”A former high school teacher, Archbishop Wter said bullyg n be pecially toxic for young people who are tryg to e to terms wh their sexual orientatn, pecially when eher they or others misterpret church teachg on homosexualy to nvey the notn that beg gay self is Catholic Church teach that homosexualy is “objectively disorred” and nmns sexual acts between people of the same sex as sful.
But at the same time, says that gay people “mt be accepted wh rpect, passn, and sensivy. People may sometim misterpret church teachg about homosexualy and rrectly thk they are somehow cut off om God’s love as a rult.
“Sometim people n make equivotns, ‘Well if ’s a s to engage a homosexual act, then I mt be terrible person. Catholics who gathered at Newark’s Cathedral Basili of the Sacred Heart, and 2019, he told NBC News that he found the church’s language around homosexualy to be “very unfortunate” and “hurtful. Acrdg to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventn, lbian, gay and bisexual youth are bullied and attempt suici at higher rat than their heterosexual peers.