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Malaysia’s ernment has cut short a mic ftival after the lead sger of Brish band The 1975 slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance. Malaysia's munitns and digal mister has slammed Matty Healy’s nduct late Friday, July 21, 2023 at the start of the Good Vib Ftival as “very .” (Photo by Stt Garft/Invisn/AP, file)" loadg="eager" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel pt8 px20 sm:px0 ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14"><span class="ya"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700">FILE - Matty Healy of the 1975 performs at the Readg Mic Ftival, England, Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022. Malaysia’s ernment has cut short a mic ftival after the lead sger of Brish band The 1975 slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance. Malaysia's munitns and digal mister has slammed Matty Healy’s nduct late Friday, July 21, 2023 at the start of the Good Vib Ftival as “very .” (Photo by Stt Garft/Invisn/AP, file)</span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr48"><div>Stt Garft/Stt Garft/Invisn/AP</div></span></figptn></figure><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>JAKARTA, Indonia (AP) — Brish pop rock band The 1975 announced on Sunday was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival the wake of the band's lead sger slammg the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissg a male bandmate durg their performance.</p></div><div class="mb32"><img src=" alt="" class="x1px y1px vh abs" aria-hidn="te" width="1" height="1"/><div id="d4dbb2d2-057c-4ad9-ba3c-4ac5a6d223f8"></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>The 1975 was schled to have a performance at We The Ft, Indonia’s annual summer mic ftival, Jakarta on Sunday night, part of their 2023 Asia tour.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>“The 1975 regret to announce that their forthg shows Jakarta and Taipei will no longer be gog ahead as planned,” the group said a statement posted on We The Ft’s social media platforms on Sunday. They add that the cisn was not ma lightly "but unfortunately due to the current circumstanc, is impossible to proceed wh the current shows.”</p></div><div class="pt16 mb32 sy16 bb bt b-gray300"><div class=""><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="A300" data-large-id="Inle-1" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Indonia, the world’s most populo Mlim natn, do not prohib LGBTQ rights except the nservative Aceh provce.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Matt Healey, the lead vol of The 1975, ed profany his speech cricizg the ernment’s stance agast homosexualy, before kissg bass player Ross MacDonald. Footage of the cint was posted on social media and sparked a backlash predomantly Mlim Malaysia.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Malaysia’s Communitns and Digal Mister Fahmi Fadzil slammed Matty Healy’s nduct late Friday and said a Facebook post that homosexualy is a crime the untry punishable by up to 20 years prison and ng.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>It wasn’t the first time that Healy ed the stage to fend lbian and gay rights. In 2019, he kissed a male fan durg a ncert the Uned Arab Emirat, which also outlaws homosexual acts, acrdg to media reports.</p></div><div class="y1px x100 abs bgn top"></div><div style="top:25%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div style="top:50%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div style="top:75%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div class="y1px x100 abs bgn bottom"></div></article></div><div class="package"><span class="mb16 block"><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14 c-gray600"><time dateTime="2023-07-23 02:46:44">July 23, 2023</time></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14 c-gray600"><span class="px8">|</span>Updated<!-- --> <time dateTime="2023-07-23 03:13:41">July 23, 2023 3:13 a.m.</time></span></span><div class="bt bb b-gray400 py16 pr8"><div class="f aic jcb fw g8"><div class="f fdc sy4"><span class="c-gray700 f aic g2 fw owa"><span class="fs16"><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs16 fs16">By </span><span class="ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14"><span class="c-gray700 wbbw">EDNA TARIGAN</span></span></span></span></div><div class="sx8 f"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="none lg:f mnw300px x300px fdc sy40 jcb"><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="A300" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-121401-mostPopular" class="package"><div class="f fdc sy32 lg:sy24"><div class="ttc f aic sx16"><h2 class="wsn ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs18">Most Popular</h2><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-primary"></div></div><div class="grid pl0"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">1<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8 ml4"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/life/wildlife/article/">One of the rart whal the world was jt spotted ...</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">2<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/rockets/article/">Amen Thompson's ee-throw le dunk is both real and spectacular</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">3<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/astros/article/">Rangers broadsters left bewilred by Astros' game-wng n</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">4<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/news/hoton-texas/article/">Astros owner tears down newly bought $24M mansn</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">5<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/news/space/article/">Strange lights appear over Texas, bafflg rints. What are...</a></h2></div></div></div></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-120706-dynamic_thumbnail_list" class="package"><div class="f fdc sy28"><div class="f aic"><div class="f aic ttu ls10 xmc le-block rel ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 fs20 ls12 md:fs25 md:ls15"><div class="wsn pl20 sm:pl28 pr12 sm:pr16 pt12 pb16 sm:pt16 sm:pb20 z1001 f aic">Shoppg<div class="ml8 sm:ml12 br50 x8px y8px borr bw2"></div></div><svg prerveAspectRat="none" width="100%" height="100%" class="le-block abs top left c-primary" viewBox="0 0 211 77" fill="none" xmlns="><path d="M187.291 7.95447H8.87643C4.45816 7.95447 0.876434 11.5362 0.876434 15.9545V68.6212C0.876434 73.0395 4.45816 76.6212 8.87644 76.6212H183.325C185.824 76.6212 188.179 75.4538 189.692 73.4652L196.112 65.0274V18.3692L187.291 7.95447Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M193.618 1.39624H16.7216C12.3033 1.39624 8.72159 4.97796 8.72159 9.39624V60.8462C8.72159 65.2645 12.3033 68.8462 16.7216 68.8462H193.381C195.298 68.8462 197.151 68.1579 198.604 66.9065L206.791 59.8514C208.554 58.3317 209.568 56.1191 209.568 53.7911V15.5505C209.568 13.0753 208.423 10.7395 206.465 9.22443L198.515 3.07014C197.113 1.98503 195.391 1.39624 193.618 1.39624Z" fill="whe" stroke="#111111" stroke-width="2"></path></svg></div><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-black ml-1 mb4"></div></div><div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/shoppg/" data-lk="native">Shoppg</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/shoppg/bt-of-hoton/" data-lk="native">See all the Bt of Hoton maps</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" href="/shoppg/bt-of-hoton/" data-lk="native"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="See all the Bt of Hoton maps" alt="See all the Bt of Hoton" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article><div class="b-gray400 bb pen my16"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">GoPro's most advanced mera is $150 off (but not for long)</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="GoPro's most advanced mera is $150 off (but not for long)" alt="GoPro 11 Black [" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article><div class="b-gray400 bb pen my16"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">Nja's Mega Kchen System is quietly over 40% off at Amazon</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Nja's Mega Kchen System is quietly over 40% off at Amazon" alt="The Nja Mega Kchen System is 40% off on Amazon. [" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article><div class="b-gray400 bb pen my16"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">Amazon's Kasa Smart Plugs are only $7 each wh this flash al</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Amazon's Kasa Smart Plugs are only $7 each wh this flash al" alt="The Kasa Smart Plug 2 pack is 30% off today on Amazon [" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article><div class="b-gray400 bb pen my16"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">lululemon's new clear belt bag is perfect for ncerts</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="lululemon's new clear belt bag is perfect for ncerts" alt="The Lululemon Clear belt bag is here and 's Stadium ready. [" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article><div class="b-gray400 bb pen my16"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">The JBL waterproof earbuds are 25% off at Amazon right now</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="The JBL waterproof earbuds are 25% off at Amazon right now" alt="The Waterproof wirels earbuds om JBL are 25% off at Amazon [" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article></div></div></div></div><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="NTV7ARD" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div><div id="taboola-right-rail-thumbnails"></div></div><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="RB-1" data-un=""></div></div></div></div></div></div><div data-layout="Layout1Column" class="f fdc mx20 sm:mx32 xl:mxa mb40 xl:mw1200px"><div class="zone center sy20"><div data-eid="llectn-120708-dynamic_four_pack" class="package"><div class="mw1200px"><div class="f aic"><div class="f aic ttu ls10 xmc le-block rel ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 fs20 ls12 md:fs25 md:ls15"><div class="wsn pl20 sm:pl28 pr12 sm:pr16 pt12 pb16 sm:pt16 sm:pb20 z1001 f aic">Shoppg<div class="ml8 sm:ml12 br50 x8px y8px borr bw2"></div></div><svg prerveAspectRat="none" width="100%" height="100%" class="le-block abs top left c-primary" viewBox="0 0 211 77" fill="none" xmlns="><path d="M187.291 7.95447H8.87643C4.45816 7.95447 0.876434 11.5362 0.876434 15.9545V68.6212C0.876434 73.0395 4.45816 76.6212 8.87644 76.6212H183.325C185.824 76.6212 188.179 75.4538 189.692 73.4652L196.112 65.0274V18.3692L187.291 7.95447Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M193.618 1.39624H16.7216C12.3033 1.39624 8.72159 4.97796 8.72159 9.39624V60.8462C8.72159 65.2645 12.3033 68.8462 16.7216 68.8462H193.381C195.298 68.8462 197.151 68.1579 198.604 66.9065L206.791 59.8514C208.554 58.3317 209.568 56.1191 209.568 53.7911V15.5505C209.568 13.0753 208.423 10.7395 206.465 9.22443L198.515 3.07014C197.113 1.98503 195.391 1.39624 193.618 1.39624Z" fill="whe" stroke="#111111" stroke-width="2"></path></svg></div><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-black ml-1 mb4"></div></div><div class="f g16 mt16 ox-scroll hbtno0w -mr20 sm:mr0 sm:grid g1a3t45e"><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="9 top-rated backpacks for kids of all ag" alt="9 top-rated backpacks for kids of all ag" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">9 top-rated backpacks for kids of all ag</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="8 top-rated hammocks for relaxg, sleepg and mpg" alt="8 top-rated hammocks for relaxg, sleepg and mpg" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">8 top-rated hammocks for relaxg, sleepg and mpg</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Amazon's Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip is unr $50 today" alt="Amazon's Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip is unr $50 today" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">Amazon's Kasa Smart Plug Power Strip is unr $50 today</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px mr20 sm:mr0"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="The FB Inspire 3 is 20% off on Amazon right now" alt="The FB Inspire 3 is 20% off on Amazon right now" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">The FB Inspire 3 is 20% off on Amazon right now</a></h2></div></article></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-109096-dynamic_four_pack" class="package"><div class="mw1200px"><div class="f aic"><div class="ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 fs18 md:fs32 lg:fs20 p16 borr bw2 b-black xmc br8 ttu l32hq ml8"><h2 class="wsn">Edor's Picks</h2></div><div class="bb bw2 x100"></div></div><div class="f g16 mt16 ox-scroll hbtno0w -mr20 sm:mr0 sm:grid g1a3t45e"><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/culture/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Booksellers sue over TX law mandatg oversight of sexual ntent" alt="Booksellers sue over TX law mandatg oversight of sexual ntent" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/culture/" data-lk="native">Culture</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/culture/article/">Booksellers sue over TX law mandatg oversight of sexual ntent</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/texans/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="How playg Madn ma Jalen Pre a smarter football player" alt="How playg Madn ma Jalen Pre a smarter football player" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/sports/texans/" data-lk="native">Texans</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/sports/texans/article/">How playg Madn ma Jalen Pre a smarter football player</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/news/world/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Legal dispute facg Texan Dubai shows lims of speech UAE" alt="Legal dispute facg Texan Dubai shows lims of speech UAE" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/news/world/" data-lk="native">World 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fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">9 top-rated backpacks for kids of all ag</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br sm:bb sm:brn pen l1Span"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/news/hoton-texas/tn/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Texas A&M spend profsor acced of cricizg Dan Patrick" alt="Texas A&M spend profsor acced of cricizg Dan Patrick" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/news/hoton-texas/tn/" data-lk="native">Edutn</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/news/hoton-texas/tn/article/">Texas A&M spend profsor acced of cricizg Dan Patrick</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/life/wildlife/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Officials nfirm what killed hundreds of thoands of fish" alt="Officials nfirm what killed hundreds of thoands of fish" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/life/wildlife/" data-lk="native">Wildlife</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 xs:fs22 fs18 ls02 xs:ls05 sm:ls02"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/life/wildlife/article/">Officials nfirm what killed hundreds of thoands of fish</a></h2></div></article><div class="b-gray400 br pen"></div><article class="f fdc sy8 sm:mnwa xs:mnw300px md:mnw140px mnw200px"><div><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/news/hoton-texas/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="The plac near Hoton will be unrwater by 2050, study says" alt="The plac near Hoton will be unrwater by 2050, study says" loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div><div class="f fdc sy8"><span class="ttu"><span class="f ff-fontA fw-fontA fs-fontA lh12 ls10 fs14 c-primaryAccsible wsn"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" href="/news/hoton-texas/" data-lk="native">Hoton & Texas</a></span></span><h2 class="hya c-black lc lc3 ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 sm:fs18 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gay in taipei

Taipei Gay Sna Gui. Fd the bt gay snas and hot sprgs for men Taipei. Reviews, openg hours, gay map, photos and more. 同性恋桑拿浴室 台北



Brish pop rock band The 1975 has announced was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival, a day before, as the band’s lead sger slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandm... * gay in taipei *

Brish pop rock band The 1975 has announced was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival, a day before, as the band’s lead sger slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male TARIGAN Associated PrsFILE - Matty Healy of the 1975 performs at the Readg Mic Ftival, England, Sunday, Aug.

Malaysia’s ernment has cut short a mic ftival after the lead sger of Brish band The 1975 slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance. ” (Photo by Stt Garft/Invisn/AP, file)The Associated PrsJAKARTA, Indonia -- Brish pop rock band The 1975 announced on Sunday was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival the wake of the band's lead sger slammg the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissg a male bandmate durg their 1975 was schled to have a performance at We The Ft, Indonia’s annual summer mic ftival, Jakarta on Sunday night, part of their 2023 Asia tour. Matt Healey, the lead vol of The 1975, ed profany his speech cricizg the ernment’s stance agast homosexualy, before kissg bass player Ross MacDonald.

Malaysia’s Communitns and Digal Mister Fahmi Fadzil slammed Matty Healy’s nduct late Friday and said a Facebook post that homosexualy is a crime the untry punishable by up to 20 years prison and wasn’t the first time that Healy ed the stage to fend lbian and gay rights. In 2019, he kissed a male fan durg a ncert the Uned Arab Emirat, which also outlaws homosexual acts, acrdg to media reports.


Brish pop rock band The 1975 has announced was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival, a day before, as the band’s lead sger slammed the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate durg their performance. * gay in taipei *

Dpe several lol bylaws discrimatg agast LGBTQ+ people Indonia, s natnal laws have never ma homosexualy a crimal there have been attempts to crimalise homosexualy by nservative policians and groups, while gay upl often face discrimatn the world’s most populo Mlim-majory untry. JAKARTA, Indonia (AP) — Brish pop rock band The 1975 announced on Sunday was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival the wake of the band’s lead sger slammg the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissg a male bandmate durg their 1975 was schled to have a performance at We The Ft, Indonia’s annual summer mic ftival, Jakarta on Sunday night, part of their 2023 Asia tour.

” (Photo by Stt Garft/Invisn/AP, file)Stt Garft/Stt Garft/Invisn/APJAKARTA, Indonia (AP) — Brish pop rock band The 1975 announced on Sunday was ncelg s shows Jakarta and Taipei after the Malaysian ernment cut short a mic ftival the wake of the band's lead sger slammg the untry’s anti-gay laws and kissg a male bandmate durg their 1975 was schled to have a performance at We The Ft, Indonia’s annual summer mic ftival, Jakarta on Sunday night, part of their 2023 Asia tour. ”AdvertisementArticle ntu below this adIndonia, the world’s most populo Mlim natn, do not prohib LGBTQ rights except the nservative Aceh Healey, the lead vol of The 1975, ed profany his speech cricizg the ernment’s stance agast homosexualy, before kissg bass player Ross MacDonald. In 2019, he kissed a male fan durg a ncert the Uned Arab Emirat, which also outlaws homosexual acts, acrdg to media 23, 2023|Updated July 23, 2023 3:13 a.


Expert travel advice for travelers on LGBT Rights Taiwan and the gay-iendly environment gay travellers will enunter Taipei, Kaohsug and more... * gay in taipei *

I was ially nervo about datg as a gay person a new cy, but my experience Taipei has been overwhelmgly posive.

The bate over same-sex marriage has been gog on sce 2003 when the executive branch of the ernment started to prepare legislatn to allow gay marriage. Meanwhile, the movement support of gay marriage was growg Taiwan wh publicy events like the biggt same-sex weddg party ever 2011.

The panel of judg gave the ernment 2 years to legalize same-sex marriage, which would make the first untry Asia to legalise gay marriage.


Taiwan gay and lbian hotels gutho acmodatns rorts and travel tips by Utopia * gay in taipei *

The good news is, acrdg to a 2016 study, tolerance towards homosexualy Taiwan creased 132% between 1995 and 2012 and Taiwan’s reputatn as the most gay-iendly untry Asia is certaly more than jtified by this and s thrivg gay muny. However another study showed that Taiwane people were ls likely to be tolerant of gay members of their own fay wh 38. This shows that there are still some graed prejudic and a certa amount of misunrstandgs about the gay muny – sadly somethg reflected the 2018 referendum rult.


Gay Bars Taipei 2021 Most of Taipei’s gay bars are loted the Red Hoe District, a large outdoor plex featurg shops, bars and rtrants. * gay in taipei *

Although there are challeng for LGBT cizens, gay travellers to the untry n feel nfint that they’ll fd a warm wele, some great gay nights out and the biggt gay scene all of Asia. It’s been this way for years, to be hont, but only recently has bee an ternatnal LGBT travel statn and gay travellers should feel enuraged to vis and lend support. Visors will notice a relatively high number of gay upl out and about, perhaps even gettg a ltle close a bar, but ’s worth highlightg here that general public displays of affectn are not big Taiwan.

That’s why gay travellers to Taiwan should be aware of where they are to ensure they are not embarrassg people around – ’s rarely hostile, but people here will feel a b embarrassed by both heterosexual and homosexual displays of smoochg!

There are many fascatg plac to disver Taiwan and gay travellers should feel posive about travellg all around. Taipei, as the pal, naturally has the biggt gay scene wh a diverse gaybourhood and the aforementned Pri.


If you're terted attendg Taipei Gay Pri 2023 (or beyond), you've arrived the right place. * gay in taipei *

Once travellers start headg to other ci, like Taan, they will fd much ls on offer the form of flamboyant gay scen; but the are still plac worth gog. As you’d expect om a hospable and progrsive untry, ’s not a stggle to fd gay-iendly acmodatn Taiwan.

Usually, the hotels near the gay nightlife the bigger ci are more likely to be gay ‘hotspots’.

G’s Hotel is the first gay hotel Taipei offerg budget acmodatn exclively for men wh a foc on shared bathrooms and gettg zy wh other guts. We have to say, however, that we wouldn’t stay for the r and there are plenty of other fabulo gay-iendly acmodatn optns Taiwan.


Gay Taipei Gui 2021 wh sir guis to the bt bars, clubs, rtrants and events the cy. Plan and book your trip wh . * gay in taipei *

The food Taiwan is jtifiably world-renowned, whether ’s high cuise or street food at night markets – this n be enjoyed by all visors, gay and straight alike! Of urse all activi are open to everyone and gay visors to Taiwan will fd plenty to su any travel tast. For more gay-specific activi, travellers n take their trip durg one of the Pri events the cy to show support for LGBT rights Taiwan (and have a hell of a good time!

There’s also the famo Red Hoe area Taipei where there are multiple gay bars, clubs and f – visors should do their rearch to figure out which on they n give a miss!


The bt hotels Taipei for gay travelers. Exclive reviews, check pric, photos, disunts, book onle. Updated for 2023. 同性恋友好酒店 台北 * gay in taipei *

All of the ci have at least one ‘reputable’ gay sna that travellers n try out to learn more about the gay scene Taiwan. The LGBT scene particular is very excg and we totally believe supportg a untry that’s so far ahead of s neighbours terms of gay rights.


A Southern California school board on Friday adopted a social studi curriculum that clus gay rights that was approved by parents and teachers after ially rejectg . * gay in taipei *

Gay travellers should expect to meet tons of new iends, disver some credible dish, see some great sights and enjoy some fabulo nights out. Gs Hotel UTOPIA VERIFIED AUG 2020#322, Sec 5, Nanjg East Rd, Utopia Map+886 2-2766-1116, FAX +886 2-2760-3989, emailGay men only boutique hotel and sna. QUNCI VILLAS, a gay-iendly, gay-managed tropil rort on the heavenly island of Lombak, jt next to Bali...

There are a lot of gay and gay iendly hotels close to the Red Hoe district offerg great value for money, however rooms n be on the smaller si.

Although I don’t make a pot of travelg to pri ftivals around the world, I have to adm that my experience at Taipei Gay Pri 2019 was one of my happit memori ever.


Taipei Gay Snas Taipei has some of the biggt and bt gay Snas all of Asia. Many of them are multipurpose venu bg cisg, * gay in taipei *

Contue readg to learn more about Taiwan gay pri, and why you should make the journey there(if you aren’t already nvced). Apart om the person volved the breakup I mentned the troductn to this piece, the gay men I’ve met Taiwan are some of the kst and most tertg people I’ve met anywhere the world. Another thg I love about Taiwan Gay Pri is how Taipei’s own nvenience mak participatg events so easy.

This is good not only if you love to meet guys om different Asian untri, but also bee of what the event means to them; many e om untri where is not easy (or maybe even legal) to be gay. Although the official dat for Taiwan Pri 2024 have not been set, will take place durg the last week of October, as gay pri Taipei always do.

I’d remend bookmarkg this Taiwan Gay Pri page, as I’ll be updatg once this year’s ftivi have fished.

Disver gay Taipei's vibrant scene wh our gui. From top gay bars and clubs to cultural events, explore Taiwan's clive muny. * gay in taipei *

Although many famo Taipei gay bars are loted wh the Ximen Red Hoe, this historil buildg is famo for more than the great mic and nice cktails you fd wh . In fact, s lotn near the popular Ximendg shoppg street has ma as famo among straight tourists as is among gay on! Even before gay marriage beme legal 2017, Taiwan was famo for s acceptg attu toward gay people, particularly Taipei cy.

Foreigners n take advantage of Taiwan’s legal gay marriage—but there’s a tch: You need to e om a untry where gay marriage is legal.

Although you weren’t able to attend Taipei Gay Pri durg the vid years, I enurage you to keep on your bucket list for 2023 and beyond. At no other LGBT event my life have I felt more solidary wh fellow atten—I’ve never felt more proud to be gay.


California school board adopts social studi textbooks that clu gay rights after warngs om ernor | CNN .