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ABSTRACT: What mak a drk "gay"?
For the purpos of this experiment, the signatn and selectn of gay drks has been left to profsnals--real live bartenrs real live gay bars.
ABSTRACT: What mak a drk "gay"? Some say all tak is a name endg "ra" or "ti," while others specify the cln of chopped u and fanciful ratns. For the purpos of this experiment, the signatn and selectn of gay drks has been left to profsnals--real live bartenrs real live gay bars. HYPOTHESIS: Tt subject "Sanep" is a 37-year-old straight man who, his natural habat, enjoys Jim Beam on the rocks... * drinking gay piss *
Will an eveng spent downg "gay drks" gay bars spire "Sanep" to nvert to homosexualy, however fleetgly? MEANS AND METHODS: Our experiment began at the elegant Capol Hill gay bar Thumpers. Inlitely phemized as a "wrkle room, " Thumpers appeals largely to gay elrs, boastg not only a full-service bar, but also an upsle dg room and performanc by jazz pianists.
The subject's first "gay drk" of the night was a Grape Nehi (2 oz vodka, 2 oz raspberry liqur, lemon, blend wh ice), given an extra splash of gay by our acmodatg bartenr, who crowned the drk wh a spear of marascho cherri and a paper umbrella. As he imbibed drk number two--a Cabana Boy Rum Sunset (2 oz Cabana Boy m, 4 oz lemon-lime soda), scribed as "really, really sweet"--he gamely shared his "gayt" memori om childhood, om roller-skatg to the Village People to his once-passnate love for N. Wh gay drk number two down the hatch, the subject had bee noticeably tipsier; as we left Thumpers, he was sg broadly, and once on the street, he generoly gave a buck to a one-legged hobo.
But was subject "Sanep" any gayer? As we walked to our send statn, I brought up the topic of homosexualy, and got a dose of booze-fueled ndor: "I've sucked some dick, " the subject announced, gog on to reunt his llege-era dallianc wh those of his own sex.