Red Ribbon · Wearg Gay History

gay red ribbon

A prentatn of the major symbols associated wh the gay, lbian, bisexual, and trangenr movements (and some general symbols thrown for good measure) and their histori.



Rabow Flag The rabow flag has bee the easily regnized lors of pri for the gay muny. The multicultural symbolism of the rabow is nothg new— Jse Jackson's Rabow Coaln also embrac the rabow as a symbol of that polil movement. * gay red ribbon *

The rabow flag has bee the easily regnized lors of pri for the gay muny. Use of the rabow flag by the gay muny began 1978 when first appeared the San Francis Gay and Lbian Freedom Day Para.

This six lor versn spread om San Francis to other ci, and soon beme the wily known symbol of gay pri and diversy is today. There is no qutn that bi people have helped foster the gay and lbian movement we have wnsed sce the Stonewall rts of 1969.

This was also a problem for gays and lbians prr to 1969 as very few were willg to "e out".


* gay red ribbon *

Each lor held 's own meang and was tend to reprent diversy of the gay and lbian muny.

The pk lor reprents same sex attractn (gay and lbian), the blue reprents attractn to the oppose sex (straight) and the rultant overlap lor purple reprents sexual attractn to both (bi). The key to unrstandg the symbolism of the Bi Pri Flag is to know that the purple pixels of lor blend unnoticeably to both the pk and blue jt as the "real world" where bi people blend unnoticeably to both the gay/lbian and straight muni.


Gay Pri Ribbon .