Is Hayn Christensen Gay? - mangoTips

hayden christensen gay

Hayn Christensen: Homo Say What? It mt be hard beg gay and the star of a mega film anchise. There isn't exactly a playbook that tells you how to handle that very unique suatn. But, we thk that Hayn Christensen has handled himself que well. It's pretty much an open secret …



What is Hayn Christensen, an actor who's had to bat away mors about his sexualy, dog on a magaze que as gay as Details? Last week, the Jumper star wanred the streets of Manhattan wh his -star, Rachel Bilson, providg heterosexual photo opportuni. All that hard paparazzi-enticg work, thrown away for one loy magaze ver. Unls this is all part of his handlers' plan: enurage speculatn the celebry weekli of a relatnship between the prettyboy actor and his female -star; but leave enough d language and imagery for the gays to believe there's still hope. In the bs of celebry image-makg, this is the equivalent of the evangelil dog-whistle, or Mike Huckabee's floatg cross mercial, an appeal signed only to be picked up by the target mographic. If so, 's workg: spe awful reviews, Jumper was the weekend's hight grossg new release. (After the jump, the reason why the Jumper star keeps the dience gusg: his fans, who have filled Youtube wh dreamy tribute vios, n't handle the tth.) * hayden christensen gay *

What is Hayn Christensen, an actor who's had to bat away mors about his sexualy, dog on a magaze que as gay as Details? Unls this is all part of his handlers' plan: enurage speculatn the celebry weekli of a relatnship between the prettyboy actor and his female -star; but leave enough d language and imagery for the gays to believe there's still hope. Sissy: not somethg one uld say about Hayn Christensen, star of Doug Liman's new science-fictn movie, Jumper: he manfully squired -star Rachel Bilson round Manhattan to tablish his heterosexual crentials, but not so nclively that female or gay fans would thk him unavailable.

Even more plited: the relatnship between fashn signer Marc Jabs, his boyiend, and the gay porn star they've adopted. The gays n be particularly ted when they qutn the sexualy of every boyish actor.

But the fevered yearng of gay Hayn fans is sweet and nocent bi the promotn by the marketers of Jumper of an official mor: that the lite boy-actor is aga, jt time for the movie's release, heterosexually datg Rachel Bilson. Is Hayn Christensen gay?


Is Hayn Christensen gay? It's fely possible. The young actor has many admirers Hollywood, cludg Natalie Portman, Taylor Thomas, and Trevor * hayden christensen gay *

Fortunately, he’s not the only one who’s openly gay. Here are four other gay actors you might want to know about. After gettg the role of Anak Skywalker the ‘Star Wars’ film seri, Hayn Christensen did an terview wh ‘The Advote’ magaze which he almost admted to beg gay.


* hayden christensen gay *

While his actns did not prove that he is homosexual, the publicy mpaign surroundg the actor’s sexualy did.


Is Hayn Christensen Gay? Come and disver what has been said lately about this and what is Hayn Christensen sayg about this. * hayden christensen gay *

However, a eper look at the actor’s personal life may reveal that he is not a gay man. However, if you want to know if Christensen is gay, here is everythg you need to know. Whether Hayn Christensen is gay or not is a ntent bate, but is possible that both actors were once engaged.


The Details article (acpanyg the Steven Kle photos I posted yterday) on Hayn Christensen is now onle: "And there are drawbacks [to fame], like people you don’t know startg to wonr whom you’re sleepg wh—though Christensen’s been relatively lucky this regard, mostly sisteppg vasive scty. He’s been lked the prs, routely and predictably, wh whatever star he’s currently filmg wh (Natalie Portman Revenge of the Sh [he ni havg dated her], Rachel Bilson Jumpers), the kds of uplgs that always rry a whiff of P.R. brimstone—and jt as reliably dissolve shortly after openg weekend. He’s also, jt as predictably, been the subject of speculatn that he’s gay. He’s said on the rerd that he’s not. He’s also said he don’t md people’s thkg he is. He knows they’ll talk eher way." Check AFTER THE JUMP for the behd-the-scen vio... * hayden christensen gay *

After several years the entertament bs, is not shockg to hear the mors that the star is gay.

Acrdg to the mors, the two actors are gay. Rumors have been swirlg about whether or not Hayn Christensen is gay for a while. While he is not openly gay, he is fely bisexual.

Bgrafía Hayn Christensen cluyendo fotos fancia/leg y grabacn la primera vez en la tv + históri etnia y hechos sobre ser gay/hetero. * hayden christensen gay *

In 2001, Hayn Christensen’s longtime partner, Trevor Blumas, was photographed wearg the same jewelry that the gay muny to intify themselv. The article, which was published the gay magaze “The Advote, ” featured the actor wearg jewelry a pattern that match current gay and bisexual jewelry s.


<i>Star Wars</i>' Hayn Christensen: "I'm not gay" (4218) .