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Gayle Gossip is an anchorwoman and a reporter who works for NGTV News. Hami's flashback had Gayle reportg on televisn, sayg that a giant snake was attackg Njago Cy, meang all cizens should leave at once. When the nja watched the news om Dareth's Mojo Dojo, Gayle was...



Gayle Genarro is Lda's younger sister, Bob's sister--law and the nt of their three children, Ta, Gene and Louise. She liv alone wh her three ts: Jean Paw'd Van Damme, Pkeye & Mr. Bs. In all her appearanc, Gale wears blue glass. She has brown hair wh bangs that she... * wiki gayle *

Gayle. — Gayle.

Gayle Genarro is Lda's younger sister, Bob's sister--law and the nt of their three children, Ta, Gene and Louise.

Like her sister and mother, Gayle has a strong northern New Jersey accent. Gayle is a very cheerful and eccentric woman, but also extremely naive and gullible, as well as emotnally agile.


How am I ever gog to learn to be ls mandg if you keep beg so nice?!Gayle Gayle (アリゲッティ, Arigetthī?) is a normal alligator villager the Animal Crossg seri. Her name relat to the soundg of the word alligator, her speci. Her tchphrase refers to the fact that alligators like... * wiki gayle *

Gayle is extremely socially ept, and often says and do thgs that are eher appropriate or annoyg to those around her. Gayle follows strange ruals and l she creat for herself, such as sendg $100 to a pig every time she eats a ham sandwich and if she stays awake, she won't die ("The Cook, The Steve, The Gayle, & Her Lover"), even gog so far as to play pretend every night before bed that she's takg shelter om a nuclear apolypse where everyone di, "pecially the men, so 's okay to sleep alone.


* wiki gayle *

Gayle is poor, and liv a basement stud apartment wh walkg distance of Bob's Burgers. Bs Bs" that Gayle equently borrows money om Bob & Lda.

She also has a b of a manipulative streak, g her pathetic nature to get what she wants (mostly om her sister Lda), such as fakg juri for attentn ("Gayle Mak' Bob Sled"), askg to borrow money ("There's No Bs Like Mr.

Bs Bs"), or guiltg others to get her way ("The Gayle Tal"). Gayle's needs and eccentrici are all enabled by Lda, who is not only permissive wh money, but often go to great lengths to keep dulgg her sister, such as creatg gam to keep Gayle terted her job ("As I Walk Through the Alley of the Shadow of Ramps"), and forcg Bob to fake cheat wh Gayle to boost her self-teem ("Dr. Gayle exprs herself through art, mostly patgs, but also through outlandish performance art.


Gayle is a normal alligator villager the Animal Crossg seri. She first appeared Animal Crossg: New Leaf and has appeared all subsequent gam. Her... * wiki gayle *

In "Purple Ra-Unn", is shown that Gayle plays the keyboard. Gayle first appears Season One when agast Bob's wish, Lda Belcher allows Gayle to exhib her art the rtrant durg "Art Crawl".

Gayle revis the patgs by addg pants and "huge, pendulo breasts.

Gayle appeared aga "Dr.


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