Twk is a subcultural term referrg to gay men who fy tradnal mascule rol, embracg tras that are generally seen as feme. Twks are typilly associated wh a few key trop: general physil attractivens, a slim build, and a youthful appearance that lacks facial hair and...
Otter is a term ed by gay men, referrg to a subset of men who blend the physil and social tras of both bears and twks, both vokg and fyg tradnal... * wiki gay slang *
From Middle English gay, om Old French gai (“joyful, lghg, merry”), ually thought to be a borrowg of Old Occan gai (“impetuo, lively”), om Gothic *?????? (*gaheis, “impetuo”), mergg wh earlier Old French jai ("merry"; see jay), om Frankish *gāhi;[1] both om Proto-Germanic *ganhuz, *ganhwaz (“sudn”).
The sense of homosexual (first rerd no later than 1937 by Cary Grant the film Brgg Up Baby, and possibly earlier 1922 the poem "Miss Furr and Miss Skeene" by Gert Ste[6][7]) was shortened om earlier gay t ("homosexual boy") unrworld and prison slang, self first attted about 1935, but ed earlier for a young tramp or hobo attached to an olr one. He was not happy at the farm and went to a Wtern cy where he associated wh a homosexual crowd, beg "gay, " and wearg female cloth and makp. 2003, Michael McAvennie, The World Wrtlg Entertament Yearbook:She uldn't even ga accs om a fay iend whose name was on the list, nor uld she e her feme charms to turn on the staff member, who revealed he was gay and was more imprsed seeg Billy and Chuck enter the buildg.
2005, Mark Caldwell, New York Night, page 133:Of the dozen or so survivg articl, squibs, and letters to the edor, the most remarkable appeared the Whip and Satirist’s Febary 12, 1842, issue, and disclosed the existence of a bal of gay men New York's otherwise wholome nightspe of brothels and rts. Among the syndite of perverts, the wrer announced, "we fd no Amerins as yet—they are all Englishmen or French" (the English lled homosexualy the French vice and the French the English vice; for the Whip was the French and English vice).
The two failed attempts to receive the necsary accs to medilized transn procr by the renowned FTM activist Lou Sullivan—a gay man who refed to ply wh the imperative that transsexual men mt sire women— […].
2009, Betty Jean Lifton, Lost & Found: the Adoptn Experience, page 67:Her adoptive mother fated when Gail told her she was gay. 2010, Noėl Sturgeon, Environmentalism Popular Culture: Genr, Race, Sexualy, and the Polics of the Natural, page 128:In fact, as several letter wrers to the New York Tim poted out their rponse to the article, the disjuncture between the two popularized pengus shows how radilly separated om each other are muni of gay people and muni of right-wg relig nservativ: if the Christian fundamentalists had looked up "gay pengus" or even "pengus" on the Inter, they would have enuntered several gay pengu s, cludg the story of Roy and Silo, the Central Park Zoo gay pengu uple about whom a children's book was wrten; the saga of the gay pengu muny at a German zoo; and the mpaign of Gay Pengu for Print (whose slogan was "Gee W.