71 Gay Rd, Brookfield, MA 01506 | Tlia

71 gay rd brookfield ma

View 37 photos for 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield, MA 01506, a 3 bed, 3 bath, 2,587 Sq. Ft. sgle fay home built 1988 that was last sold on 09/03/2021.



71 Gay Rd, Brookfield, MA 01506 is currently not for sale. The 2,587 Square Feet sgle fay home is a 3 beds, 3 baths property. This home was built 1988 and last sold on 2021-09-03 for $564,000. View more property tails, sal history, and Ztimate data on Zillow. * 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

49Tax Asssed Value: $419, 200Tax Year: 2018UtiliUtili: for Gas Range, for Electric Dryer, Washer HookupSewer: Private SewerWater Source: PrivateElectric: 200+ Amp ServiceHas HeatgHeatg: Baseboard, Oil, WoodLotnDirectns: Turn right onto Cedar Rd, Cedar Rd be Gay Rd.


3 beds, 3 baths, 2587 sq. ft. hoe loted at 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield, MA 01506 sold for $564,000 on Sep 3, 2021. MLS# 72813774. Wele to 71 Gay Rd, a private untry oasis the nveniently loc... * 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

UnparsedAddrs: 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield MA 01506Communy Featur: Shoppg, Walk/Jog Trails, Conservatn Area, Highway Accs, Public SchoolOtherDisclosure: NDisclosur: Subject To Fal Subdivisn From Larger Parcel, 71 Gay Rd Will Be Approximately 10 Acr.

Transportatn near 71 Gay RdSomewhat bikeableBike Sre®Flood FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate flood risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate fire risk rmatn for this FactorWe’re workg on gettg current and accurate heat risk rmatn for this home.


* 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

71 Gay RdBrookfield, MA 01506$670, 700as of Aug 18, 2023Hom for Sale Near 71 Gay RdLol Informatn© GoogleDcriptnThis property is no longer available to rent or to buy.

This scriptn is om May 07, 2022Wele to 71 Gay Rd, a private untry oasis the nveniently loted town of Brookfield!

Mut to the Mass Pike, rtrants, shoppg, HighlightsHome Details for 71 Gay RdInterr FeaturInterr DetailsBasement: Full, Walk-Out Accs, UnfishedNumber of Rooms: 7Typ of Rooms: Master Bedroom, Master Bathroom, Dg Room, Kchen, Livg RoomBeds & BathsNumber of Bedrooms: 3Ma Level Bedrooms: 1Number of Bathrooms: 3Number of Bathrooms (full): 3Number of Bathrooms (ma level): 2Dimensns and LayoutLivg Area: 2587 Square FeetApplianc & UtiliUtili: for Gas Range, for Electric Dryer, Washer HookupApplianc: Range, Dishwasher, Microwave, Reigerator, Electric Water Heater, Utily Connectns for Gas Range, Utily Connectns for Electric DryerDishwasherLndry: First Floor, Washer HookupMicrowaveReigeratorHeatg & CoolgHeatg: Baseboard, Oil, WoodNo CoolgAir Condng: NoneHas HeatgHeatg Fuel: BaseboardFireplace & SpaNumber of Fireplac: 2Fireplace: Dg RoomHas a FireplaceGas & ElectricElectric: 200+ Amp ServiceWdows, Doors, Floors & WallsFloorg: Tile, Vyl, Carpet, HardwoodLevels, Entrance, & AccsibilyFloors: Tile, Vyl, Carpet, HardwoodExterr FeaturExterr Home FeaturRoof: ShglePat / Porch: Porch - Enclosed, Deck - ComposeExterr: Storage, Stone WallFoundatn: Concrete PerimeterHas a Private PoolParkg & GarageNumber of Garage Spac: 2Number of Covered Spac: 2No CarportHas a GarageHas an Attached GarageParkg Spac: 10Parkg: Attached, Garage Fac Si, Off StreetPoolPool: Above GroundPoolFrontageWaterontWateront: Wateront, Pond, PrivateRoad Frontage: PublicRoad Surface Type: PavedOn WaterontWater & SewerSewer: Private SewerProperty InformatnYear BuiltYear Built: 1988Property Type / StyleProperty Type: RintialProperty Subtype: Sgle Fay RinceArchecture: ColonialBuildgNot Attached PropertyProperty InformatnParcel Number: 3257572Price & StatPriceList Price: $564, 000Stat Change & DatOff Market Date: Sat Jul 17 2021Active StatMLS Stat: SoldLotnDirectn & AddrsCy: BrookfieldBuildgBuildg AreaBuildg Area: 2587 Square FeetCommunyCommuny Featur: Shoppg, Walk/Jog Trails, Conservatn Area, Highway Accs, Public SchoolLot InformatnLot Area: 10 AcrCompensatnBuyer Agency Commissn: 2.


71 Gay Rd, Brookfield, MA 01506 is a 2,587 sqft, 3 bed, 3 bath home sold 2021. See the timate, review home tails, and search for hom nearby. * 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

5Buyer Agency Commissn Type:%NotThe listg broker’s offer of pensatn is ma only to participants of the MLS where the listg is filedMiscellaneoBasementMls Number: 72813774Addnal InformatnShoppgWalk/Jog TrailsConservatn AreaHighway AccsPublic SchoolLast check for updat: about 6 hours agoListed by Stephanie LachapelleERA Key Realty Servic- FramBought wh: Leal Realty Group, Keller Williams Realty Greater WorcterSource: MLS PIN, MLS#72813774Price History for 71 Gay RdEvent DetailsPrice09/03/2021SoldMLS PIN #72813774$564K07/17/2021PendgMLS PIN #72813774$564K07/07/2021ContgentMLS PIN #72813774$564K05/03/2021PriceChangeMLS PIN #72813774$564K04/13/2021Listed For SaleMLS PIN #72813774$579K02/29/2008SoldN/A$350KProperty Tax and AsssmentYear2021Tax$8, 497Asssment$472, 300Home facts updated by unty rerdsHom for Rent Near 71 Gay RdOff Market Hom Near 71 Gay Rd71 Gay Rd, Brookfield, MA 01506 is a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2, 587 sqft sgle-fay home built 1988. 71 Gay Rd was last sold on Sep 3, 2021 for $564, 000 (0% higher than the askg price of $564, 000). The current Tlia Estimate for 71 Gay Rd is $670, 700.

71 Gay RoadBrookfield, MA 015062, 587 Sq.

OverviewLotnLotnProperty InfoProperty HistoryPublic RerdsSchoolsSiar HomDcriptnWele to 71 Gay Rd, a private untry oasis the nveniently loted town of Brookfield! Wele to 71 Gay Rd, a private untry oasis the nveniently loted town of Brookfield! Listg AgentProperty Details for 71 Gay RoadTownBrookfieldAreaMA-BrookfieldArchectural StyleColonialStyleColonialGarage Spac2Parkg Spac10.


71 Gay Road, Brookfield, MA 01506 is a sgle fay home not currently listed. This is a 3-bed, 3-bath, 2,587 sqft property. * 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

00Parkg Spac Total10LotnListg Courty of Compass, Stephanie LachapelleSold By Keller Williams Realty Greater Worcter, Leal Realty GroupLISTING UPDATED: 08/05/2022 09:37 AMProperty Details for 71 Gay RoadStatSoldMLS #72813774Days on Market95Tax$8, 023 / yearHOA Fe-Compass TypeSgle FayMLS TypeSgle Fay / DetachedYear Built1988CountyWorcter CountyLotnListg Courty of Compass, Stephanie LachapelleSold By Keller Williams Realty Greater Worcter, Leal Realty GroupBuildg Informatn for 71 Gay RoadStori-Year Built1988Buildg Size-Lot Size10.

Property Informatn for 71 Gay RoadGeneral DetailsProperty DetailsBuildg Area Uns: Square FeetCommuny Featur: Shoppg, Walk/Jog Trails, Conservatn Area, Highway Accs, Public SchoolCurrent Fancg: Conv.


Informatn about property on 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield MA, 01506-1878. Fd out owner ntacts, buildg history, price, neighborhood | Homemetry * 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

0Property InformatnProperty InfoYear Round: YFarm Land Area Uns: Square FeetLot Size Uns: AcrRoad Frontage Type: PublicRoad Surface Type: PavedDisclosur: Subject to fal subdivisn om larger parcel, 71 Gay Rd will be approximately 10 acr. 5Other Agent Compensatn: 1Property History for 71 Gay RoadDateEvent & SourcePriceAppreciatnFor pletens, Compass often displays two rerds for one sale: the MLS rerd and the public Rerds for 71 Gay RoadTaxable ValueLand$85, 600Addns$480, 700Total$566, 300Tax Rerd2023$9, 049 ($754 / month) Home FactsBeds3Baths2.

Take a closer look at this 3 bed, 3 bath, 1,968 SqFt, Agricultural, loted at 71 GAY RD BROOKFIELD, MA 01506. * 71 gay rd brookfield ma *

5Total Fished SqFt3, 101 SqFtAbove Gra Fished SqFt3, 101 SqFtStori2Lot Size435, 600 SqFtStyleSgle Fay RinceYear Built1988ZongR1CountyWORCESTERAPNBROO M:001C B:0000 L:00180Fireplace TypeHas FireplaceSchools near 71 Gay RoadThis home is wh Tantasqua School ratgs and boundari are provid by and Pney Bow. 43+ Gay Road. 71 Gay Road.

Informatn about property on 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield MA, 01506-1878. HOUSEHOLDERS AND TENANTS for 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield MA. Where is 71 Gay Rd, Brookfield MA loted on map?


71 Gay Road, Brookfield, MA 01506 | Compass .