hotels Mykonos has to offer</a>, I bet you’ll fd the perfect one sends!</p><p> </p><p>If the way of travelg is the most important thg for you, I hope that this sectn has helped you fd a great hotel to meet your needs. Dependg on what you’re expectg, the choice n be very different, so you have to be reful when choosg what is bt for you.</p><p>I hope you were able to fd your next home this list of the bt hotels to stay Mykonos Greece! If not, you n keep readg ?</p><p> </p><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105643" src=" alt="mykonos wdls" width="450" height="600" srcset=" 800w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px" /><br />  </p><h2><span id="other-hotels--mykonos">Other Hotels Mykonos</span></h2><p>Couldn’t fd the ial hotel for you this post? Or you simply would love to see other kds of acmodatn Mykonos?</p><p>Well, I have other guis for you to help you make up your md.</p><p><strong>Start here to fd the bt Mykonos district to stay at</strong>: <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The plete gui to fd the bt area to stay Mykonos</a></p><p><strong>Or choose one of the guis acrdg wh your travel purpose or travel style</strong>:</p><ul><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Where to stay Mykonos on a budget</a> </li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Where to stay Mykonos wh fay</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Where to stay Mykonos to party</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Where to stay Mykonos to spend your honeymoon</a></li></ul><p>If you’re lookg for <strong>very specific hotels</strong>, I’m not lettg you down! Here are other awome piec:</p><ul><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Mykonos Rorts</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt 5 Star Hotels Mykonos on the Beach</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Mykonos Hotels wh Private Pool</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Villas Mykonos</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Apartments to Rent Mykonos</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Boutique Hotels Mykonos Has to Offer</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Hotels Mykonos Town</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Bt Gay-Friendly Hotels Mykonos</a></li></ul><p>I hope you uld’ve found your Mykonos home through the guis. Don’t hate to ment below if this is the se, I would be very pleased to read your feedback.</p><p> </p><p><img loadg="lazy" class="aligncenter wp-image-105645 size-full" src=" alt="mykonos astle" width="1200" height="800" srcset=" 1200w, 768w" siz="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></p><p> </p><h3>Fal Thoughts</h3><p>Now that you know everythg you need about Mykonos and ’s hotels, I wish you to have an amazg vatn on the island. As you have seen, pendg on what you’re lookg for, you won’t be lookg at the same hotels. Jt pick the one that seems bt to you.</p><p>And if you’re unsure, <strong>the bt hotel to me is <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Anax Rort and Spa</a></strong>. It offers a swimmg pool, a private beach, and 2 rtrants. Basilly everythg you need to spend an amazg time on the island!</p><p> </p><p>Loved this post? Then share g the button below to fd them aga & help fellow travelers fd the bt of Mykonos! They will love you for ?</p></div><div class="travel-affiliat-spacer pt-3"><div class="p-3 travel-affiliat-sectn"><h4>Travel Tools</h4><p class="pb-3">Use any of our remend lks below to book your trip. 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That's exactly why I've wrote this gui on the bt hotels Mykonos by tegory and travel style: to help you quickly fd the perfect home that will meet every sgle one of your need. bt mykonos hotels | mykonos greece hotels | mykonos greece hotels luxury | mykonos greece hotels villas | mykonos hotel luxury " target="_blank" rel="noopener external noreferrer" aria-label="Share this article on Ptert wh a Vertil P"> <img class="p-image pop-hover" src=" alt="When lookg for a place to stay Mykonos, you have fe optns. That's exactly why I've wrote this gui on the bt hotels Mykonos by tegory and travel style: to help you quickly fd the perfect home that will meet every sgle one of your need. bt mykonos hotels | mykonos greece hotels | mykonos greece hotels luxury | mykonos greece hotels villas | mykonos hotel luxury " width="450" height="to" loadg="lazy" /> </a></div><div class="l-sm-8"><div class="p-right-lumn"><p class="p-tle">P this to Ptert!</p><p class="p-scriptn-text">Enjoyed this gui? 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That's exactly why I've wrote this gui on the bt hotels Mykonos by tegory and travel style: to help you quickly fd the perfect home that will meet every sgle one of your need. bt mykonos hotels | mykonos greece hotels | mykonos greece hotels luxury | mykonos greece hotels villas | mykonos hotel luxury " target="_blank" rel="noopener external noreferrer">P It Now</a> <a class="generic-button ptert-follow" href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener external noreferrer">Follow Me on Ptert</a></p></div></div></div><div class="article-footer-tags-share"><div class="article-footer-tags l-8"><p>MORE</p> <a href=" rel="tegory tag">Bt Hotels</a> <a href=" rel="tegory tag">Greece</a> <a href=" rel="tegory tag">Hotels</a> <a href=" rel="tegory tag">Mykonos</a></div><div class="article-footer-share l-4"><p>SHARE NOW</p><div class="menu-social-ins"> <a class="bottom-share-facebook" aria-label="Share to Facebook" href=" rel="noopener" target="_blank"> <svg width="14px" height="14px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.77 7.46H14.5v-1.9c0-.9.6-1.1 1-1.1h3V.5h-4.33C10.24.5 9.5 3.44 9.5 5.32v2.15h-3v4h3v12h5v-12h3.85l.42-4z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="bottom-share-twter" aria-label="Share to Twter" href=" for the bt hotels Mykonos Greece for your next vatn? 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As long as my stomach is full, I'm for the crazit adventur; which is good, bee always happens wh Kev. Oh and I also entirely signed the se, so I tly hope you enjoy your time here!</div></div></div></div><div class="l-md-3"><div id="sibar-primary" class="kevmrc-sibar"><p class="sibar-tle">Hey, I'm Kev</p> <img class="kevmrc-sibar-profile-picture aligncenter" src=" alt="kevmrc profile picture at eiffel tower" loadg="lazy"><p class="sibar-b">My dream is to bee a full-time travel blogger. But for now, I work as a project manager a major pany. When I'm not at work, I'm eher travelg around the globe, or at home Paris sharg my stori & travel guis on this blog. Enjoy your time on the se!</p><p class="time-spent sibar-tle">Time spent buildg my dream</p><div class="sibar-time"><div class="number-years">6</div><div class="number-months">2</div><div class="number-days">12</div><div class="years">years</div><div class="months">months</div><div class="days">days</div></div><p class="sibar-tle">Come say HI on social!</p><div class="sibar-social-ins"> <a class="sibar-facebook" href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <svg width="20px" height="20px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M18.77 7.46H14.5v-1.9c0-.9.6-1.1 1-1.1h3V.5h-4.33C10.24.5 9.5 3.44 9.5 5.32v2.15h-3v4h3v12h5v-12h3.85l.42-4z"/> </svg> </a> <a class="sibar-twter" href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <svg width="20px" height="20px" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M23.44 4.83c-.8.37-1.5.38- 1.32-2.02-.88.52-1.86.9-2.9 1.1-.82-.88-2-1.43-3.3-1.43-2.5 0-4.55 2.04-4.55 4.54 0 . 1.04-3.77-.2-7.12-2-9.36-4.75-.4.67-.6 1.45-.6 2.3 0 1.56.8 2.95 2 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class="remend-posts-"><div class="remend-posts-tag"> <a href=">Bt Hotels</a></div><div class="remend-posts-tle"><a href=" tle="Where to Stay Mykonos to Party + 13 Bt Party Hotels Mykonos">Where to Stay Mykonos to Party + 13 Bt Party Hotels Mykonos</a></div></div></div></div><div class="l-md-4 post-rd"><div class="remend-posts-whe-box"> <a href="><img src=" alt="[Hotel Reviews] The 16 Bt Hotels Mykonos Town (2023)" class="img-fluid" loadg="lazy"></a><div class="remend-posts-"><div class="remend-posts-tag"> <a href=">Bt Hotels</a></div><div class="remend-posts-tle"><a href=" tle="[Hotel Reviews] The 16 Bt Hotels Mykonos Town (2023)">[Hotel Reviews] The 16 Bt Hotels Mykonos Town (2023)</a></div></div></div></div><div class="l-md-4 post-rd"><div class="remend-posts-whe-box"> <a href="><img src=" alt="Fd the Bt Place to Stay Mykonos for Fai (Full Gui)" class="img-fluid" loadg="lazy"></a><div class="remend-posts-"><div class="remend-posts-tag"> <a href=">Bt Hotels</a></div><div 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best gay hotel mykonos

Gay-iendly hotels and other acmodatn on Mykonos. Wh reviews, price range, maps and distance to the gay bars.



Compact and nstantly updated gui and maps to gay venu and events on the Greek island Mykonos. * best gay hotel mykonos *

Mykonos is ed to attractg a large number of gay visors (and part of their disposable e) every year, so wouldn’t dare discrimate.

However, the number of hotels exclively terg to gay tourism has cled. That’s bee there’s now petn om other statns the Mederranean, so “gay hotels” had to also bee “straight hotels, ” and the regular non-gay acmodatn has also bee gay-iendly.


Read our gui to the bt beach Mykonos, as remend by Telegraph Travel. Fd expert advice on the bt gay beach, beach clubs wh DJs, and spots for fai. * best gay hotel mykonos *

The need to protect yourself om uniendly terrory by lookg for gay-only acmodatn don’t apply to Mykonos, and ’s safe to say that all hotels on the island are gay-iendly. However, if you’re gay you’ll probably want a nvenient lotn close to the gay bars or gay beach, or may prefer to be certa that you’re surround by “like-md” guts.

The Elysium Gay Hotel. This is the “official” gay hotel Mykonos. It has always been a gay-iendly hotel sce openg 1976, but s central lotn Mykonos Town attracts all kds of guts.

Gay and Gay-iendly Hotels MykonosBook the bt gay hotels wh misterb&b, the lear gay travel chosen by 1M travelers. Competive pric - Gay-owned bs - Support for LGBTQ+ NGOsmost bookedcheaptmisterb&b munySee how the search rults are rankedRochari Hotel★ 5(2)Hotel room **** • Mykonos Gay District • Breakfast clud • Wi-FiBt rated LGBTQ+ hosts by our muny AttiHotel Sphx★ 5(1)Hotel room ** • Naxos Wi-Fi • Pets allowedIl Maris★ 4(1)Hotel room **** • Mykonos Gay District • Wi-Fi • Pool. Here are other awome piec:The Bt Mykonos RortsThe Bt 5 Star Hotels Mykonos on the BeachThe Bt Mykonos Hotels wh Private PoolThe Bt Villas MykonosThe Bt Apartments to Rent MykonosThe Bt Beach Hotels MykonosThe Bt Boutique Hotels MykonosThe Bt Hotels Mykonos TownThe Bt Gay-Friendly Hotels MykonosI hope you uld’ve found your Mykonos home through the guis.


* best gay hotel mykonos *

Party all night and bask glor sunshe all day, Mykonos offers world-class beach parti, swanky beach club spots, and one of the bt gay club scen Europe. And of urse, the party scene is pleted by Babylon – don’t miss the islands’ bt gay bar famo drag shows! About Mykonos and s gay life.


The bt Mykonos gay hotels are: Hotel Adonis, Hotel Herm, Hotel Andronikos, Geranium Rince Adults only, Elysium Hotel, Harmony Boutique, Mykonos Grand Hotel * best gay hotel mykonos *

For s, Mykonos has also been a popular vatn statn for gays.

An annual highlight on Mykonos is the big ternatnal gay party ftival XLSIOR Augt. This gui Spanish: Guía Gay Mykonos. Super Paradise is tucked behd a headland on the oppose si to Paradise, and is tradnally known as the island’s first dited gay beach.

This has taken over the mantle of Mykonos’ ma gay beach recent years, and nudy is permted (and wily practiced).


Gay Hotels on Mykonos. Hotel, gay-iendly.

Gay-iendly and gay-popular hotel Mykonos town. Small hotel next to the ›Panagia Paraportiani‹ church (a landmark of Mykonos) and very close to the gay bars town. If you’re tryg to fd the perfect gay summer holiday statn, look no further than Mykonos.

This Greek island has bee one of the most popular gay statns on the pla, and for good reason! The gay muny on the island is thrivg, and you’ll have the chance to vis gay beach, bars, and even gay before you n enjoy all that Mykonos has to offer, you’ll need to ci where to stay on the island. Here are the 10 bt gay hotels Mykonos, and everythg you need to know about each of them.


ContentsThe 10 Bt Mykonos Gay Hotels1: Elysium Hotel ****2: Geranium Rince Adults Only ****3: Kouros Hotel & Su *****4: Andronikos Hotel ****5: Mykonos Theoxenia Boutique Hotel *****6: Herm Mykonos Hotel ****7: Harmony Boutique Hotel Mykonos ****8: Poseidon Hotel Su ***9: Hotel Adonis ***10: Mykonos Grand Hotel & Rort *****Concln on the Bt Mykonos Gay Hotels.

Elysium Gay Hotel Mykonos. Elsium Hotel is one of the most well known gay hotels Mykonos.


Bt Gay Hotels Mykonos, selected by misterb&b .