Lisa Gaye (Llie Gaye Griff) was born on 6 March, 1935 Denver, Colorado, USA, is an Actrs, Soundtrack. Disver Lisa Gaye's Bgraphy, Age, Height,...
Victorian Funds Management Corporatn (VFMC) has announced the appotment of Lisa Gay to s board. * lisa gay vfmc *
Lisa Gay. Lisa Gay is a highly regard legal and pliance profsnal wh fancial servic experience funds management, vtment bankg and stockbrokg. “The Board and I are lighted that Kate will be jog VFMC to lead the team, buildg on the strong foundatns tablished recent years”, said Ms Lisa Gay, Actg Chair.
Victorian Funds Management Corporatn (VFMC) has announced the appotment of Lisa Gay to s board.
Gay has extensive fancial servic experience funds management, vtment bankg, and brokg. Gay, and fellow new board appotee, Pla Benson, replace Ray Kg and Chris Pearce who pleted their three year tenure January 2016. Commentg on the appotments, VFMC chair Jam MacKenzie said: "The new directors epen the strength of VFMC's Board fancial servic and funds management and VFMC wel the addnal skills and sights Ms Benson and Ms Gay will brg the area of rporate and social rponsibily.