The Pope’s ‘shockg’ statement on gay marriage is g an uproar among Catholics – The Hill

gay civil union

The road to full marriage equaly for same-sex upl the Uned Stat was paved wh setbacks and victori. The landmark 2015 Supreme Court se Obergefell v. Hodg ma gay marriage legal throughout the untry.



The Vatin said Pope Francis' remarks were taken out of ntext but still nfirmed the pontiff's belief that gay upl should enjoy legal protectns. * gay civil union *

Image source, RtersImage ptn, Pope Francis' statements are a parture om prev ments about LGBT rightsPope Francis has said that he thks same-sex upl should be allowed to have "civil unns" ma the ments, which observers say are his cleart remarks yet on gay relatnships, a documentary directed by Evgeny Afeevsky. " He add that he "stood up for that", apparently referrg to his time as Archbishop of Buenos Air when, although opposg same-sex marriag law, he supported some legal protectns for same-sex film Franc, about the life and work of Pope Francis, premiered as part of the Rome Film well as the Pope's ments on civil unns, the film also shows him enuragg two gay men to attend church wh their three Francis's bgrapher, Aten Ivereigh, told the BBC he was "not surprised" by the latt ments. "Unr current Catholic doctre, gay relatnships are referred to as "viant behavur" 2003, the Vatin's doctral body, the Congregatn for the Doctre of the Fah, said that "rpect for homosexual persons nnot lead any way to approval of homosexual behavur or to legal regnn of homosexual unns" words but no sign of doctral changeThe remarks have set tongu waggg among Vatin-watchers - and they mark Francis's cleart support for the issue sce beg Pope.

" he 2014 was reported that Pope Francis had exprsed support for civil unns for same-sex partners an terview, but the Holy See's prs office nied 2018, Pope Francis said he was "worried" about homosexualy the clergy, and that was "a ser matter" on this story.

Check back for a new documentary that premiered Rome yterday, Pope Francis appeared to endorse civil unns for same-sex upl for the first time as portrayed the documentary, the pope says: “Homosexual people have the right to be a fay. In fact, Pope Francis’ support of civil unns dat back to his days as archbishop of Buenos Air, when he proposed civil unns as an alternative to gay marriage, a posn he has reerated as recently as the pope mistranslated?


The Vatin said the pope’s statements favor of civil unns for gay upl did not change church doctre. * gay civil union *

”No one remembered, however, bee that part of the clip had never McElwee of the Natnal Catholic Reporter pared the clips si by si and found that the pope’s quote about how gay people “have a right to be part of the fay” was clud Mr. It said the ments on gay civil unns were taken out of ntext a documentary that spliced together parts of an old terview but nfirmed Francis’ belief that gay upl should enjoy legal protectns.

Most pot to a 2003 document om the Congregatn for the Doctre of the Fah statg that “rpect for homosexual persons nnot lead any way to approval of homosexual behavur or to legal regnn of homosexual unns. ”That document lled policians’ support of same-sex unns “gravely immoral” and said that “Legal regnn of homosexual unns or placg them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of viant behavur, wh the nsequence of makg a mol prent-day society, but would also obscure basic valu which belong to the mon herance of humany. Cardal William Levada, who succeed Cardal Ratzger as head of the Congregatn of the Doctre of the Fah, termed 1997 as archbishop of San Francis that, rponse to the cy’s legalizatn of gay marriage, he would extend health re benefs to one other person livg wh any of his archdce’s employe, regardls of their relatnship.

That way, gay upl were vered, as were, for example, two unmarried siblgs livg, the pope has not changed church teachg, but he has certaly changed the pastoral tone wh which the church approach L. Catholics yterday, cludg the advocy groups Digny and New Ways Mistry, who celebrated the statement on civil unns but were unr no illns that the church had changed s teachg on gay else has Pope Francis said on L.


The latt Gallup survey nfirms that rpons to qutns on gay marriage and gay civil unns pend on the orr which the qutns are asked. Support for civil unns is higher if asked after rather than before the qutn on gay marriage. Support for gay marriage is lower if asked after rather than before the qutn on civil unns. The rults reflect the views of many Amerins that they would support civil unns as a substute for gay marriage. Overall, support for both proposals has creased the past several months. * gay civil union *

Children that God lov their children and his reported statement to Juan Carlos Cz, a gay man who is a survivor of sexual abe, that God ma him the new documentary, the pope’s words are paired wh the story of Andrea Rubera, a gay man who adopted three children wh his partner. ”The pope’s “endorsement of civil unns is not an endorsement of homosexual activy, ” the rdal said, while also notg that Francis is “very aware of the sufferg and alienatn of homosexual dividuals, gay people, who are rejected by fay and society. For bisexual, gay, lbian, and trans dividuals, registered civil unns offered an opportuny for them to get to a socially-regnized relatnship and receive the same legal benefs as heterosexual married upl.


Overview A clear majory of Amerins (57%) favors allowg gay and lbian upl to enter to legal agreements wh each other that would give them * gay civil union *

ROME — The Vatin says Pope Francis’ ments on gay civil unns were taken out of ntext a documentary that spliced together parts of an old terview, but still nfirmed Francis’ belief that gay upl should enjoy legal Vatin secretariat of state issued guidance to ambassadors to expla the uproar that Francis’ ments created followg the Oct. Instead, he favored extendg legal protectns to gay upl unr what is unrstood Argenta as a civil unn Francis was known to have taken that posn privately, he had never articulated his support while as pope. “More than a year ago, durg an terview, Pope Francis answered two different qutns at two different tim that, the aforementned documentary, were eded and published as a sgle answer whout proper ntextualizatn, which has led to nfn, ” said the guidance posted by the film, Afeevsky reunts the story of Andrea Rubera, a married gay Catholic who wrote Francis askg for his advice about brgg to the church his three young children wh his was an anguished qutn, given that the Catholic Church teach that gay people mt be treated wh digny and rpect but that homosexual acts are “trsilly disorred.

” The church also holds that marriage is an dissoluble unn between man and woman, and as a rult, gay marriage is the end, Rubera reunts how Francis urged him to approach his parish transparently and brg the children up the fah, which he did.


* gay civil union *

”Francis’ ments about gays havg the right to be a fay referred to parents wh gay children, and the need for them to not kick their children out or discrimate agast them, the Vatin guidance said. Francis was not endorsg the right of gay upl to adopt children, even though the placement of the quote right after Rubera told his story ma seem that Francis pope’s ments about gay civil unns me om a different part of the Televisa terview and clud several veats that were not clud the the Televisa terview, Francis ma clear he was explag his posn about the unique se Buenos Air 10 years ago, as opposed to Rubera’s suatn or gay marriage as a the Televisa terview, Francis also sisted that he always mataed Catholic doctre and said there was an “ngy” for the Catholic Church as far as “homosexual marriage” is documentary elimated that Televisa footage is available onle, and clus an awkward cut right after Francis spoke about the “ngy” of homosexual marriage. But don’t expla how his support for extendg Argente legal protectns to gay upl 2010 uld be squared wh the 2003 document om the Congregatn for the Doctre of the Fah, which says “the prcipl of rpect and non-discrimatn nnot be voked to support legal regnn of homosexual unns.

Francis spoke a sectn of the movie about Andrea Rubera, a gay man who adopted three children wh his said that he explaed to the pope a letter that they wanted to brg the children up as Catholics the lol parish but did not know how they would be received.


There are wi rangg differenc between a civil unn and a gay marriage, bee of the simple reason that a gay marriage, where is allowed, is treated jt like any other officiated unn of two adults. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTVatin Clarifi Pope Francis’s Comments on Same-Sex UnnsThe Vatin said the pope’s statements favor of civil unns for gay upl did not change church Bia/Associated PrsPublished Nov.


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