Are you qutng your sexualy? Fd out if you’re gay, straight, bisexual, or asexual. Learn what the terms mean and if they apply to you.
* your gay as hell *
No, the Bible NEVER says all homosexuals will go to hell.
Those are the most often ed vers to teach that homosexuals will go to hell. Fortunately for saved homosexuals and unfortunately for those who e those vers agast , the vers do not teach or imply that homosexuals will go to homosexual - gays, lbians, bisexuals and transgenr people - will go to heaven IF they tst J Christ as their Savr om s and hell and the wrath of God. I Cor 6:9 and Rev 22:15 scribe pagan worshipers of the fertily godss, not born aga gay men or lbian women or bisexuals or transsexuals.
Do gay people go to heaven? Do beg gay have anythg to do wh termg one’s eternal sty? * your gay as hell *
Teachg that homosexuals will go to hell based on 1 Corthians 6:9 occurs bee many Christians misunrstand the Greek word, arsenokoai. Do not be ceived: Neher the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostut nor homosexual offenrs (arsenokoai)" 1 Cor 6:9, NIVBee the NIV did such a loy job and mistranslated the Greek word, arsenokoai, many people nclud that homosexuals will not her the kgdom of the NIV translators had bothered to study stead of jt gog by what the Greek lexins say, the gay muny uld have avoid a lot of pa and heartache.
Arsenokoai has never been a reference to a lbian uple or a gay male uple. Some Christians terpret Rev 22:15 to mean that all homosexuals are dogs and will not be heaven.
Even one of the most anti-gay Christians, Dr. ” Robert Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice, p.
The most likely explanatn is that the term "dogs" Rev 22:15 primarily has view emasculated male cult prostut whout excludg a wir reference to any who engage homosexual practice. " Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice, p.
” Gagnon, The Bible and Homosexual Practice, p. 106 How to get saved todayDo God five homosexuals if they repent but ntue to be gay?