Fascatg stori about the most famo gay people the world. From Michelangelo to Ellen DeGener, Out celebrat the liv of notable LGBT figur.
This Pri Month, celebrate the famo people who have played a major role the Gay Rights Movement over the years. * famous gay people of history *
Advertisement - Contue Readg Below2 Barbara GtgsShutterstockGtgs beme a csar for gay rights a before the Stonewall rebelln.
In addn to lnchg the New York chapter of the lbian anizatn, Dghters of Bilis (which she ran form 1958 to 1963), she eded their natnal magaze and was known for standg ont and center picket l prottg anti-gay discrimatn. Advertisement - Contue Readg Below3 Bayard RtGetty ImagRt never hid his homosexualy while fightg alongsi Dr. They were the first same-sex uple married 2004 after the cy clerk was orred to provi marriage licens to gay upl.
) He was also a key player gettg the Amerin Psychiatric Associatn to no longer list homosexualy as a mental disorr. The 1950s by anizg a secret society lled Bachelors Anonymo unr the ia that homosexual rights was somethg worth pursug jt like any other mory group.
He won a spot on the Cy-County Board 1977 after earng the nickname "Mayor of Castro Street, " makg him the first openly gay elected official California. Advertisement - Contue Readg Below14 Jam BaldwGetty ImagBaldw was wrg gay and bisexual characters years before the LGBTQ movement fully took form and up until his ath 1987. Advertisement - Contue Readg Below17 Karl Herich UlrichsAlamyRevered as a pneer of the morn gay rights movement, Ulrich was a German wrer creded as the first person to publicly "e out" 1862.