SunServe is where lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, qutng and tersex (LGBTQI) people South Florida get help and fd their muny. We help LGBTQI youth, adults and senrs, and also help the parents and fay members of our fabuloly diverse queer fay.
Although a person’s sexual or romantic orientatn or genr inty may not be a source of distrs, people who intify as lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer, qutng, asexual, or any other orientatn or genr inty may fd that the social stigma of livg as a mory is a source of strs or anxiety.
The current acronym reprents those who are lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, queer and qutng, tersex, and asexual. Acrdg to a 2007 survey, stunts who intified as lbian, gay, bisexual, or transgenr were almost ten tim as likely to have experienced bullyg and victimizatn at school and more than twice as likely to have nsired suici as their heterosexual, non-transgenr classmat wh the prev year. Early edns of the Diagnostic and Statistil Manual (DSM) intified homosexualy as a mental disorr, until clil rearch monstrated sexual or romantic attractn to someone of the same genr is a normal, healthy, posive form of human sexualy.
As the work proceeds, is revealed that John is out to his fay (who accepts him entirely) and publicly, while Paolo do not want his fay to know he is gay.